Prima Rasa

Alamat Jl. Pasir Kaliki No.163, Pamoyanan, Cicendo, West Java
Telepon +62 22 6120177
Jam 06:00-20:30
Situs web primarasabandung.com
Kategori Bakery, Cake Shop
Peringkat 4.5 26 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
Prima Rasa Kemuning — Jl. Kemuning No.20, Merdeka, Sumurbandung, West Java
Prima Rasa Bakery Pastry — Jl. Peta No.63A, Pelindung Hewan, Astanaanyar, West Java
Prima rasa cake & bakery — Jl. Purwakarta No.95, Antapani Kidul, Antapani, West Java
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Amanda Setiabudi — Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.164, Hegarmanah, Cidadap, West Java
Mayasari - Kebon Kawung Train Station — Stasiun Kereta Api Sebelah Utara, Jl. Kebon Kawung No.22 B-D, Pasir Kaliki, Jawa Barat
Baker Street — Jl. Cimandiri No.18, Citarum, Kec. Bandung Wetan, Jawa Barat
Rasa Bakery & Cafe — Jl. Tamblong No.15, Braga, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Jawa Barat

Prima Rasa ulasan

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26 Agustus 2019 13:17

Tempatnya ramai banget
Makanan enak
Variasi banyak
Antriannya panjang tapi kasir tetap sigap
Jadi semua cepat teratasi

12 Agustus 2019 7:00

A famous bakery store in Bandung city. The most popular are pisang bolen, bagelen, brownies, all bakery is fresh from the oven. Usually the store isvery crowded during weekend & holiday seasons. However the parking are is very small so that difficult to make manuver or get some space to park.

30 Juli 2019 0:00

Tempatnya dekat istana plaza dan ke arah tol pasteur.
Oleh2 yg terkenal dr bandung selain bolu susu lembang adl brownis panggang.
Harganya 60k
Yang aku suka itu yg ada almond di atasnya yummy

28 Juli 2019 15:36

Primarasa is a recommended pastry shop in Bandung. The taste of cake, brownies and snacks is a champion, all delicious. Unfortunately, it's hard to find parking.

27 Juli 2019 19:29

Banana Rolls from here its the besttt!
Good Place and really comfort to eat here, because there have room for customer to enjoy they foodies.

14 Juli 2019 0:51

Most favourite place to buy cake for souvenirs.
In my opinion.
The best one is their baked brownies.
The second one is their cheese sticks.
Overall. The traditional cakes also taste quite good.

Brownies are so good. That it become a great temptation for those who are on diet.

You can see the varieties of the cakes in the pictures below.

If you visit Bandung, take a stop here to buy some souvenirs. You won't regret it.

13 Juli 2019 5:23

Naaah ini dia pusat oleh oleh di bandung yang sesekali dikunjungi, bener2 variatif produknya. Kali ini gue beli bolen peuyeum, brownies bakar almond, cheese ring, cheese stick puff pastry, dan produk baru yg gue liat sih picnic roll. Kurang lebih yaaa masih mayan terjangkau yaaa. Total beli oleh2 sih 260rb-an. Oiya gue jg beli batagornya seharga 120rb. Mayan pricey ga sih batagornya? Lol.

09 Juli 2019 6:46

Tempat yang lumayan strategis dan ramai tempat parkir agak terbatas, ada kafenya dan menjual makanan lain juga tidak hamya kue saja tersedia wifi gratis dan tempat untuk menunggu menbeli kue/oleh - oleh bandung.

26 Juni 2019 12:33

I just known that this outlets have restaurant, maybe like a quick bite ya. There’s coffee shop. And as you know Prima Rasa Brownies was goodd! Always good. This’s one of my favorite. This brownies cost for 60k for chocochip and for almond one is 70k. Please try it out, I promise you will never disappointed.

18 Juni 2019 16:45

Pelayanan cepat, sangat rame pas liburan, berbagai macam kue, cake dan kue basah. Kue pai, dll tersedia disini. Harga lumayan mahal tapi sesuai dengan rasa. Recomended buat yg cari oleh oleh untuk bawa pulang. Kekurangan tempat parkir yg sedikit jadi agak menyulitkan buat parkir kendaraan.

09 Februari 2019 20:18

Cabang dari Primarasa jalan Kemuning, Bandung. Lokasinya strategis, dipinggir jalan Pasirkaliki, samping BCA dan hampir bersebelahan dengan sekolahan BPK Penabur. Tempat parkir mobil sangat terbatas, namun pada akhir pekan, bisa parkir di BCA yang tepat berada di sebelahnya. Tersedia aneka jajanan pasar dengan harga yang terjangkau. The most popular and favorite is bolu ketan hitam. It's a must & Recommended.

06 Februari 2019 10:39

Pilihan cemilan/oleh oleh cukup variatif, parkir gedung terbatas, tapi bs parkir di pinggir jalan scr resmi

31 Januari 2019 5:34

Tempatnya ramai, banyak pembelinya, berhubungan hari libur nasional parkiran penuh sesak sepanjang area kiri kanan

29 Januari 2019 3:59

Rasa kue enak tp harga premium. Tmp parkir agak susah terutama bila sdg bnyk pengunjung. Ada cafe di lt 2, kopinya lmyn tp harganya premium jg. Datang kesini kalo ada yg nitip beliin oleh- oleh aja.

27 Januari 2019 1:33

Even in a very crowded situation, i still give them 5 stars.they are used to have crowded situation. The store was packed with visitors but the staff still ready to answers all the questions while filling the empty shelfs with brwonies and other snacks. The payment is also quick. You just need to know what to buy, and you will be out in 15 minutes.

15 Januari 2019 22:02

Always be our fav spot

Brownies bakar almont always our Fav

Pisang bolent the best

Sama pisang roll-ya yummy

07 Januari 2019 12:58

Tempatnya memang agak tertutupi, terhalang oleh pohon2 juga, jd agak sulit bagi yang baru, untuk menemukannya. Untuk parkiran juga kecil, buat yg bawa mobil agak sedikit sulit, karena selalu ramai pengunjung. Harus extra sabar, untuk rasa, dijamin berkualitas

03 Januari 2019 2:53

Kalau nyari kue atau jajanan pasar untuk arisan, seminar, dll mending disini aja, harganya murah dan rasanya enak.

02 Januari 2019 22:53

One of few famous cakeshop in Bandung. Parking is nightmare as with same in all other places in Bandung. Crossing the road can a nerve wrecking experience for the uninitiated. Place is huge but always buzzing with people. Cake is better than average imho.

29 Desember 2018 18:41

Recommended place to grab bakeries and snacks of Bandung. Providing various bakes from local (lemper, sus, risol) to international taste (cheesecake etc.). They also provide bandung signature snacks

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