Bakwan Kapasari

Alamat Ruko RMI Blok C No. 5-6, Jl. Ngagel Jaya Selatan, Baratajaya, Gubeng, Kec. Gubeng, Jawa Timur
Telepon +62 31 5043908
Jam 10:00-16:00
Kategori Bakso restaurant
Peringkat 3.8 38 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
Bakwan Kapasari — Jl. Mayjen Sungkono No.23, Dukuh Pakis, Kec. Dukuhpakis, Jawa Timur
Bakwan Kapasari - Pasar Atum Mall — Pasar Atom Tahap V, Jl. Bunguran No.45 Lantai 1, Bongkaran, Jawa Timur
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Bakso Pak Djo — Jl. Manyar Tirtoasri XII No.2, Menur Pumpungan, Sukolilo, East Java
Bakso Cak Lim BCL — Jl. Jambangan No.41, Jambangan, East Java
Bakso Kotak Cak Rie — Jl. Wonocolo Pabrik Kulit No.69 B, Jemur Wonosari, Kec. Wonocolo, Jawa Timur
Bakso Solo Rindu Malam — Darmo, Jl. Ciliwung No.123, Sawunggaling, Jawa Timur

Bakwan Kapasari ulasan

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14 November 2018 14:22

Bakwan paling enak d Sby.
Utk sekelas bakwan lumayan mahal,
Bungkus jg harus 5 biji minimal,
Ga abis kita bungkus.tp
tambah kuah tidak dikasih.sangat menyebalkan
Padahal udah makan d tempat

30 Oktober 2018 23:25

Enak, antrinya lama, relatif mahal, rata2 Rp 10.000/pentol. Sama harganya jg utk siomay, tahu isi, usus isi.

11 Oktober 2018 2:23

Unique Meatballs Combination, there is cabbage wrapped meatball among the assorted meatball serving

Broth can be added for free!

Clear Notice Outside at the entrance door! Asking customers not to bring outside meal in

And box shaped meatball!

Caring Services, polite & attentive!

17 Agustus 2018 19:06

This is one of the legendary bakwan (meat ball) in Surabaya, it's very famous, till visitors to Surabaya should try this bakwan to complete their culinary journey in Surabaya. They also offering siomay, in soup and fried
But unfortunately it's not halal, please request the halal soup if you want to.

24 Juli 2018 10:07

Enak.ini bisa dijulukin " bakwan Elite " karena harganya sangat mahal jika dibanding dengan bakwan-bakwan umumnya

16 Juli 2018 6:48

Bakwannya enak, pilihan isi cukup banyak. Rasa kuah bakso sangat enak gurih, harga cukup terjangkau.

16 Mei 2018 13:46

Most Recommended
The business started by the grandfather as street sellers, carrying heavy load of bakwan along the street of Surabaya. Named after the street where they first had a stall, it pffers an authentic style of pork and beef bakwan (meatball-like dishes with side choices like dumplings).
It’s non-halal, and they only offer signature Bakwan. Yet this is the best in Town.
It deserve a five stars though, yet a slow service draws one star away.

07 Mei 2018 22:48

Enak tp mahal. Saya pernah beli bakwan 200 biji minta tambahan kuah harus bayar 1 jirigen kecil 20 rb. Beli kuah lg 1 jirigen dijawab tiap 100 biji boleh beli kuah cuma 1. Lha aku jawab kan saya beli 200 eh dijawab tiap 1 nota boleh beli kuah 1 jirigen aja. Payah org mau beli dikira minta gratisan. Perlu diperbaikin kebijaksanaan spt itu. Aku beli buat oleh2 teman di semarang.

03 Mei 2018 11:18

A legend place to eat bakwan/meatball. Now its already the 3rd generation who operate this restaurant

02 Mei 2018 6:59

Kualitas makanan jauh berkurang dibanding 10 tahun lalu. Minuman dihidangkan dalam gelas kertas disposabel.
Waktu itu aku datang hari Minggu sekitar jam 12 siang tapi hampir semua menu sudah habis, yang tersisa cuma bakwan seperti difoto.

27 April 2018 5:41

Some ACs would be good. Price are like rockets but man noone can match their bakwan. It tastes like heaven meatballs on earth

08 Maret 2018 1:08

Sudah berpuluh2 tahun makan bakwan di Indonesia

Hanya disini lo, mau minta kuah, dibilang kuah habis


Surabaya 23-02-2018

23 Januari 2018 1:34

Untuk menu sih ok banget.tapi minumannya kacau. Es sirup sangat tawar. Wadah minuman dari gelas plastik. Garpu sendok dibungkus plastik.sangat pemborosan dengan menggunakan bahan plastik yang begitu banyak

02 Januari 2018 17:45

Too expensive.no aircon, tissue must go to pickup. Should be put it on each table.will not comeback

21 Desember 2017 22:51

The food us really delicious, the soup is nice, the meats are tasty, the services are good. But the place is sucks, no a/c, not cosy, no views, and the charges you for too much. Too expensive

07 Desember 2017 11:31

Bakwan paling enak se-Surabaya tapi harganya overcharge dan tempat sangat panas dan tidak nyaman

29 November 2017 20:22

Pig never fail.delicious meatballs in town. I do realy like the meatball texture and taste.

Menu doesn’t show its price. But be aware, the price is quite expensive. You have to pay your order in the cassier before receive your meal. I order 6 meatballs, rice and ice tea by IDR 75K.

The place is quite clean, fast & responsive services.

21 Oktober 2017 11:01

Depot bangunan lama, suhu ruangan agak panas, tidak ada AC. Nasi per porsi 10.000, porsi sedang. Bakwan lumayan, rasa standar.

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