Batur Mountain View

Alamat Jl. Culali, South Batur, Bali
Telepon +62 819-9941-1213
Kategori Hotel
Peringkat 3.4 43 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
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Batur Mountain View ulasan

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22 September 2020 10:09

Good view but the room is severly lacking. The plaster is coming off the the walls, there was a cockroach in the room and there was a pipe leaking making sound non stop. The isolation of the rooms is pretty bad and at 10 in the morning someone (the hotel owner probably) starting hammering away on something which woke us up. The guy that seemed to be running the hotel was really nice though and good that you can still order decent food at your room at night but a hotel is mainly meant for sleeping and if that isn’t good, then the rating shouldn’t be good either. Also, the tap and shower pressure was very very low so it takes much longer to shower even.

08 Agustus 2019 15:49

Good place then view
But the cost for Batur Natural Hot Spring
It's too expensive for foreigners
300000rp for shower

13 April 2019 14:13

Night climb to see sunrise is definitely interesting experience and I do suggest try your strength and go by foot all the way, but in support of local businesses - bike is fine as well. Even if not seeing sunrise, like in our case, it is interesting to see steam places and after, when it is already bright, see the actual climb you have made during darkness and guiding just with flashlight.

I Wayan Wiraprastha
12 Januari 2019 10:47

Amazing view! Food was great! Staff are friendly. Price is reasonable.

Ignore the arrogant review by other traveler

05 Januari 2019 2:54

Lokasinya bagus, pemandangannya juga bagus karena menghadap Gng Batur.
Karena letaknya tepat ditepi jalan, dimana truk2 pengangkut pasir dan kepadatan arus truk2 tsb. Maka kebisingan dan debu yg pekat tidak bisa di hindari lagi.

02 Januari 2019 21:56

Too many additional charges when we arrived there. The water is running out when I was in the middle of showering. And also, too many insects. But the view is very breathtaking.

19 Desember 2018 5:35

Great view, you can see the sunrise from your room.service was great just a little bit slow. But the worst part there was the road passed by many trucks and so dusty

06 Desember 2018 19:02

Untuk pemandangan bagus karena berhadapan langsung dengan gunung batur. Masalah kebersihan tidak diperhatikan, lantai berdebu sangat kotor, tanaman juga penuh debu jarang disiram. Seandainya tempat ini di rawat dengan baik akan sangat mempesona

16 November 2018 1:11

Really smelly rooms (mold) with air so bad that we decided not to stay there. Really difficult to access by the road - loose sand and gravel on steep slope. Not recommended with a scooter, but doable with some new grey hair. And dozens of trucks driving up and making the air super dusty. Horrible.

07 November 2018 12:55

Ada perbaikan jalan yg membuat susah mencapai lokasi, bgt jg hotel dan kamar kurang terawat karena lama tak ada kunjungan.

03 Oktober 2018 0:57

Terakhir ke sini untuk motret sunrise. Cakep bangeetsss.tapi sayangbrutenya sulit.pencahayaan minim. Jalanan hancur.pengelola pun masih kurang rapih.tapi over all puas banget untuk ke sini.bagi yang mau ke sini harus bawa jaket juga yah. Karena cuaca dingin bangeeet.plus hati hati banyak kendaraan truck bawa pasir di sepanjang jalan menuju kesini. Tapi kalo pergi untuk liat sunrisenya semua bakal terbayarkan.

12 September 2018 15:05

Mold mold mold, air also very bad due to the constantly truck carrying sand from the mountain, too bad as this place actually have potential with the view, restaurant is basic, you really have no choice what to eat this place is far away from anything, abandoned resort run by two teenagers now

29 Agustus 2018 12:02

How very beautiful. We booked a trekking tour to the top of the mountain. The tour began at 4 am and it took 2 hours to get to the top. Sunrise appeared on the left side of the opposite mountain when the fog and vapor went away, the scenery was so incredible. The lake at the bottom of the two moutains looked like a mirror. We are sure that we never forget that moment.

27 Agustus 2018 22:59

Sangat buruk. Saat masuk ke jalan menuju lokasi penginapan, jalan sangat curam, rusak, berdebu. Foto2 tsb diatas adalah foto saat penginapan ini msh kondisi baik.
Sekarang juli2018, akses jalan ke penginapan ini digunakan juga sebagai jalan truk bermuatan batu pasir. Jadi SANGAT BERISIK. Kondisi toilet buruk. Bad cover bau

25 Agustus 2018 9:44

Pernah kesini tahun 2011, pemandanganny indah, sejuk, klo gk dibilang dingin hawa khas pegunungan.cuma minusnya susah cr resto halal dsn.

20 Juli 2018 17:40

Pros Nice view of mount batur, friendly staff, nice room

Cons Access roads are not good

02 Juli 2018 18:19

Fantastic view and position in front of mont Natura. Staff is very kind. Not very good cleaned (I have a standard room). Food is not so good. In the street pass a lot of trucks all over the day to trasport sand (this is the worst thing)

25 Mei 2018 5:55

Akhirnya saya menginjak kan kaki di Kintamani hawa sejuk dingin karena daerah pegunungan banyak penjual kain lebih murah untuk dibawa Oleh2 pemandangan danau batur disebelah gunung pas bagus untuk spot photo

17 Mei 2018 4:21

Hampir menginap di penginapan ini. Kalau dilihat fasilitas dan view penginapan ini bagus, tetapi akses penginapan cukup buruk. Banyak truk-truk pasir yg lalu lalang membuat jalan cukup licin karena pasir. Jalanan berdebu dan supir truk tidak bertoleransi dengan pengguna jalan lain. Saya melihat ada orang berlari-lari arah atas karena truk pasir tersebut.

24 Januari 2018 9:12

Good place to see sunrise. You can get Batur Mt & Agung Mt in one frame. But actually this is a place for truck driver get rest.

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