Villa Puncak by Plataran

Alamat Puncak Rd No.KM 84, North Tugu, Cisarua, West Java
Telepon +62 821-1004-9400
Jam 00:00-24:00
Situs web plataran.com/plataran-puncak/villas
Kategori Villa
Peringkat 4.7 21 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
tjokro 2 شكرو — Jl. Ciburial, Tugu Utara, Kec. Cisarua, Jawa Barat
Villa Pesona Bambu — Jl.Gandamanah No.70, South Tugu, Cisarua, West Java
Villa Puri Sophia — Bojongkeji, Sukagalih, Megamendung, West Java
Pondok Lawu — Jl. Padat Karya No.39, RT.03/RW.03, Batu Layang, Cisarua, West Java

Villa Puncak by Plataran ulasan

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03 September 2023 9:57

Saya suka sekali lingkungannya, masih dingin, sejuk, udaranya segar karena banyak pohon.
Sepi, cuku berjarak dengan jalan raya sehingga sangat tenang, dengan bunyi air gemericik, sangat teduh dan tenang.
Sayang banyak sampah plastik di kanal airnya.

Kondisi bangunan baik, sayang terasa cukup tua dengan keramik2 jaman dulu, furniture kayu yang cukup klasik.
Sejujurnya saya berharap nama besar plataran, tapi tidak terlalu tercermin di bangunannya.

Menginap disini disediakan makanan, minuman, sayang kopinya hanya kopi instan. Tidak ada mesin kopi untuk espresso.

Sekitaran villa bisa jalan pagi menikmati udara sejuk, berkeliling di dalam komplek penginapan, ada sawah, ada sungai.
Di dalam billa juga ada kol renang, meskipun sayangnya banyak sekali dedaunan.

21 Februari 2023 23:40

A good place to change for a moment the atmosphere of the city crowd, the location of the villa goes down inside, passing the downhill road, arrived at the villa greeted by the noise of the river flow (Inggrida right next to the river) that's for the first impression.

The villa facilities are complete according to the descriptions, 5 rooms with each bathroom in it (1 room has no bathroom, and 1 bathroom has 2 doors connected to the room and can be used publicly). Terrace on each floor, 3-point gathering spot with comfy sofas, swimming pool with balloons and water beds. The staff also help provide barbeque and steam boats equipments in the evenings. The staff is quick with high initiative to advise on weather (for outdoor dining) and road closing opening schedules.

The small minor is the cleanliness. I found the floor sticky (the villa slippers were very helpful) and if you want to rejuvenate the villa equipment this is the right time. I saw that the cutlery was very good, but the cooking utensils such as wooden spoons were moldy, the dishwasher faucet was dislodged, the bed pillows were not soft and damp (I think because of the old pillows and cold weather).

In conclusion, we are a large family (4 families with 4 kids below 7 years old) satisfied vacationing at Inggrida Plataran, would be happy to recommend to friends and family. If there is an opportunity and fortune, we surely will return again. Success for Plataran Puncak, greetings to all employees there (Mr. Vecky and friends).

01 Februari 2023 23:22

Tempat yang nyaman untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga besar. Tempatnya luas dan asri, terawat dan terpelihara dengan baik. Disarankan untuk membawa bahan makanan sendiri dan memasak sendiri karena di sini ada fasilitas memasaknya dan berfungsi dengan baik. Pagi hari jangan lupa jalan di seputaran sini karena udaranya sangat segar.

28 Juli 2022 0:50

Bagis banget tempatnya, cocok banget buat yg mau adakan gathering, atau staycation sama teman2. Pelayanan juga memuaskan, staff ramahbdan helpfull, thanks

06 Juni 2022 13:13

Villa nya enak, nyaman, bareng keluarga lebih cocok 9/10
Rate harga nya 8/10
Luas halaman nya 10/10
Yang paling gokil tuh view nya 10/10
Terbaik deh disini
Hopefully next month bisa kesini lagi, recommend banget ko

25 Januari 2022 9:26

Stayed at Anandita villa. It was pleasant overall, but not outstanding. Not sure if it deserves the lofty Plataran name and the high price tag.

- Beautiful villa and fairly luxurious, though not to the level of many Plataran properties in Jakarta.
- Private pool. Though most of the time the weather might be too cold to swim.
- Next to a river. Though you can't access the river, it makes for a very nice sound.
- Free breakfast.
- Staffs were ready to help on a BBQ feast if needed. General service level is high.
- The air is very cool. Bring your sweater.
- Extra activities are available at extra charge: massage, yoga instructor, horse riding, etc.

- It was not very private. There was a villa directly next to it, (not managed by Plataran) which blared its outdoor stereo for karaoke session at 6am in the morning and in the afternoon.
- There is not much things to see around the villa. The river was kind of dirty but mostly out of sight since it's fenced. The land size of the villa itself is big enough but I have seen much larger in the area.
- Value for money was ok.

30 Juli 2021 15:41

Villa Ingrida nya enak, comfy, bersih dan suasananya alam banget. Staff nya baik dan ramah, kita bisa minta tolong beliin ini itu.

Untuk sarapannya so so, kasurnya kurang enak terlalu empuk dan goyang banget klo ada yg bergerak. Sama keran wastafel di master room nya kecil keluar airnya.

Overall puas sih!

26 Juli 2021 7:01

Stayed here with friends for one night, at Kalyana Villa. If you come here, look out for 'The Grand Hill' signboard, because it's the same entrance. Kalyana is a spacious 5-bedroom villa with 3 living room, a full complete kitchen, a dining room, and a pool. It smells good too, because they put an electric diffuser in one of the living rooom. Take note that one out the 5-bedroom is not en-suite. It's the one that I slept in and unfortunately I saw that the pillow case is not in a good condition (had some holes like it's about to be broken). Many of us also think that the pillow itself was too thick - idk, maybe it's not usual for us Indonesian. Service is good. We booked a BBQ dinner and apparently it comes with a sekoteng service too! Everybody was happy to have this traditional warm drink in a place like Puncak. Nice touch, Plataran!:) Besides that, we are also thankful that our butler can respond fairly fast to our requests such as replacing the water gallon or asking for a little of salt and pepper. The next morning, breakfast fried rice came early, so again, everybody's happy. After that, we went for a morning walk around the area and saw that they were preparing a wedding at the other villa (and it looked really beautiful!). All in all, we enjoyed the villa a lot! Or maybe too much because now I have to apologize to the staff (who apparently stayed a level below the villa), if my friends were too loud at night and it bothered them. I guessed that's the impact of #stayathome and WFH for too long. Anyhow, keep up the good work, Plataran!:)

P. S
We all did covid-19 test before went to the villa, and everybody had a non-reactive result, so all good and safe! ;)

T. A. Saraswati
22 Juli 2021 3:05

Great place for retreat from busy days. Great facilities, complete house equipment, nice staff.
Food is so-so (homemade). Pool is a little bit dirty. They provide floates there.

11 Juli 2021 2:06

Villa sangat nyaman
Interior nya bagus sekali
Pemandangan di sekitarnya indah
Pelayanan baik dan ramah

24 Juni 2021 21:37

Villa terbaik sejauh ini buat saya ketika saya berlibur ke daerah puncak bogor, jawa barat.

Villa cukup besar dan luas, lalu perlengkapan nya cukup komplit bagi anda yang berencana membawa keluarga besar untuk berlibut disini.

Penjaga villa nya selalu stand by dan mudah di hubungi, customer servis nya juga cepat ketika saya butuh sesuatu dengan menghubungi nya.

Kolam renang nya bersih, kamar-kamar nya bersih dan wangi, cuma kemarin saya nemu sedikit kotoran bekas potongan kuku. Kamar mandi nya juga pemanas air nya menyala. Perlengkapan di kamar mandi nya juga lengkap sikat gigi, sisir, handuk kecil, handuk besar, cukuran jenggot dan shower cap.kurang hairdryer saja.

Parkiran nya kemarin saya bawa 4 mobil muat semua dan masih ada jarak yang cukup jauh antar mobil.harga berbanding lurus dengan fasilitas yang saya dapat.

24 Juni 2021 15:11

Kereenn bangett tempat nya.nyaman.cocok buat keluarga besar dan kecil.tuk reunian apa lg.bagus banget.ada pool private nya jg pemandangan ok banget.betahh

24 Juni 2021 5:14

Really love the ambience and nature around the place.

The hospitality was great and the staffs were helpful too.

I stayed at Kalyana Villa, with 5 bedrooms and a private pool.
Really recommended for those who want to have a healing time or quality time with family but don't want to go too far in Puncak Area.

15 Juni 2021 7:48

Tnpa ac.jd agak pengep klo di kamar.buka pintu/jendela agak was" dengan hewan panjang (uler). Soalnya di kolam renang dpet 1 ekor kurleb panjang 1jengkal dewasa

05 Juni 2021 9:48

Viewnya bagus serasa berada dialam, pelayanan cukup baik, lokasi yang strategis dan sudah sesuai Standar Operasional Prosedur Perusahaan

27 Mei 2019 15:31

Dingin dan sejuk dikelilingi tebing dan pohon tinggi besar sungai mengalir bening sayang ada beberapa sampah plastik villa modern luas dan nyaman.

03 Mei 2019 10:02

Tempat yg nyaman dgn suasana lembah / bukit yg asri cocok untuk refreshing menghilangkan kebisingan dan polusi udara jakarta

13 April 2019 0:11

Lingkungan indah, udara sejuk, nyaman untuk tempat berlibur bebas dari polusi dan sangat menyenangkan

27 Februari 2019 17:22

The place is big and lux, but they don't maintain hygiene very good. We've got torn towel, and the bathroom is not clean enough for place like this.

30 Januari 2019 8:12

Liburan tahun 2019 begitu indah.tempat nya juga indah.rapi.nyaman.bersih.lengkap.banyak spot foto.penataan tiap ruangan sangat baik.

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