
Alamat Jl. Hegarmanah No.52, Hegarmanah, Kec. Cidadap, Jawa Barat
Telepon +62 22 2039615
Situs web kineruku.com
Kategori Book Store, Cafe, Library, Music Store
Peringkat 4.4 70 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Gramedia Paris Van Java — Paris Van Java, Paris Van Java Lt.GL Blok C10, Jl. Sukajadi No.131 139, Jawa Barat
Toko Buku Diskon Togamas - Supratman — Jl. Supratman No.45, Cihapit, Bandung Wetan, West Java
Periplus Setiabudi Supermarket — Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.42& 46, Hegarmanah, Kec. Cidadap, Jawa Barat
Toko Buku IMMANUEL — Jl. Cihampelas No.76C, Tamansari, Bandung Wetan, West Java

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15 Maret 2019 3:09

Kineruku tempatnya nyaman banget buat kalian yang cari tempat untuk belajar, mengerjakan tugas dan baca buku. Cafe ini selain menyediakan banyak buku ada juga makanan minuman yang bisa kalian pesan. Cocok buat para introvert yang suka nyari tempat yang tenang disini cocok banget buat baca buku. Desain cafe kineruku unik dan terkesan jaman dulu nya. Tapi kineruku menurut ku tempatnya terlalu kecil. Makanan sama minuman nya juga enak.

27 Februari 2019 6:35

Small heaven for a bookworms, a homely ambience where you can read so many good books with garden cafe.

They are selling books, CDs, some clothing and merchandise. If you are looking for calm and reference for a cafe where you can read indoor or outdoor, you may check this place.

Probably crowded on weekends, but you may find something that consider a good read You can check the price list for the menu on my review too

16 Januari 2019 6:27

Tempat favoritku di Bandung so far. A bit taste of home, with tons of book to read. Sangat cocok untuk kamu yang suka menghabiskan waktu dalam kesendirian dan bertualang menjelajah melalui lembaran tulisan. Tidak ada wifi di sini, jadi kalau mau kerja rekomen utk siap paket data. Me personally, I can spend days in here.

13 Januari 2019 0:56

What a cozy place!
Tempat enak buat ngerjain tugas, baca buku, ngopi, ngobrol dan bengong berjam-jam. Sejuk banget tempatnya.

Tempat ini merangkap 3. Perpustakaan, toko buku, dan tempat makan.
Satu kalimat yang mewakili tempat ini
"I appreciate a silence in the world that never stop talking. "

09 Januari 2019 14:29

Tempat yang sempurna untuk lari dari hiruk pikuk kehidupan. Di Kineruku kita bisa melepas penat dengan membaca buku. Selain itu di sini juga disediakan berbagai macam makanan dan minuman untuk menemani kita membaca. Sangat menyenangkan.

26 Desember 2018 16:05

I love this place! A great library/small cafe to read, study and work, or just have an afternoon tea/coffee with friends in the backyard. They have good collection of literature, movies, and tasty food as well. One of my favorites places in Bandung and definitely will come back to Kineruku next time.

23 Oktober 2018 12:34

A wonderful library that is perfect for locals. Tourists can come by to shop at the tiny book and souvenir store, or for a quick business meeting. You can make a membership for a low fee, which allows you to take books home for two weeks.

Kineruku is very cozy and I personally found that the staff were welcoming, even when thy weren’t sure what I was talking about. Kineruku carries Post Santa (independent Jakarta bookstore) books, which can be helpful for Bandung folks.

17 Oktober 2018 18:40

Kineruku adalah tempat yang nyaman untuk menyendiri atau berbincang bersama kawan. Koleksi bukunya cukup lengkap, makanan serta minumannya pun enak. Suasana Kineruku yang tenang dan teduh membuat betah berlama-lama disini. Kondusif untuk sekadar membaca buku hingga bekerja.

15 September 2018 9:22

One of the best library cafe in Bandung. Banyak referensi buku yang bisa dibaca yang tidak hanya berbahasa Indonesia, namun juga berbahasa Inggris. Desain interiornya bikin hangat, nyaman, dan kondusif untuk membaca buku. Bukunya juga bisa dipinjam. Gak cuma itu, ada sudut buat beli buku, CD musik, dan pernak-pernik. Lokasi yang tepat buat kerja dan nugas kuliah. Selain referensi buku, bisa pesan makanan juga dengan harga terjangkau. Ada musola jadi gak ribet kalau mau salat.

07 September 2018 15:50

Great place to read a book or writing. It was so quiet and peacefull if you come early. Good collection of books and tasty beverages. Another reason to visit Bandung. 9/10 will come again

28 Agustus 2018 13:40

Tempatnya nyaman banget, bisa baca buku gratis kecuali ingin meminjam buku. Disini juga ada makanan dengan harga 18ribu - 35ribu dan minuman dengan harga 6ribu - 27ribu, murah kan. Disini tidak ada Wi-Fi, meski begitu tersedia buku yang sangat banyak juga sudah dirapikan berdasarkan kategorinya. Disini juga menjual album band, baju dan lain-lain.

28 Agustus 2018 3:08

The place is very calming and homey. They selling some booka (curated ones but not so much choice like Post) and also Indie band merchandise.

26 Agustus 2018 18:26

I LOVE. THIS. PLACE. It's a very unique library / cafe, they sell both books and accessories from tote bags, cassette, CDs, stickers, garments. There are plenty of seatings, just a reminder for those who is allergic to dust, better be prepared because you'll be surrounded by old books. Please pay attention to your drink, there are ants in my teh tarik, it was pretty unpleasant: - (

15 Agustus 2018 1:40

Harga makanannya overpriced. Kualitas rasanya jauhhhh di bawah harga. Namun tetap, demi kenyamanan terpaksa harus memesan makanan karena tatapan penjaga disana mengintimidasi apabila kita berlama-lama tanpa memesan apa pun.
Menariknya sering diadakan diskusi buku di tempat ini. Cocok, suasananya mendukung.
Buku-bukunya out of date. Tetapi menjual buku-buku yang berkualitas. Lagi-lagi bergantung pada genre apa yang kita senangi.
Suasananya cocok jika ingin menikmati buku dengan santai.

07 Agustus 2018 2:38

Dear, Kineruku. I almost considered you as a heartwarming hidden gem of Bandung. If you have a moment, please do bear with my story:)

I am a Jakarta based normal young adult who decided to spent some days at Bandung. I'm not an "anak sastra" (literary student) or "anak seni" (art student). However, when my friend told me about Kineruku, I was really excited to go there.

We then took a very long drive to Hegarmanah through the terrible traffic. Actually, we should've been on our way home to Jakarta. But I still insisted to visit your store before we left.

When I stepped into your place, your cashier / shopkeeper girl gave me a plain glance. No smile or greeting, and I was cool with that:) honestly it's okay, since your place have so many great books and music collections that I couldn't wait to explore.

Then I took a look at the CD corner, where my favorite musicians-such as Gardika Gigih, Danilla, Float, and Adhitia Sofyan-albums were sold. They were arranged so beautifully, I couldn't help myself to capture it with my DSLR.

Click! Click! Hoped I didn't bother the other visitors, since the CD corner and the reading table were parted with two tall bookshelves, and I always set my camera in the quiet mode.

When I was about to take another shoot, the cashier girl told me, "I'm sorry Kak (sister), our regulation here only allows each guest to take 2 shoots of picture. "

I thought she was joking! Then I realized that she wasn't, since I remember some places in Jakarta such as Dialogue Artspace and Museum Gajah (or National Museum) don't allow us to take any single picture inside the building.

Well then, okay. Let's put my camera back. Luckily, I'd got one nice picture in my SD Card.

Then I headed to shelves beside the cashier / shopkeeper corner. They had some nice Eko Nugroho's Daging Tumbuh (DGTMB) goods! When I was looking at some of the DGTMB patches, I overheard the conversation between the cashier / shopkeeper girl and a guy who was signing in for Kineruku membership. "So you're a literary student? " she asked. "Yes, I study in Unpad (Padjajaran University), " he replied. Didn't want to be nosy, I headed back to the bokshelves on the back.

In the back shelf, I found a book that I've always been looking for! It's "The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy.

When I was thinking about buying the book, I got distracted by the cashier / shopkeeper girl and the new guy's glorious laughter. Seemed like they got along pretty quick.

Then I started to get jealous, because they were able to have a joyful conversation, while my friends and I didn't even get a single smile from her: ( (please don't take it in a strange way: "D See it in a normal customer's perspective).

Then I thought to myself, "So we gotta be an anak sastra or anak seni to be welcome here. "

After that, I had a quick discussion about it with my friend, who was about to buy Teddy Adhitya's album (which he's been dying to get, by the way). He agreed with my opinion, and put the CD back right away. I also abandoned my will to buy Arundhati Roy's book. Maybe I'd just buy it from another online bookstore.

We went home, and we got a liil bit disappointed, since we didn't get the hospitality we expected from an interesting place like yours: (

Maybe the cashier / shopkeeper girl was tired, maybe she was having a bad day, or maybe she wasn't in a good health.

However, remember that we had also fought so hard to visit the shop. We even postponed our schedule going back home: (Uhmm after what happened on that night, I don't think there's gonna be a second visit in the future.

Sorry, for bothering you with my camera shutter sound. I understand that you do have right to create your own SOP in anyway that you like. You also have every right to filter your visitor until it fits your main segmentation. However, a little kindness won't hurt anybody, Kineruku.

I respect your system, I mean it. I really hope you'll have a wonderful journey. I'm happy to see your beautifully arranged store. It looked straightforward and homey:)

Warm regards,
Agatha Astari.

29 Juli 2018 2:38

The only downside is i really wish they got more books, but it's nothing when u get used to the nice atmosphere and foods they served here. (They got the best coffee) besides, there's too many books that just doesn't get my attention and they might be good and i just don't recognize them yet.but if u're looking for YA or teenlit, this is definitely not your place.

PS: i got interested to be a member so i could borrow a couple of murakami's books at first.

24 Juli 2018 4:20

This place is really nice, feels like home. So many books and record also merchandise in here. Food is good and not too expensive.

10 Juli 2018 8:22

Tempatnya nyaman dan cozy banget, pas buat sekadar baca buku, denger lagu dan ngobrol sama teman. Dipake buat ngerjain tugas juga enak deh karena suasananya yang adem dan letaknya agak jauh dari jalan raya jadinya ga berisik suara kendaraan. Untuk makanannya lumayan sih buat dijadiin temen nyemil saat buku atau nugas. Fav place pokoknya!

16 Juni 2018 19:57

A vintage style mini library as well as cafe. The environment is very cozy and calm. Most of visitors are students who are doing work. Coming with a friend and have small chat is perfect here. The food is okay, mostly home style food. There is smoking area out side.

20 Mei 2018 18:26

Tempatnya enak karena cukup tenang untuk membaca, kemarin minum strawberry smoothies dan rasanya segar, buku-buku yang dijual dan rental dipilih dengan baik-baik. Hanya mungkin bagus kalau diberi AC /kipas angin agar tidak gerah

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