Omah Pakem (Serenity in Nature)

Alamat Pakem, Jl. Cangkringan No.Km. 1.8, Padukan, Pakembinangun, Yogyakarta
Telepon +62 811-2959-599
Jam 08:00-17:00
Situs web www.omahpakem.com
Kategori Wedding Venue, Villa
Peringkat 4.7 40 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Visi Furniture & Resto — Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar No.KM.14, Jetis Suruh, Donoharjo, Ngaglik, Yogyakarta

Omah Pakem (Serenity in Nature) ulasan

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24 Agustus 2023 0:52

I really love this place. It's a nice place for gathering, wedding, or other outdoor area. I came here for my client's wedding, and it's really nice. The weather is suit with an outdoor activities, it's not too cold and not too hot. I suggest to choose the decoration vendor wisely. Since it's a nice place, if you're not utilize this wide area, especially the big tree in the middle of the ground, it's deeply regretted. It's also proper location for having a wedding. It's not too far, but also it's not close with Yogyakarta. I suggest to bring your car to come in this place.

11 Juli 2023 12:38

Suka nuansa romantisnya dan dinginnya pakem. Cuma sayang pas resepsi acara malam hari gerimis

05 Juli 2023 12:36

Holding a family event to celebrate the golden wedding anniversary of my parents and being so grateful by the excellent service of all staff. Dari hari pertama survey sudah jatuh cinta bgt sama venuenya. Bersih, terawat dan super estetik. There will be no failed decor in this place, bisa pilih mau acara di pendopo ataupun open air di area rumputnya. Parkir mobil juga cukup spacious dan akses masuk ke venue bs juga langsung dari parkiran. Most of all, the staff are top tier! Super helpful untuk bantu koordinasi acara, baik sebelum ataupun saat event berlangsung. Jadi merasa ga sendirian mesti tanpa EO/WO sekalipun. Best of luck untuk Omah Pakem.

16 Mei 2023 23:27

Tempatnya bagus banget buat resepsi atau wedding! Bikin acara ulang tahun outdoor di sini juga bagus kayaknya, tempatnya juga bersih

27 Agustus 2022 18:51

Tempat nya luas n adhem
Sayang pas waktu ada acara technical meeting setetes air pun koq gak ada yahh.
Kurang koordinasi dengan pemangku karsa atau dng wo nya. Harusnya ada service dari pengelola.tq

19 Agustus 2022 8:40

. Hadir di acara pengantin putra-putri mbak Widya n mas Heri, ya udah.venuenya luas, vibesnya tradisional nan adem.boljug.memang utk menuju lokasi, naik tangga yang cukup tinggi.

14 Mei 2022 21:05

Having iftar dining here with whole big family of our great grand parents. Due to huge backyard, kiddos really love being here and be able to run freely. Lovely place with lovely decor and tastefull foods. Feels like vacation to resort in Bali.

11 Mei 2022 16:37

Cocok buat yang mau nginep dengan suasana resort2 di ubud. Konsep private resort dengan suasana hutan plus gemericik air sungai menambah syahdu suasana.

Pelayanan bintang 5 dan staf nya ramah.

Air panas tidak nyala, staf langsung gercep mengatasinya dan ngga sampai 15 menit sudah selesai.

Omah pakem ini juga bisa buat acara resepsi pernikahan.

29 Desember 2021 23:52

Enormous wayang backdrop as their main attraction indeed caught my eye. These beautiful crafted ornaments has kept my eyes during my visit. The food is a kind of java fusion food, especially for the dessert option, putu mayang with cenil (traditional chewy java cake) accompanied with melted palm sugar and durian paste.mmm.will trade for all the junk food in the world for these ones.superb. Since I arrived in the evening, the ambience is rather "dark" with limited amount of light plus a giant banyan tree as another ornament hehehe, the main course itself is quite delicious, the tempe oreg, crispy scrambled egg, fried prawn are the stars, the chicken lodo, well, I will leave this dish behind since it does not suit my tounge. In overall, you will defintely get the jogja ambience, good food with a slightly pricier price tag.

15 Agustus 2019 19:30

Tempat yang cantik untuk pesta diruang terbuka. Dengan pohon yang rindang sangat terawat, romantis banget seperti di serpihan surga yang masih tersisa.

01 Agustus 2019 7:39

The scenery is so beautiful! The place is very big, a right choice to have events with many people. It is indeed a little bit far from city but worth it.

27 Juli 2019 22:10

It's a gorgeous place to host a private party or a wedding party definitely will reccomend this place, the downside is the distance of this place from the city which is quite a bit far.

18 Juli 2019 17:38

: : Tempatnya bagus banget, romantis, nyaman, view nya bagus.penataan keren.lumayan luas, konsepnya great.untuk menjangkau tempat ini bagi yang tidak punya mobil sendiri harap sabar, karena moda online agak susah, walaupun ada.

30 Juni 2019 0:24

Omah Pakem tempatnya luas, hijau, sejuk, rumputnya rapi rata, taman tertata, ada joglo, gazebo, n seperti bangunan menara ; apa ya itu? Jg pohon beringin, mepet sawah. Betah deh berangin2 disitu.

20 Juni 2019 17:42

Suasananya dan view ke Gunung Merapi bagus, lingkungan sekitarnya masih hijau dan sejuk. Memang pas buat outdoor weeding party.

21 Mei 2019 12:29

Salah satu tempat Favorite Pilihan untuk Outdoor Wedding Venue, Gathering, Outbound dan Event many more.

19 Januari 2019 5:30

Pokoknya pas banget buat yang pengen garden party buat nikahannha. Sewa buat nikahan bonus nginep 1 malem di rumah yang isinya dua kamar. Paginya dapet sarapan gratis dilayani lagi. Padahal kemarin yang nginep sana keluarga besar. Tapi semua tetep kebagian sarapan

27 Desember 2018 6:21

Penataannya sangat apik bgt jg dgn crew omah pakem ok banget.
Kemarin kebetulan ada acara manten kel mb Woro, disambut hujan luar biasa, crew bisa sigap menata kami parkir dan mengarahkan lwt jln yg tdk menggenang.
Pokoknya omah pakem okey banget.

21 Desember 2018 5:14

Like the concept very much. Private service. Affordable price. Good traditional breakfast. Far from the city. Recommended for those who wants to relax from the traffic!

19 Desember 2018 20:04

Tempat sangat bagus, cocok untuk acara wedding dgn konsep outdoor. Bersih dan sangat tertata, akan tetapi jika kesana malam hari dan baru pertama kali kesana, mungkin akan sulit mencarinya. Hal ini dikarenakan letaknya yang berada di pinggiran kota.

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