Hap Kie Chinese Restaurant

Alamat Jl. Beteng No.117, Kranggan, Semarang Tengah, Central Java
Telepon +62 24 3540631
Jam 11:00-21:00
Kategori Chinese Noodle Restaurant, Noodle Shop
Peringkat 4.3 32 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Sendok Bebek Atmodirono — Jl. Atmodirono No.1-3, Wonodri, Kec. Semarang Sel., Jawa Tengah
Yamie Panda Pleburan Barat — Jl. Pleburan Barat No.17, Pleburan, Semarang Selatan, Central Java
Mie Ayam Merdeka — Jl. Tlogosari Raya II No.26, Tlogosari Kulon, Pedurungan, Central Java
Depot Kowloon 2 — Jalan kuala mas raya CB 24 Panggung kidul, Panggung Lor, Semarang Utara, Central Java

Hap Kie Chinese Restaurant ulasan

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17 Juli 2019 6:28

SUMMARY: Don't waste your time, better forget about it. Mediocre food, long queue, bad experience.

Tried the one in Thamrin (good service). Taste just so so. So we went to this place hoping to get better noodle.

They said they served based on queue number, we got number 23. The table next to us was number 22, their food came, they finished eating, and later the table was cleaned. And during this time our order hadn't been served (just 2 noodles). We checked twice and they always said "coming". Then a waiter came and when we complained, she was surprised our order didn't arrive yet.

And after almost 45 minutes, when the noodles finally came, it had the WRONG wonton. They also tasted just so so, little better than Thamrin. 3 star for the food and 1 star for the experience. So 2 star average.

17 Juli 2019 1:07

Must Try when visit Semarang. Libur lebaran dr tgl 6-10, buka lagi tanggal 11 Juni.

Bakmi ayam pake tambahan topping kekian nikmat.

06 Juli 2019 12:57

Noodle texture was springy & yummy. The special noodle was complete of bakso, kekian, eggs, wantons & others. Fried wanton was one my fave.

28 Juni 2019 10:12

Menu utama mie special, isinya ada bakso, pangsit, siomay, telor, sayuran, mie nya terasa pas ketika dikunyah.rasa gurihnya enak.dilengkapi dengan kuah kaldu yg seger.makanan lainnya yg enak nasi goreng.selain itu ada bihun dan kwetiaw juga.side dish kami pesan extra siomay goreng.rasanya mantap

19 Juni 2019 7:16

Bakmi legendaris di semarang klo kesemarang jangan lupa kampir iya ini juga non halal pakai babi soalnya tapi rasanya luar biasa apalagi keikian babinya owh juos gandoss

06 Juni 2019 12:31

Pertama dtg ke semarang langsung ngekewatin mie hapkie dan ternyata penuh bgt.besoknya langsung nyoba.enak dan beragam toppingnya.

24 Mei 2019 18:50

Chinese noodle restaurant not so big but they are still under renovation, so the restaurant is small and quite hot (no air conditioner), no baby chair, and not so good place for wheelchair.they sold chicken noodles with kekian (maybe this is one of the best kekian i've ever tried) and other menus such as fried rice and fried noodles.no parking space so you will park on the road and maybe you need to walk a lil bit, especially in weekends.

25 April 2019 3:50

One of the menus that I have to eat in Semarang is hapkie noodles. Quite famous among the people of Semarang. The texture of the noodles is soft and very tasty, addictive. The place is not too wide, so maybe sometimes you have to wait if it's dinner time.

16 April 2019 22:03

Salah satu depot bakmie legendaris di kota Semarang. Terkenal akan rasa kekian-nya yang lezat. Terletak di Jalan Beteng No. 117, Semarang.

11 April 2019 14:56

Kyknya klo kesini wajib buat beli mie komplitnya. Kuahnya sih hambar ya.fixed it. Pake lada bubuk sama cabenya dia. Enk kok udahan.

09 April 2019 12:05

Ini bakmi khas yang toppingnya sampai penuh, dari Siomay Goreng, tahu kok, Kee Kian, Telor dadar iris, pangsit goreng dan rebus dll.unik dan tidak ditemui di kota lain.

27 Maret 2019 0:57

Sekarang tempatnya udah tambah luas dan gak panas lagi. Tambah ramai aja sampai ngantri lama untuk bisa dapat giliran dijuali

16 Februari 2019 16:20

Buat saya ini bakmi non-halal yang enak banget di semarang, harganya juga murah, porsinya pas, selalu pesan bakmi spesial.

31 Januari 2019 10:36

Rasa mie nya OK untuk yang special (komplit) isinya termasuk siomay, ke kian, pangsit basah so lumayan mengenyangkan

12 Januari 2019 18:37

Mie legendaris smrg. Mie ayam dg tambahan topping mcm2. Enak, tp lumayan berlemak. Tempat kecil, ramai sekali. Lokasi daerah pertokoan lama yg crowded, kl baru pertama kesini, bs nyasar2

30 Desember 2018 9:08

Good noodle restaurant in Semarang.
It provides mie, bihun and kwetiauw with many choice of topping.
This restaurant always attract many customer, so that we must wait for the order.
The taste is very delicious

30 Desember 2018 1:16

Bakmi pangsitnya paling OK
Nasi goreng jg OK
Kekian OK
Bihun goreng, standar
Porsi, rasa, dan harga masih sesuai
Tempat cukup OK, pintu terbuka ada AC jadi sedikit mengurangi rasa panas

24 Desember 2018 9:53

Puluhan kali makan disana, puluhan kali pesan lewat gofood, dan berpuluhpuluh kali saya selalu terpuaskan makan mie ini.

23 Desember 2018 14:48

Bakmi paling TOP di smg.hanya perlu lebih d jaga kebersihan restonya.krn sempit.jd kalo rame harus bersabar

20 Desember 2018 12:32

Taste's good, but in my opinion the broth cannot keep up with the taste and textures of the noodles. For me the noodles is one of the best, but it's need a liitle bit "decoration" of your taste for the broth. Just use salty or sweet soy sauce and sauce provides, it can be used to lighten up the broth. Or you can try the fried noodles, it is very good, especially for one who doesn't like the broth

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