Whiz Prime Pajajaran Bogor

Alamat Jl. Cikurai Jl. Raya Pajajaran No.47, RT.01/RW.06, Babakan, Bogor Tengah, West Java
Telepon +62 251 7560088
Situs web whizprime.intiwhiz.com/bogor
Kategori Hotel
Peringkat 4.1 41 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Salak Tower Hotel — Jl. Salak No.38-40, Babakan, Bogor Tengah, West Java
Santika Bogor Hotel — Botani Square Bogor, Jl. Raya Pajajaran, RT.04/RW.05, Tegallega, West Java
Hotel Permata — Jl. Raya Pajajaran No.35, RT.03/RW.08, Babakan, Bogor Tengah, West Java
Hotel Royal Amaroossa Bogor — Bogor Tengah, Jl. Otto Iskandardinata No.84, RT.04/RW.02, Baranangsiang, Jawa Barat

Whiz Prime Pajajaran Bogor ulasan

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12 November 2023 23:14

Secara keseluruhan Mantap,
Fasilitas lengkap dan nyaman, akses mudah dan sajian makanan pun lengkap dan banyak pilihan,
cuma yang jadi pertanyaan kenapa Kamar mandi dengan toilet di kamar harus di Pisah, agak gimana gitu?
Tapi OK lah semua nya memuaskan kegiatan 3 hari di Whiz. Keren.

11 November 2023 4:07

Hotel yg bagus & bersih, saya sudah langganan kalo ke daerah di indonesia selalu rehat di WPH

29 Oktober 2023 17:37

Kamarnya bersih, dan ukurannya memadai untuk digunakan berdua. Kamar mandi dan toiletnya bersih. Tersedia teh dan kopi berserta pemanas air. Di hotel ada restoran, cafe, kolam renang, dan spa. Lokasinya di jalan raya sehingga mudah dijangkau. Tidak jauh dari hotel, tersedia restoran, cafe dan warung.

24 Oktober 2023 2:56

Strategis banget, dekat dengan tempat nongkrong anak Bogor. Kamarnya luas banget padahal pesan kamar yang standar-standar saja

20 Oktober 2023 14:00

The room needs renovation and the swimmingpool was green. They were friendly and with checking in went fast and even I was too early they made the room ready. Breakfast is ok

14 Oktober 2023 9:49

Kamar bersih, fasilitas kamar berfungsi dgn baik, breakfast enak. Tipe deluxe best view bgt

25 Agustus 2023 6:06

Kamarnya nyaman, toilet terpisah buat pup ama mandi, ac dingin, ada teko listrik, ada kolam renangnya, cocok bawa keluarga

01 Agustus 2023 1:33

Pelayanan yang maksimal, kamar juga bersih dan nyaman, resepsionisnya ramah kepada pelanggan

24 Februari 2021 19:46

Pelayanan semua staff ramah dan sarapan enak, tempat nyaman, kbrsihan jendela bisa ditingkatkan view bagus jadi kurang enak diliat krn kaca kurang bersih, selebihnya oke

13 Februari 2021 20:28

Pelayanan sangat baik, mudah gak berbelit-belit.
Lokasi: sangat strategis di pusat kota, cukup dekat dengan Kebun Raya Bogor
View: Viewnya baguus bisa dapet view Gunung Salak - Gede Pangrango apalagi dari lantai 10, sepertinya kamar ganjil buat dapet view ini, buat memastikan tanya aja ke resepsionisnya
Fasilitas: Cukup oke, sukanya Whiz, dia budget tapi masih nyediain sikat gigi, odol dan sandal.
Poin plus lainnya ada CircleK di dekat lobby, jadi kalau pengen cemilan cemilan gampaang

19 Februari 2019 9:11

Receptionist name called "fajar" it's very helpful.definitely I will be back to this hotel.nice room, food and place

19 Februari 2019 0:26

Bagus hotelnya, kamar nya oke dan cukup lengkap fasilitasnya. Menu breakfast nya enak2. Lokasi nya cukup strategis.

15 Februari 2019 12:44

Kamar bersih, makanan enak dan banyak menunya, satpam dan pekerja ramah, parkiran relatif sempit

09 Februari 2019 22:48

Very good hotel.first of all, i think this hotel is an ugly hotel, because the building from the outside looks outdated and old, but their services is not like this old building, the service is very good, with heart and smile. The service is very friendly, very helpful and pleasant.breakfast is good, full of variety and it feels unexpected, it feels like home cooking, tasty and clean.if someone says the food is not tasty, there might be an error in their tongue.i found it all good, just a little less good for the egg corner.omelet, they say there are no eggs, what? No eggs? !? Hahaha, ups.sorry i laughed, but i still like the others, lucky the others taste good, so close my resentment about eggs.staff are very friendly, i'm give star to Mr. Firdaus the front clerk, and Mr. Dedi from housekeeping.thank you for all his help, you guys are very helpful.i give it 8 for this hotel.if the parking place is full it doesn't matter for me because they guarantee the safety of my car and they park my car well. Thank you very much indeed for your services, hospitality and kindness.

Just note: hey the toilet at swimming pool is dirty, yellow and looks like never been cleaned (maybe), or if could please change to the New one or refurbished. Maintain the clean of the room and wall. That's all, overall is quite good.

John LR
30 dec 18 - 01 Jan 19.917-919

03 Februari 2019 8:21

Good location.but there was some spot on sheet.bfast is enough salty from fried rice and sambal goreng too.services is good with good manner.

02 Februari 2019 11:39

Hampir setiap bln nginep di sini, nyaman, enak & pelayanannya bagus. Cm, utk makanan variasinya kurang. Misua kdg senyum saat breakfast krn lidahnya lidah luar, beda sm gw yg lidah Indonesia terbiasa dg sarapan nasi & makanan berat lainnya.

01 Februari 2019 10:57

The hotel is strategically located in the city of Bogor, close to tourism, its location is comfortable, the parking lot is quite spacious, the price is affordable with good facilities.

28 Januari 2019 13:34

Kamarnya sih kecil, lumayan buat sendiri pas sihh, rada bingung sama kamar mandinya yang dibuat ada 2, untuk toilet dan mandi itu berbeda tapi itsokay nyaman² aja karena emang enak buat istirahat, breakfast nya juga enak, yaa untuk di harga segitu Whiz prime hotel cukup okay

27 Januari 2019 3:06

Dapet view yang indah menghadap gunung salak. Nice room, nice facilities. Ada K-mart di samping hotel, jadi mudah untuk beli air mineral atau snack.

19 Januari 2019 8:12

Hotel budget yang terletak di lokasi strategis dengan tampilan minimalis kualitas maksimalis. Tapi php: (

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