Beukenhof Restaurant

Alamat Kawasan Museum Ullen Sentalu, Jl. Boyong Km. 25, Kaliurang Barat, Kaliurang, Hargobinangun, Kec. Pakem, Yogyakarta
Telepon +62 274 895131
Situs web www.ullensentalu.com
Kategori European Restaurant, Family Restaurant
Peringkat 4.1 55 ulasan
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Beukenhof Restaurant ulasan

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26 Desember 2023 3:04

I visited the restaurant for lunch around 12 PM on December 26th. Despite the restaurant being less crowded than similar establishments during peak season, I, unfortunately, encountered issues. Although I arrived without a reservation, I was informed by a waitress that there was a 1.5 to 2-hours wait due to a table with 18 guestsand they keeps told me repeately with different staffs. Despite being willing to wait, the service took a rude turn when the menu was tossed to me. Despite my regular patronage at similar standard restaurants, this time, the service was unpleasant. When ready to order, my attempts were dismissed, and I was told to wait for two hours. The staff seemed more inclined to turn away three guests than provide proper service. Feeling displaced, I do not recommend this restaurant!

24 Desember 2023 15:07

The fishes were very hard and dry. It tasted like it was seating in the outside for hours.

The pastas were overcooked, dry and tasteless.

The hospitality was very bad. Can you imagine the staff asked to pay the bill while we were still eating. I am soo not coming back.

20 Desember 2023 0:07

Menu makanan eropa. Pesen penne prawn dan fettucini cordon blue. Sayang prawn kurang fresh.

15 Desember 2023 11:52

We ordered Virginia roasted chicken and strawberry compote.
The latter was executed on point good job! Cream and the compote blended nicely.
But the roasted chicken didn't quite absorb the marinating sauce, the meat on the inside was bland and not as appealing as the rest.
Price wise was middle up, but you'll get the ambience of peranakan cuisine, in this case peranakan that was influenced by Dutch colonialism.

20 November 2023 4:27

Datang saat hujan. Suasana jd sangat syahdu. Makanan enak, pilihannya banyak. Pelayanan Oke.

30 Oktober 2023 21:02

Tempat makan di daerah Kaliurang yang suasananya sangat oke, makanan enak dan pelayanan cepat. Pertahankan.

29 Juli 2023 14:49

This restaurant is sbout 45 minutes outside of Yogyakarta. The area is beautiful and it's a lovely building.
We ordered some small dishes (kroket dan goulash soup) and had tea.
The kroket wasn't anything like a Dutch style kroket, but was ok. The Hungarian goulash soup was excelkent though. Tasty and with nice chunks of beef.
Definitively worth a visit.

18 Juli 2023 12:02

Tempatnya nyaman, sejuk, enak buat ngechill.makannya kurang bgt.saya pesan roasted chicken ternyata kentang nya gak seger ada rasa2 aneh, ayamnya juga agak bau.oiya pas saya datang kebetulan ada lalat yg cukup mengganggu, ukurannya pun besar.pelayannya langsung memberi lilin di meja.ya lumayan jadi gak terlalu ganggu.tapi ternyata kejadian lalat yg besar dan warna hijau itu nyemplung ke minuman istri saya, kami minta apakah bisa di ganti ternyata gak bisa.mungkin bisa di perbaiki sistemnya karna kalo di resto lain dengan level yg sama itu bisa diganti.bahkan ada rambut yg masuk aja bisa diganti.

10 Juli 2023 8:18

Meja minta di keringin ga di peduliin minta menu dicuekin padahal kondisi ga rame rame bgt

28 Juni 2023 17:16

Pelayanan nya yang bagian receptionist pakai kacamata bundar rambut kepang sangat jutek, tidak ramah! Selain yg itu so far baik dan ramah.

29 Mei 2023 14:50

Kepengen kesini udah dari lama banget baru sempet kesitu beberapa hari ini, kemaren juga rame banget jadi waiting list, cordon blue nya oke bukan yang wow enak banget gitu trus pisang caramelnya enak begete, harganya ya gak murah tapi gak yang mahal banget juga jadi masih aman, tempatnya sejuk enak nyaman tenang

20 Maret 2023 0:40

Buat yang mau ke resto ini langsung masuk lewat jalan di sebelah museum +/- 250 meter (gak perlu beli tiket). Suasananya seperti rumah belanda jaman dulu, asri dan dingin, bagi yang membawa kendaraan roda dua siapkan jas hujan karena disini sering hujan tiba-tiba.

Makanannya enak, bersih, harga masih affordable namun perlu improve buat sayurannya agar lebih menarik mungkin bisa ganti timun dengan avocado, cheesecake lebih soft lagi agar saat dipotong tidak kesusahan, untuk steak tuna jangan overcook agar saat dipotong tidak keras, kentangnya juga bisa dibuat variasi seperti mashed potato.

14 Maret 2023 17:54

Satpam tidak ramah, cara menunjuk2 dan kurang sopan.kurang komunikasi satpam bawah suruh parkir atas, blm ada 5 menit duduk di lt 2 satpam atas suruh mindahin mobil ke bawah.jalannya jauh antara parkiran ke resto.

16 Februari 2023 9:45

I’ve been wanting to go here for a while. It’s definitely worth while. Beautiful place, wonderful food selections.

22 Januari 2023 15:44

Roasted chicken here is surprisingly good highly recommended. The restaurant is on the 2nd floor so it's not accessible for wheelchair bcs there's only stairs.

07 November 2022 10:40

Beukenhof offers a variety of western-inspired dishes, but this molten lava cake might be the best among them.

When making this cake, everything must be perfect—from the ingredients’ choice to baking and reheating. A few seconds too late, and it’s game over because you need to have the chocolate melting from the inside in the first scope.

Wonderful ambience, by the way.

25 Oktober 2022 0:19

Baru tiba di Resto pada jam 14.15 siang ini untuk minum dan makan kami dihampiri seorang staf pelayanan. Maaf untuk 45 menit ke depan belum bisa orderan karena hari ini kami lagi kekurangan SDM. Duduk manis boleh saja cuma orderan harus tunggu.

We just arrived at this restaurant at 14.15 for a few drinks and something to eat, when we were approached by a waitress with the following remarkable message. "Our apologies, but for the next 45 minutes you cannot place your order because today we are short of personnel. " You may have a seat first while waiting.

We kwamen om 14.15 uur aan in dit restaurant voor een paar drankjes en iets te eten, toen we werden benaderd door een serveerster met de volgende opmerkelijke boodschap. Onze excuses, maar de komende 45 minuten kunt u uw bestelling niet plaatsen omdat we vandaag personeel tekort hebben. U mag alvast ergens gaan zitten tijdens het wachten.

20 September 2022 19:12

Can't get bored of this restaurant. It's located in the Ullen Sentalu museum complex. The building is so beautiful inside out. In the inside, the design is so warm and inviting. If you sit in the balcony, it's overlooking a beautiful garden. The food are all delish but my favourite is their pasta choices. You really should make time to stop by here when you are in Kaliurang.

03 September 2022 8:37

Enak2 masakannya n menarik, suasana nya enak bangt vibes so western. Ditunjang hawa yg sangat sejuk di kaliurang. Rekomen bg yg suka western food, harga y emg rada mahal sih… pelayanan n tata ruang baik. Ada butiknya di sebelahnya ok lho cantik2 brgnya… hrg wajar. Asesorisnya emang mahal batu asli impor. Batik n kaosnya hrg normal. Ukuran kecil n besar ada jd bg yg bdnnya kecil bs dpt ukrn pas d situ heheee….

16 Agustus 2022 5:59

Tempatnya bagus berasa di kastil tua, interiornya vintage, udara cukup sejuk, nyaman. Pelayanan sangat baik, menjelang last order pun masih mau melayani. Rasa makanannya cukup enak, harga sesuai. Parkiran saat ini agak jauh, anggap saja sambil olahraga ringan, menikmati udara sejuk pegunungan.

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