Jukuta Seafood

Alamat Jl. Abdul Wahab Siamin, Ruko Villa Bukit Mas Blok RC 05, Dukuh Pakis, Kec. Dukuhpakis, Jawa Timur
Telepon +62 31 5612455
Jam 11:00-14:30,16:30-20:30
Kategori Seafood Restaurant, South Sulawesi restaurant
Peringkat 4 27 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Indragiri Indonesian Resto — Jl. Indragiri No.10, Darmo, Wonokromo, East Java
Layar Seafood & Ikan Bakar — Jl. KH Abdul Wahab Siamin Surabaya No.216, Dukuh Pakis, Dukuhpakis, East Java
Cak Gundul Crab 1992 — Jl. Raya Kupang Indah No.45 C, Sonokwijenan, Sukomanunggal, East Java
Ka-Soh Restaurant — Jl. Imam Bonjol No.117, DR. Soetomo, Tegalsari, East Java

Jukuta Seafood ulasan

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20 Maret 2023 11:57

Ikan bakar nya enak. Sukkang bakar parappe, Kudu Kudu goreng, Kaneke bakar rice.
Kerang Bali saos Jukuta nya juga wenak.

16 September 2021 12:58

Terakhir cuma bisa take away karena PPKM. Menanti PPKM selesai supaya bisa makan di tempat? Menu favorit Ikan Tim dan Nasi Goreng Seafood.

15 Agustus 2021 4:00

Rasa dan harga lumayan, porsinya sih gede2 ya buat ukuran kita² orang jawa tengah bisa sharing2 kalau rame²

13 Juli 2021 0:46

Pengalaman pertama buat anak ceweku berkata super enak mi.
Dan dijamu oleh pemiliknya langsung.siesie suksuk n ayi. Sudah lama gak ketemu disaat berjumpa sudah beda cerita. GBU all

06 Juli 2021 10:49

Great, friendly and helpful service. Seafood was delicious and the sambal was very potent! Will definitely eat there again.

15 Juni 2021 6:18

We have waited for almost 1 hour, and nothing of our food come, other customer who comes late than us come the food first. Taste good but customer service so bad

07 Juni 2021 1:16

Makanan enak, tempat tidak terlalu padat namun menu nya tidak menuliskan harga. Terakir makan kisaran 200rb utk menu makan tengah

30 Mei 2021 6:31

Menyediakan aneka seafood, ada yg fresh juga (ikan hidup) baru diolah. Disini paling suka sama ikan sukangnyaaa. Segarnya kerasa padahal aku coba yg bakar polos. Rasanya gurih2 gitu.enak.

07 Mei 2021 12:03

Makanannya enak, minumannya enak. Jenisnya bervariasi. Bisa pilih ikan sendiri. Cocok utk acara keluarga.

01 Mei 2021 15:39

The fish is good but the service is bad! I got some badly cut escargot and ask for a change or refund. Instead of getting the kind service and sorry, they keep insisting that there’s nothing wrong with the food. When I gave them the proof and they ate it themselves, they eventually realized their mistake. At the end of the service, they dont even say sorry for the bad escargot! The cashier was not nice at all! I used to eat at that place frequently, however, I wont be back again!

11 Agustus 2019 10:29

Served good food, with good service, its quite underrated tho, with its competitor who also open in same area, but jukuta have their own style for grilling fish and their sambal is exceptional

22 Juni 2019 11:30

Makanan enak. Restoran sea food tapi ada beberapa Chinese food, tetapi Halal. Cuma kekurangannya di menu nya tidak tercantum harganya sehingga kita tidak bisa tahu kira-kira berapa biaya makan kita, harus tanya ke kasir. Spesialis di seafood dan segar ikan nya

11 Juni 2019 1:31

Most underrated restaurant but it is a must visit all your travelers and tourist. Well, it's not exactly Surabayan cuisine but that doesn't diminish the fact its damn mouth-watering esp the 'Papakulu Asap'.

30 Desember 2018 13:57

Ikan Papapulu Panggang nya mantap. Sup ikan salmon nya seger. Belum lg ada Sup Kerang Batik dengan kuah jahe nya, wah bener bener uenak

22 November 2018 11:22

Masakan lumayan. Parkir bagus. Mantap untuk bagi yang mencari tempat makan dengan situasi yang tidak terlalu ramai.

21 November 2018 6:54

Cerai, Ayah Tetap Harus Tanggungjawab Terhadap Anak

Menjadi Ayah adalah mendapatkan anugerah sekaligus amanah yang harus dipertanggungjawabkan.

01 Oktober 2018 21:28

Masakannya katagori biasa saja ga ada yg istimewa, lain kali kalau pesan jangan lupa hrs bilang gak mau pake msg. Otherwise.
Selamat menikmati.

21 September 2018 23:07

Makan disini jd tempat favourite selain layar. Terutama sate dagingnya manteb banget. Wajib coba. Makanan seafoodnya juga enak2. Kl kesini makanan kesukaanq kepiting gembos telur asin dan ikan bakar. Paling enak makan disini kl rame2 diatas 3 org. Karena porsinya cukup bt org 3 keatas. Harga juga oke, masih sangat terjangkau. Kl misal mau yg fresh juga bs pilih langsung di depan pintu masuk. Jenis ikan yg dijual cukup banyak.

14 Mei 2018 16:40

Nice food.they offer fresh sea food.fair price.the restaurant close at 10pm just make sure you finish your dinner before the closing time because the waiter will stand around the table to make sure you finish your dinner immediately because they want to get home soon

06 Mei 2018 19:56

The fish menus are a little bit expensive as they charged cooking fee for each ounce and the taste is not as good as expected.

Several other menus are good enough but nothing special.

The parking lot is too dark and beware of mosquitos inside and outside the restaurant.

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