Harliman Boulangerie Patisserie

Alamat Parahyangan Street, Ruko Pariwarna Niaga Kulon, Parahyangan St, Cipeundeuy, West Java
Telepon +62 812-2214-2180
Jam 08:00-21:00
Situs web instagram.com/harlimanboulangerie
Kategori Cafe, Bakery, Coffee Shop, Patisserie
Peringkat 4.4 38 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
Harliman Boulangerie Patisserie — Jl. Batununggal Indah Raya No.164, Batununggal, Bandung Kidul, West Java
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Grillnesia — Jalan Banyak Niaga, Jl. Candra Agung Kaler Jl. Parahyangan Raya No.17, Jawa Barat
North Wood Kota Baru Parahyangan — Ruko Jingga Niaga, Jl. Gelap Nyawang Jl. Parahyangan Raya No.01, Cipeundeuy, Jawa Barat
Cuanki Wildan KBP — Jl. Ratna Niaga No.30, Cipeundeuy, Padalarang, West Java
Warung Seblak Teh Siti — Jl. Cidadap, Padalarang, Jawa Barat

Harliman Boulangerie Patisserie ulasan

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22 September 2023 0:41

Pilihan yg tepat buat breakfast karena ada paket breakfast dan tempat yg adem. Aku pilih yg paket kopi & choux. Teman pilih paket yg lain, tentu pilih croissant yg terkenal di sini, kami menikmati bersama2 saling cobain menu, yg semuanya enak

26 Agustus 2023 9:23

Croissant nya salah satu yang terbaik di bandung raya. Wangi, tekstur dalam nya just right, nggak clumpy, luar nya kering.
Quiche nya enak, kulit pie nya enak pake banget.
Pretzel yang tadinya aku kira kemanisan, ternyata nggak, enak dan pas
Cappuccino nya dari panas, anget, sampe dingin, punya profil yang beda, paling enak saat udah dingin, aroma dan rasanya keluar banget Arabika nya.
Pelayanan baik dan cepat

24 Agustus 2023 20:35

Cafe kecil di KBP
Suka dengan pastry2 nya. Enak. Harga pas dengan ukuran dan rasa. Rasberry croissant nya patut dicoba.
Harga nya mulai dari Rp. 17.000 an

25 Juli 2023 2:43

Kalau weekdays suka banget ke sini karena sepi & dingin, tapi kalau datangnya sore beberapa menunya suka udah habis. Cheesecake nya enak banget, choux nya juga dan harganya masih affordable. Kalau lagi libur biasanya lebih banyak pengunjung, apalagi kalau libur nasional siang - siang menunya udah sedikit

15 Juli 2023 12:24

I could agree that Harliman Boulangerie serves one of the best croissants in the KBP area.

Came here by the recommendation of a friend, we ordered the Plain Croissant, Raspberry Croissant, Almond Croissant, and the Choux set. Their homemade croissants are all crispy, flaky and buttery, with the Raspberry Croissant being my personal favorite. Coffee was great and strong. While the choux, which comes with a set of 6 pieces, tastes just OK, with nothing really special.

Overall, we really enjoyed coming here to have a good croissant.

07 Juli 2023 3:44

3 x mampir, buat meting, memang enak croissant nya, dan tdk mahal di bandingkan dgn yang sekelas rasa nya, klu pas ke bandung boleh di coba

10 Februari 2023 6:19

Tidak sempat banyak foto karena hanya short visit.
Kopinya standard
Kuenya enak sekali.

Lokasi ada di KBP, ac dingin.

04 Februari 2023 14:50

Pertama tau ini karena denger rekomen orang katanya croissant nya enak banget.dan langsunglah coba.

Disini ada roti sourdough jg ya guys, cocok buat yg pengen ngemil sehat, enak juga loh.

O yaa kalo kesini suggest saya mending ambil paket bundling drink & croissant ya.saya pilih paket latte dan ham & cheese croissant, lattenya enak berasa kopi banget.
Ham & cheese croissantnya bener2 perffffeeecccccttt, setelah diangetin bener2 kriuk, hamnya gedeee, kejunya melted banget…

1 lg sy psen americano & raspberry croissant, rasanya ga kalah enak.asem2 seger gituuu.

Tempatnya oke banget utk bagian belakangnya, spt semi outdoor.dan yg paling penting croissantnya bener ² variatif, ada menu slice cakenya pun bener ² bikin pengen semuaa.
Will come back for sure!

20 Januari 2023 14:49

Have a great experience here, ordered their Choco Croissant and its a good flaky one. The place was cozy and their toilet were clean. Feels so homy and I recommend you to come here for a breakfast after a morning walk:)

25 September 2022 6:26

Tempatnya cozy banget, menunya banyak variant juga, apple crumble croisant, almond croisant, cinamon dan mushroom croisant. Enak semua apalagi ditambah kopinya. Pelayannya ramah2x juga.

03 Agustus 2022 1:25

I love the way this boulangerie implement minimalist interior. Their outdoor area at the back is very comfortable.

Their croissants, without any doubt, all tastes delicious & lovely. I prefer have my croissants not being heated. And still tastes lovely & has flaky texture. More importantly, it takes faster for my order to get served.

I think they use microwave to re-heat because I saw the customer's croissant in front of me got softened, not crisp anymore after being heated. Which may not be the case if being re-heated by oven.

Correct me if I'm wrong though. I forgot to ask the staff about this, which I should have to confirm.

Personally, their coffee does not meet my expectation. Typical strong & bitter coffee, I think they use quite a lot of robusta coffee beans in the blend or have dark roast arabica coffee profile.

Maybe they put more focus on the baking products, coffee is just a side menu. Again, correct me if I'm wrong.

Too bad, if they have better tasting coffee, I would have given easy 5 stars review. But overall, they do very excellent job in viennoiserie department.

26 Juli 2022 5:34

Coffee Ok lah croissant Ok
Jangan terlalu pagi datengnya karena croissant belum siap alias belum dateng

22 Maret 2022 4:44

Tempat yang on point banget, patisserie nya terutama croisant nya enak² banget ga kalah macaron dan choux nya tedebest

10 Januari 2022 11:35

Favorite: Nutella Croissant.
Milkshake chocolate ok
Cozy place to snack break / working.
Outdoor available.
Nice place overall.

02 Januari 2022 8:31

Came here for bagel tho, but got none. Ended up buying macarons and choux. Love the macarons so much.

02 Januari 2022 0:54

The croissants are delicious, not the choux. Ice Americano is okay. They have only bakery products n beverages.

23 November 2021 2:36

Tempat yang pas untuk diskusi bisnis dengan kolega dari Bandung. Dari Jakarta cuma 1.5 - 2 jam saja. Pilihan kopi dan kuenya beragam.

10 November 2021 0:35

Their food was great, but their service that left a very bad taste. They said they open at 7 am, however when visited at 8 am they only have drinks, while their freshly baked pastry and their famously known croissant has not delivered. Turns out it will be delivered at least at 8: 30 am.
Then I ordered a breakfast at 8: 30 am, however their kitchen still closed and will be open at 9 am. The staff let me ordered in advance however turns out they did not coordinate well so that when their kitchen open, which was much later than 9 am, my orders were not informed to their kitchen. Finally I had my breakfast around 10 am; which was unacceptable.

15 Oktober 2021 2:16

Toko rotinya bersih laku banget cuma sayang rotinya datangnya jam 9 sy sampe nunguin. Datang langsung serbu.

10 September 2021 21:05

Disini baru pernah cobain 2 macem, lemon apa gitu namanya (maapkan lupa) & croffle yg lagi jadi makanan kekinian sekarang ini.
And guess what, both are so gewd!

Jadi seharusnya semua kue" di Harliman harusnya enak ya, tinggal disesuaikan dengan kesukaan masing"

Oiya buat cobain kue lemon itu, mesti po dulu kl ga salah ya

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