Rasa Bakery & Cafe

Alamat Jl. Tamblong No.15, Braga, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Jawa Barat
Telepon +62 22 4205330
Jam 08:00-21:00
Situs web rasabakeryandcafe.com
Kategori Bakery
Peringkat 4.2 96 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Mayasari - Kebon Kawung Train Station — Stasiun Kereta Api Sebelah Utara, Jl. Kebon Kawung No.22 B-D, Pasir Kaliki, Jawa Barat
Prima Rasa — Jl. Pasir Kaliki No.163, Pamoyanan, Cicendo, West Java
Baker Street — Jl. Cimandiri No.18, Citarum, Kec. Bandung Wetan, Jawa Barat
Kedai Nyonya Rumah — Jl. Naripan No.92c, Kebon Pisang, Sumurbandung, West Java

Rasa Bakery & Cafe ulasan

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04 September 2018 18:07

Best ice cream place in town, udh buka dari jaman dulu, menu2nya classic tapi enak2 semua, recommend yg pake nanas parkirnya juga luas terbaik

19 Agustus 2018 1:50

Lontong sayur, nasi bakmoy n es krimnya top markotop.rotinya belum dicoba tp also looks very yummy, especially the sosis brood.hehehee

17 Agustus 2018 1:55

This place can be easily found, only 3 minutes walking from Braga street. I have visited this place many times, and I always crave for their Coconut Royale! My bf loves it too! We also had cheese rolls and beef croissan

12 Agustus 2018 23:10

Their ice cream is so good. Their breads are good too. But it can get a little bit crowded on the weekend. The parking space is small and the tables provided are not many. Their price is worth it. If you love classic flavour of ice cream (eg. Vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, rum raisin, banana), you would love theirs.

09 Agustus 2018 0:21

Nostalgia banget, tempat jajan es krim 30thn yg lalu, es krim rasanya khas ga berubah cm sizenya lbh kecil, yg jualan majalan depan pintu jg masih ada.

08 Agustus 2018 1:51

Good food and drinks! You must try Es Kopyor Special and Nasi Goreng Rawit. Those are the best one in this Resto.

18 Juli 2018 12:00

Sy pertama kali ke rasa bakery Krn tidak jauh dr tempat sy nginep di Prama hotel, sy jln kaki. Sy coba menu fav nya lontong cap Gomeh nya, sama eskrim nya jg enak, sy pesan eskrim yg pakai wadah kelapa. Eh ternyata dpt air kelapanya jg di gelas terpisah pastry nya jg enak. Harga memang di atas rata2 Sy makan lontong 2porsi, eskrim, kue2 habis sekitar 200rb an anehnya ga bisa debit card, bisanya byr pakai kredit card

24 April 2018 4:56

Good taste, I had a bad experience with hospitality, not once want to buy ice cream for take away but no dry ice available

29 Maret 2018 19:50

I bought a bowl of Soto Ayam but it didn't meet my expectation. It was very dry and tasted awful. When I asked for additional soup, they charged me instead. This is unreasonable, so I give it a one star for service.

04 Januari 2018 12:23

It tastes like.ice cream. Nothing too special about the taste, but the atmosphere is just different. You can feel that old bandung here somehow

24 Oktober 2017 7:08

A calm and quiet restaurant. One of the surviving old restaurant in bandung. The food is ok. They were known for their ice cream. They also sell cake and cookies.

27 Mei 2017 9:43

Tempat makan legendaris di bandung.specialty: masakan indonesia seperti soto betawi, lontong sayur, nasi goreng, nasi rames, nasi soto, dlsb.yang terkenal di sini juga es krim zaman jadul (a la ragusa di jakarta) terutama yang coconut royale (es krim ditaruh di dalam buah kelapa). Mestinya sih es krim zaman sekarang teksturnya lebih lembut, rasanya lebih nendang, tapi biar gimana pun nostalgia tidak tergantikan:)

24 Mei 2017 2:56

Restoran bersejarah untuk orang bandung dan keluargaku. Makanannya enak dan pastinya dessert2nya tak terkalahkan.

01 April 2017 6:45

One of the early upscale resto in town. Nice place & dishes. Popular for dessert especially the ice cream.

31 Maret 2017 6:51

Tempat bersejarah di bandung yang masih bertahan, u will get what you want here.coconut royale is my fav.

23 Maret 2017 3:20

Pelayanan buruk, makanan mahal tapi kurang sesuai dengan rasanya. Kami diusir (cara penyampaian bahwa toko akan tutup kurang baik, kami seperti diusir) dan "ditodong" bon pembayaran di tengah diskusi dengan tamu dari luar kota. Etika pelayan perlu diperbaiki.

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