Mulberry Hill by The Lodge

Alamat Jalan Maribaya, Kampung Jl. Cibeunying No.1, Cibodas, Jawa Barat
Telepon +62 811-2343-366
Situs web www.instagram.com/mulberryhillresort
Kategori Resort, Hotel, Leisure Centre, Restaurant, Summer Camp
Peringkat 3.7 39 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Dulang Resort & Resto — Pagerwangi, Kec. Lembang, Jawa Barat
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Osmond Villa Resort — Jl. Gunung Putri No.Ds, Jayagiri, Lembang, West Java
Osmond Villa Resort Melati 3 — Jl. Gunung Putri No.184, Jayagiri, Kec. Lembang, Jawa Barat

Mulberry Hill by The Lodge ulasan

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29 November 2023 18:58

If you're looking for a place with various lodging options, great views, away from Jakarta, and cool weather, you should check this place. They have cottage / villa / glamping / camping / camper van, whatever you wanted to try. The temperature would go down to around 15 celcius, so it is a nice change from Jakarta hot weather. The food they served also tasted good, especially the local delicacies. Various activities in the premis, atv / archery / paint ball / trekking / lotus garden

On the other side, though:
- I think we stayed at the wrong period / season, because the lodge got swarmed by house flies during the day and winged termites during the night
- can't really enjoyed the food because of the house flies / termites
- the majority of the lodging that we booked had no hot water running, so we must accepted to take a cold shower during the stay
- the lotus garden was not well maintained, thus it didn't look as we expectes

Overall though, it was a pleasant experience and covid might be one of the reasons of the cons I mentioned above.

01 November 2023 13:58

Berlokasi di maribaya lembang, sangat mudah dijangkau dan jalanan menuju lokasi bagus tidak ada lubang. Hanya saat menuju glemping kita harus melewati jalan kecil. Suasana sangat tenang tidak terlalu luas hanta ada beberapa glemping dan tidak ada kolam renang. Serasa camping tapi masih pakai tempat tidur dan kamar mandi pribadi, jadi suasana campingnya masih kurang terasa. Ada teras di setiap gempling yg bisa digunakan buat rebus2an dan bakar2 di malam hari. Tapi kita harus bawa sendiri karna hotel tidak menyediakan. Viewnya langsung menghadap gunung kebun tapi lokasi tidak terlalu dingin jika dibandingkan ciwidey atau puncak. Pegawainya ramah semua dan cekatan kalau diminta tolong. Sarapan hotel biasa saja. Sebaiknya kesini jangan pas musim hujan supaya tidak sia2 malam dikamar saja

21 Oktober 2023 0:36

Tempatnya bagus bangett.nyaman buat staycation.pelayanannya ramah.cocok buat menenangin hati

16 September 2023 4:57

Menginap 2 malem disini, pelayanan ramah dan OK banget.
Bawa wine tapi lupa bawa buka tutup botolnya, tanya ke resto mrka ga punya tapi mrka bantuin ngakalin buka wine nya smpe ke buka.
View dari kamar kalo pagi bagus bgt
Btw aku stay nya di Glamping Gaharu.
Udah smart TV, bener2 nyaman bgt staycation disini.cuaca dingin bgt bikin makin betah dan maunya di kamar aja smbl netflix’an.
Room service nya juga Ok, pesen nasi liwet ga smpe 30menit udah jadi makanan nya.
Sambel terasinya enakkk, pasti akan kembali lagi kalo ada kesempatan! Thank You untuk semua staff yg kemarin udah melayani saya dan pasangan saya dengan baik.

28 Juli 2023 16:36

Beautiful view with a catch,

yes it's glamping but having warm water to shower is a must i think in Glamorous Camping, the food also needs a lot of improvement as the food is bland and doesn't taste good at all

25 Juli 2023 13:58

Good view and weather. Very helpful n friendly staff. Rooms clean. The food is good and delicious. Keep up the good work. Thank you.

13 Februari 2023 15:13

The Resort has so many things, even though the place is somewhere remote (15-20 mins from Lembang) it is quiet and so beautiful. You can have all the healing you need from this place! ATV, Outbound, and Paintball are available all the time ️

12 Februari 2023 14:11

Menginap di mulberry hill puas banget, pemandangan nya juga bagus dan dapet banget, fasilitas nya juga ok, terima kasih buat mas femy januar untuk segala service dan bantuan nya

03 Januari 2023 8:43

Tempat yang adem, lengkap dengan hotel serta adventure yang memadai, pemandangan yang asri dengan penghijauan di sekitar

27 Desember 2022 21:04

Baguuusss tempatnya, pelayanan nya cepet dan semua stafnya ramah, makanan nya enak2, suasana nya baguss bgt recomended pokonya, penginapan nya bersih, handuk & kelengkapan lainnya lengkap bgt

26 November 2022 15:06

I came especially to enjoy this hot jacuzzi, its very relaxing if only the price isnt that high after pandemic. Before the information we heard 200k for 3 hours but after contact via whatsapp they said per block is 375k for only 1 hour. I guess the policy of take turn only 1 pool and additional of snacks affect the prices. But its fine we really enjoy the jacuzzi time. There is also barbeque which must be order 3 hours before eating time. Its 350k.so many stuff for this package. I think its really ok for 3-4 people together. The glamping itself is good. I love how the tent places and the view and sound of nature really healed us but there is a room for improvement, for example during this pandemic i will be happier if u put some handwash with bracket cause its gonna be handy, outdoor hanger and outdoor trashbin will also be very nice if they put it there. Cause the dustbin provided is only indoor. I think the outdoor people will love to stay outdoor more often so some items out there will be great.

All u need to know also that most activities will be charged additional fees like atv etc so u will be better to prepare the budget before expecting an all included for staying. Personally i consider this price for glamping quite well already compares to other places. If only the traffic was not that bad i will be fine to come back more and more.

25 November 2022 21:52

Nothing special hanya kolam isi teratai dan cafe aja. Entah kenapa ini juga di bundle sm tiket lodge maribaya. Ada permainan ATV

17 November 2022 14:15

Tempat yg nyaman utk liburan bersama keluarga dg harga terjangkau (mgkn krn lg promo), jadi sangat menyenangkan.pertugas front desk sangat helpfull, begitu jg dg driver kendaraan wara wiri yg mau mengantar ke mana saja yg berdekatan dg penginapan sec.gratis.terima kasih ya.

20 Oktober 2022 10:50

Menginap di cottage Wijayakusuma. Fasilitasnya cukup baik. Satu cottage dengan 2 tempat tidur. Seluruh fasilitas kamar mandi berfungsi dengan baik terutama air panas.

26 September 2022 11:21

Udaranya sangat sejuk, dan pemandangan pengunungannya indah banget, disini dilengkapi permainan adventure juga, ada atv dan highrope & lowrope. Cocok banget buat liburan keluarga.

01 Juli 2022 13:45

Overall bagus nginap di glamping sini. Bisa extra bed juga. Ternyata extra bed nya lumayan gede kalo untuk tambahan 2 orang cukup 1 extra bed ajaa kokk.

24 Juni 2022 6:10

Tempat yang sejuk. Pohonnya rindang. Cocok bermain bersama keluarga. Dapat mengunjungi fairy garden menggunakan mobil wara-wiri.

05 Juni 2022 2:45

Menyeramkan menginap disini, ketemu kecoa dekat lemari kamar mandi

selimut di kasur terlalu dingin sehingga saya cari selimut lain dan ketemu selimut warna merah dan bau kecoa sangat menyengat

lapisan tenda terlalu tipis untuk cuaca dingin seperti itu sehingga kami sekeluarga kesulitan tidur

30 Maret 2022 8:06

In overall the location is extremely beautiful with greenary background and fresh air.

But unfortunately the level 90dB music sound from the villas surrounding the mulberry lodge is really disturbing the mountain silent ambience in the middle of 11 PM.

Already reported to the steward to get the music from the neighbor turned off but no positive result.

My suggestion to the management to really keep the mountain silent situation to ensure the guests are enjoying the rest.

27 Maret 2022 2:03

Wisata dan tempat menginap outdoor/glamping.dengan wisata alam yg menakjubkan.alam yg alami.indah.sangat co2k buat menginap keluarga

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