Glamping Legok Kondang Lodge

Alamat Jl. Kurunangan, Lebakmuncang, Ciwidey, West Java
Telepon +62 813-2014-0417
Situs web www.legok-kondang.com
Kategori Resort, Campground
Peringkat 4.5 40 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Cimanggu Hot Spring — alan raya Ciwidey-Rancabali KM 12 Desa Situ Patenggang, Patengan, Kec. Rancabali, Jawa Barat
Ciwidey Valley Resort — Jl. Barutunggul No.KM. 17, Alamendah, Kec. Rancabali, Jawa Barat
eMTe Highland Resort — Patengan, Rancabali, West Java
Kampung Strawberry Bungalow and Restaurant — Jalan Raya Ciwidey – Rancabali KM. 7 Panyocokan Ciwidey, Alamendah, Kec. Rancabali, Jawa Barat

Glamping Legok Kondang Lodge ulasan

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26 Desember 2018 14:02

Tendanya nyaman, pemandangannya bagus, restorannya bagus, makanannya enak, pokonya tempat ini recommended banget

20 Desember 2018 16:22

Fasilitas oke lah lengkap ada hammock enak pemandangan ya lumayan. Tapi steak nya duh kurang itu aja sih makannya yg ga enak

09 Desember 2018 18:19

Enjoyed staying here last September. Service and food were good. Friendly staff. Weather was good despite the rain but please bring extra thick clothes/blankets as the temperature drops in the middle of the night. If you have babies/elderly people in you group, please ensure they have the right clothing as it is very cold. Don't forget to bring some cards/activity things to enjoy with your family!:)

09 Desember 2018 15:11

Lots 0f games good for.team building; nestled within farms, lofty trees, home based on natural touch wood based; friendly environment approach. A must try place for weekend.

07 Desember 2018 22:56

Tempat nya nyaman dan sejuk, sangat baik untuk merefresh batiniah kita yang disibukkan kan dengan kehidupan kota

28 November 2018 23:37

Amazing, suberp, highly recommended for the people who wants to escape from the crowdness of the city

24 November 2018 7:40

Other than the difficult access, everything else is exceeding from what i expected. Great cleanliness, nice staff and delicious meals. You might want to bring warm clothes and socks, as it get very cold at dawn. You can ask the attendant to feeds the deer, as it hidden in the back of camping zone

22 November 2018 18:40

Legok Kondang ini aslinya adalah tempat kemah dengan konsep eksklusif. Wisatawan memang menginap di tenda, tetapi tenda yang memiliki fasilitas lengkap dan kenyamanan ala hotel. Tentu saja dikelilingi alam hijau yang asri.

Tarif: sekitar Rp1.000.000,00/malam (minimal)

08 November 2018 5:44

Look like the management taking care at their new glamping place Rancabali more rather than tihis one. No genset when the public electricity stop for few hours, not even emergency lamp. We had to use candle. The staff was very polite. With 5 stars price, the accomodation was not worthed.

12 Oktober 2018 4:52

Nyaman, udara sejuk dan sangat sopan penduduk serta karyawannya.butuh jalan yang cukup berbahaya untuk masuk kedalam tempat ini, tapi sangat menyenangkan

30 September 2018 1:39

Tempatnya enak buat refresing, menginap dengan suasana berbeda, tendanya terawat, kamar mandi bersih. Ada tempat memancing & hiking. Jalan menuju ke sana agak sempit

29 September 2018 21:46

The place was quite difficult to reach but the experience made it all worthed. We got some compliments due to some corporate gathering, the breakfast good enough and the kids activity quite good.definitely will come again

19 September 2018 11:15

Great experience. The problem is when we were there the temperature was down to 11°C so we did hard to sleep. Hahahaha

19 September 2018 2:31

Beautiful experiences, especially for u who want to be close to nature but still need comfort bathroom and sleep
But i wish there are more activities offered from the lodge management.
The food taste too salty, but still edible, and the price for food is very affordable.

18 September 2018 20:13

Tenda kamarnya perlu diperbaiki lagi dan diberi penghangat ruangan, namun makan ikan bakarnya bikin nagih, sarapan pagi kurang nikmat

11 September 2018 15:05

Secluded place with nature scenery. Facility are great. Toilet inside the tent was just amazing! It was clean and tidy. Sadly the hot water are not that abundant, but it is still enough. Recommended for short getaway. Evening BBQ was okay with great portion as well. Abundant staff is everywhere, ready to serve.

06 September 2018 15:24

Been here twice and had a good time during both visits. The accommodations were really good and tidy. Basically spotless.

They have a BBQ and bonfire place at night. The air and atmosphere is very nice. Breakfast is served in the morning but it's nothing special.

Price wise it's actually surprisingly cheap. Come before more people know about this place and drive the price up.

02 September 2018 17:39

Tempatnya pinggir masih hutan alami sejuk klo malem datang dingin beuddd. Cocok untuk yg masih kuat nanjak2 ok banget rekomendasi banget bwt keluarga ama penganten baru yg pengen ngerasain kemping tapi gak ribet

12 Agustus 2018 19:39

Akses agak sulit dan tempat menginap mahal namun sangat asri dingin. Tempat cocok buat keluarga ataupun acara kantor

07 Agustus 2018 22:49

Glamping nya lumayan laman. Cuman jalan akses masuknya kurang informatif, kadang bisa kesasar. Harus ada signage.

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