Kamala House

Alamat Perumahan Griya Indah VI.A18, Jl. Tambak No.II, Kembang, Ngestiharjo, Yogyakarta
Telepon +62 822-2328-0585
Situs web www.kamalahouseyogyakarta.com
Kategori Hostel
Peringkat 5 38 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Guest House Pogung Baru — Jl. Kaliurang Km.5 Pogung Baru D1 No. 4, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sinduadi, Mlati, Pogung Kidul, Sinduadi, Kec. Mlati, Yogyakarta
Omah Cilik — Jalan Jagalan Purwokinanti PA 1/350
EDU Hostel Jogja — Jl. Letjen Suprapto No.17, Ngampilan, Yogyakarta
Omah Ambarukmo — Pasthika Ambarukmo Residence, Jl. Pisang No.A1, Kledokan, Caturtunggal, Yogyakarta

Kamala House ulasan

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20 Desember 2023 23:25

Sudah dua kali nginep disini, pelayanannya bagus banget.kamarnya bersih rapi dan wangi NO DEBAT.kalo ke jogja akan selalu pilih disini sih.nginep terakhir disini tiga hari, tiap balik dari luar kasurnya selalu di beresin padahal kamar yang di dormitory.ga expect sih kalo pelayanannya sebagus ini.terima kasih Kamala House!

13 November 2023 12:39

Sudah kedua kalinya menginap di kamala house. Tempatnya BERSIH, WANGI dan NYAMAN. Sudah sering menginap di cabin hotel. Sejauh ini Kamala yang terbaik dan ternyaman. Kurangnya cuman 1. Lokasi agak jauh dari pusat kota Jogja. Tapi karena jauh suasana hening menambah nilai plus tersendiri.

01 November 2023 17:09

Hostel paling favorit di Jogja. Kamarnya, kamar mandi, sparkling clean. Enak bgt ada tmpt kerja plus colokan buat yg kerja sambil ke jogja, very convince. Disediain minuman all day, kopi teh. Water preassure bagus, AC dingin. Tmpt belanja makanan, roti, buah, yogurt, daily needs, ada tinggal jalan kaki ke manna kampus. Resto skrg ada disamping, warung makan jg ada. Cuma aga jauh aja dr pusat kota. Tp aku sih rela demi kenyamanan tidur.

13 Juli 2023 9:06

The hostel is amazing. It is perfectly clean in any way, it is quiet, it is spaceous and there are 2 sockets for each bed. The staff is really friendly and answer all your questions, even helping with information outside of jogjakarta and paying us a busride for the extra experience. Simply wonderful. If you walk in the morning you can perfectly reach the city by foot and there is a great supermarket and atm around the corner. Every day your bed is made with great care and they are very generous in every way. Would recommend to all!

21 Maret 2023 23:52

Kamala House tempatnya sangat bersih mulai dari kamar, lobi, kamar mandi semuanya bersihtersedia ruang untuk makan yg luas jd sambil makan bisa sambil mengerjakan sesuatu, alat makan tersedia lengkap, gratis minum teh, kopi dan air mineral jadi berasa rumah sendiristafnya sangat ramah dan gercep.lokasinya sangat strategis dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan, jalan raya, kesetasiun yogyakarta juga dekat. Untuk para backpaker sangat cocok.

20 Februari 2023 19:57

Praman is the man. He went above and beyond to make our stay amazing. He even walked us to the step ladder bus stop and lent us his bus pass to get to Malioboro

06 Desember 2022 2:13

Check in to this hotel at 9.30 pm, and the receptionist so helpful, Capsule Pod really nice and clean, first time try capsule pod hotel and it was amazing. Thank you

09 November 2022 3:15

Kami suami istri dengan balita umur 2th yang menginap 3 hari 2 malam di kamala house.kita pilih kamar private yang ada kamar mandi di dalamnya.dapat di lantai atas.kamarnya luas dan bersih, ada televisi, AC dingin, bersih, kamar mandi luas dan bersih, air panas berfungsi dengan normal, ada tisu toilet, ada sabun, ada tisu kamar, ada lemari, ada meja dan kursi rias, bantal 4 satu tempat tidur ukuran king kyanya karena kita bertiga seperti di rumah tidak kesempitan.lokasi bagus, depan toko swalayan, sebrang jalan raya itu banyak kafe dan resto.minusnya cuma ga kedap suara aja, soalnya malam itu masih banyak suara motor balapan atau motor kenceng gitu ya yg lumayan ganggu tidur kita.recommended banget buat stay disini yang bawa anak kecil butuh space besar di kamar.pertahankan kebersihannya yah! Top

17 Oktober 2022 23:36

Great people and very helpful. Would recommend if you’re backpacking or just holidaying in Yogyakarta.

30 September 2022 2:52

Amazing staff - they were so SO helpful. Helped me get a SIM card after 3 days and 10 shops highly recommend. Super clean, comfy and great location.

29 September 2022 7:55

This was an amazing hostel. Not only were the rooms, showers, toilets, and common areas clean the staff was amazing. Particularly Parman Kamala house supervisor. He was excellent in recommendations on where to go and what to do. He helped with public transportations for the trains and buses. Gave great food recommendations as well and even showed me around downtown. This was a excellent stay and I would stay here again.

25 September 2022 16:08

Tempat menginap area prawirotaman.
Yang punya ramah.
Pelayananya bagus.
Pkoknya jangan lewatka kalo berkunjung ke jogja.

Cy Merkle
23 September 2022 22:42

It's a nice and clean hostel with super friendly and helpful staff. One of them, Parman, gives very good advices for restaurants, places to visit, and also how to get there the most comfortable and cheap. If you have a question, he knows or will find out. The hostel is a little bit outside of the city center and can be reached fastest using gojek or a much slower but free bus.
Around the hostel are many restaurants, coffees and two big supermarkets (so everything you might need)

21 September 2022 12:20

Felt very welcome at Kamala house! The hostel is very clean. The beds are really comfortable with a curtain. The staff was very friendly. Parman shared a treasure trove off information about visiting Yogya.
The location is not right next to Malioboro Street, but it's still walkable or you can go by bus or taxi.
It's not a party hostel, but a great place to relax and explore Yogya.
Less nice for me as a solo traveller was that there were not many backpackers at the hostel. I don't know why, maybe I just have bad luck.

07 September 2022 12:52

Kamala House was just a perfect stay! Very clean rooms and bathrooms and super comfy beds! Nice space to hang around also with workdesk. Super friendly staff. Parman was always ready to help us with everything, answered all our questions in how to get around the best way, helped me with getting a local SIM card and gave us tips where to get good local food. If I ever come back to Yogyakarta I will definitely stay here again! Thanks for a great stay!:)

07 September 2022 0:30

Kamala house is a brilliant hostel. Super clean, friendly staff and great bunks. They have curtains for each bunk, a personal light, charging station, mirror and small table. The bathrooms were spotless, special thanks to the supervisor who went out of his way to give me recommendations and help me! Thank you

07 Agustus 2022 0:25

Baru kali ini kami merasakan tempat (hotel capsul) yang sangat bersih di semua tempat (kamar, kamar mandi, toilet, lobby dan ruang kerja) dan itu berlaku setiap saat!

Sangat direkomendasikan buat para netizen yang ingin berlibur di Jogjakarta

22 Juli 2022 16:02

Had a pleasant stay and everything was perfect from checkin to checkout. Will come back for sure

19 Juli 2022 8:16

The location is not right around malioboro, but it is still convenient to get to the city center. There are supermarket and laundry just across the guesthouse. AC was good, room was clean, staff were great and we stayed there in their family suite room with a discount. So we have no complain. The only downside were the floor that wasn't mopped properly, so it was a little slippery when you walk around the room barefooted. The same with the bathroom floor. Overall it was a great stay, will definitey come back when in town.

30 April 2022 17:01

Tempatnya bersih, rapih, cocok banget buat solo traveller. Puas sih disana. Cuman, mungkin masukan dikit, karena ini dorm campur, buat kamar mandi, tolong sekat bagian bawahnya ditutup rapet deh ya. Karena agak kebuka jadi agak kurang nyaman. Selebihnya sih oke. Bagian resepsionisnya juga ramah banget. Tanggap.

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