KARE Curry House

Alamat Jalan Pasirkaliki, Paskal Hyper Square A29, Ciroyom, Kec. Andir, Jawa Barat
Telepon +62 22 86060640
Kategori Japanese Curry Restaurant, Japanese Restaurant
Peringkat 3.8 46 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
WAKACAO — Jl. Sultan Tirtayasa No.17, Citarum, Bandung Wetan, West Java

KARE Curry House ulasan

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08 Mei 2019 13:00

Pilihan menu kare nya banyak dan harga nya sesuai. Enggak over price. Tapi waktu makan dori kare nya agak kurang fresh di bagian pinggir karena ada rasa amis sedikit. Padahal sebelumnya tidak ada rasa amis sama sekali. Mungkin pas kena stock lama nih. Haha.

29 Maret 2019 4:47

Tried regular beef katsu curry rice, taste good, and was full. Prices are reasonable and parking is nice. They got a lot of curry variations here. Beef, chicken, squid, tuna, you named it.

24 Maret 2019 3:05

Perfect taste! Although it's pricey, but worth all the bite. The portion is perfect: not less and not much. Also like the mushroom. The place is nice too. Definitely will come back. Serving is good.

06 Maret 2019 5:42

The food is good, my favorite is chicken karaage curry rice with level 3 spicy.the place is neat and cozy, i like to seat in the 2nd floor because of the sofa.

16 Februari 2019 4:46

Nice interior arrangement, the place and the food have the combination between western (British) and eastern (Japanese) concept. The foods and drinks taste are delightful and make me always want to come back here again. The kare itself has very similar flavour to the Japanese original one. I recommend Green Slushy for drinks and Chicken Karaage Curry Rice level 2 for food.

02 Februari 2019 14:05

Janjinya sh ada voucer diskon karna ada kesalahan, tp udah mau 2 bulan voucernya ga kunjung tiba
Pelayanannya amburadul

26 Januari 2019 19:15

Tempat nyaman (tidak terlalu ramai dan tidak terlalu sepi juga), makanannya enak banget, udah sering makan disini dan ga pernah bosen sama karage curry ricenya. Untuk take away atau pesen via ojek online juga bungkusnya rapih dan aman jadi bisa sampai di rumah atau kantor tidak berantakan. One of the best japanese curry in town

22 Januari 2019 4:15

Tempatnya nyaman dan cukup luas, cocok untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga atau sahabat. Menunya enak dengan porsi yang cukup banyak, minumnya pilih yang refill (biar banyak, hehe.). Harganya cukup bersahabat, di kisaran 20k s.d 50k. Layak dikunjungi bila kebetulan berkunjung ke Bandung.

26 Desember 2018 23:14

The taste is light, you can eat lots of them okay, though the price is little bit high. I love the decoration and menu design. The theme is great and optimal, they do the concepting very well. If you are a first timer they give you discount coupon for next transaction (in my time), with the expensive material paper. They do appreciate the customer a lot. 5 star review for 5 star treatment.

13 Desember 2018 23:18

Kitchen not Clean, n staff unfriendly.need improvement. Cleaning mop so dirty, n put in the kitchen.

13 Desember 2018 19:13

Affordable menu, they serve delicious japanese curry rice. Interesting decor and ambient. Friendly staff too. My only complaint is that the meat is too thinly sliced, it has crispy layer but the meat is too thin. Made my eating pleasure somewhat disappointed.

05 Desember 2018 12:46

Pelayanan Buruk.mentang" take away gojek.padahal cuma pesan 1 item chicken katsu.hampir 1 jam.ayamnya motong dulu ya.sy juga beli braayy.bukan ngutang.ngertiiii!

03 Desember 2018 11:08

Kare nya enak, harga nya sesuai lah, tempat nya juga oke, recomended buat para penxinta kare jepang.

13 November 2018 17:43

The most delicious curry place in bandung. Bahkan mengalahkan brandw besar seperti Coc* Ich*bany* (menurut saya).

Curry souce over load (loved it), lot of potato and vegetables. And the karage so delicious.

A must place to go in bandung!

07 November 2018 4:43

Saya mau pesan makan di foodcourt jam setengah 10 malam, keadaan mall masih ramai dan tutup jam 10.karyawan menolak untuk menerima pesanan saya dengan alasan sudah menghitung padahal terlihat belum menghitung.sungguh mengecewakan.tolong kinerja karyawan nya diperbaiki.

05 November 2018 15:41

Tiap ke Hyper pasti mampir sini. Nah kali ini nyobain digojekin. Lucu sich kemasannya, kupikir bakal dipelastikin.ternyata curry in a cup pesan yang level 1 dan diberi tambahan bubuk cabe dari restonya.
Terus seperti biasa katsunya hambar (unfortunately), tapi saya suka rasa curry'nya.

25 September 2018 7:04

Enak tp minumnya agak pricy

Ada free wifi juga

Yg ga ngerti segimana level pedesnya, pesen yg paling rendah aja
Dikasi cabe bubuk buat nambah pedesnya

31 Agustus 2018 22:02

Tempatnya kecil, curry nya lumayan enak, udah lama si g kesana lupa dlu pesen apa. Tp yang jelas lumayan enak sama pedesnya jagan di remehin. Pas bulan puasa dapet takjil gratis. Tempat nya ruko 3 lantai tp yg dipake itu cuma 2 lantai, dengan toilet di tiap lantai dan musola ada di atap ruko.

18 Agustus 2018 4:15

Quite a nice place and good curry but dont order karage when the tables are full, somehow its undercooked. No table for single person and i have to sit with other people. I dont mind by the way but the other guest dont seem to like it.

21 Juli 2018 3:00

One of my favourite curry in this town.tempat makan yang enak banget buat nongkrong.trus luas juga sih karena terdiri dari 2 lantai.pilihan menunya juga banyak jadi tinggal sesuaiin kita maunya apa.ada bbrp level pedes juga buat yg suka pedes.jadi enak deh makanan disini.

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