Giggle Box Kota Baru Parahyangan - Bandung

Alamat Bumi Palangkawati, Jl. Parahyangan Raya No.6 Blok B5 Kav, Cipeundeuy, Jawa Barat
Telepon +62 817-9117-954
Jam 11:00-21:00
Kategori Western Restaurant, Restaurant
Peringkat 3.6 43 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Raffel's Sandwich Kota Baru Parahyangan — Parahyangan Street, Cipeundeuy, Ruko Pariwarna Niaga Kulon No. 1, Cipeundeuy, Padalarang, West Java
ST. BELLY — Ruko Pancawarna Kota Baru Parahyangan, Parahyangan St No.17, Kertajaya, West Java
La Pantry by planet drinks — Jl. Gelap Nyawang No.Kav. 2A, Cipeundeuy, Padalarang, West Java

Giggle Box Kota Baru Parahyangan - Bandung ulasan

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27 Agustus 2023 19:27

Good nostalgia since the resto in One Belpark is closed. Good food. Sadly the resto ambience is very lacking. Also, there's a smoking area inside the resto. Hopefully, they consider to remove it

08 Agustus 2023 20:41

Tempatnya nyaman & bersih
Makanannya enak
Parkiran banyak
Viewnya bagus
Best rekomended sih kalo lagi dipadalarang

18 Mei 2020 8:56

Resto di KoBar Parahyangan, menghadirkan menu makanan selera luar dan menu khas Sunda.
Ada menu nasi goreng, sop Buntut dan Steak.
Rasa cukup enak dengan suasana cukup nyaman dan berdekatan dengan Mason Pine Hotel.

17 April 2020 9:32

Makanan fresh, yummy.bersih, nyaman, parkir luas.standar giglebox.ada studio Yonas diatas, bersebelahan dengan Tokyo connection

02 April 2020 16:09

In the afternoon get too warm without no AC there, just fan. And the food just so so. Too much oil and not too much variety

26 Maret 2020 5:28

Food okay, no to clean the table quite sticky on some spots. There is a motorbike gang or something, park and hang out in front of the restaurant and stare at us the moment we get out of the car and while walking to the restaurant.

21 Maret 2020 20:04

Enak, tempat nyaman, parkiran luas. Jonas dan giggle box disini ga sepenuh di tempat lainnya lebih nyaman. Deket mesjid al irsyad juga

21 Desember 2019 16:43

Tempatnya cozy. Cocok buat nongkrong sama temen". Dan ada wifinya jugaaa. Makanan dan minuman mayaannn

12 Desember 2019 22:50

Kalo pas mau pulang ke cianjur. Giggle Box tempat paling ok buat makan.dan plusnya ada Jonas nya diatas.

Po Haryanto
05 Juni 2019 15:30

Saya suka tempat ini, makanannya enak juga di lantai dua ada Jonas Photo, jadi habis foto langsung makan di sini, pemandangannya juga bagus

23 Mei 2019 20:53

We came twice in the morning trying their bfast menu.love the pancakes really tasty.scrambled egg set menu n spaghetti oglio olio not bad.many dishes on menu unavailable.

WD Dhanio
14 Mei 2019 2:15

Awful service. Waitress was incompetent. We corrected her THREE TIMES. Our orders still came out wrong.

22 April 2019 1:05

Order medalion steak, but i think the meat is not fresh enough, less juicy and little bit hard to eat.
Zuppa soup bread also taste not so good.

10 April 2019 19:10

The foods are delicious. Especially the Mozarella Beef Medallion. The green tea is also nice. But the crispy chicken is so so.
I strongly recommend the Special Tofu from Tokyo Connection inside.

01 April 2019 21:29

Nice and cozy place to hang out and work. They have wifi and electricity in each table.
The drinks are coffee, tea, choco. I tried choco and choco mint, the taste is good.
The food is also nice. Overall the menu is quite affordable.
The music is easy listening make it a good place to work, but sometime the music is still a bit loud to make a phone call with customers.
The interior is a bit old school with wooden table and chair.

24 Maret 2019 0:57

Enak makanannya, tempat nyaman dan yang paling terbaik adalah harga super affordable! Best value

03 Maret 2019 14:30

Tempat nya dkt masjid al irsyad kotabaru parahyangan, deket dengan jonas photo, tempatnya enak, nyaman, makannya pun enak, pas buat kongkow

23 Februari 2019 21:26

Tempat makan yg nyaman. Satu bangunan dg Jonas photo. U/ menu, pilihan makanan&minuman tdk begitu banyak. Juga perlu naik ke lt. 3 bagi pria jika hendak ke toilet.

24 Januari 2019 8:05

Hari ini pelayanannya kurang memuaskan, banyak lalat di meja terus makanannya salah antar, respon waitersnya lama, sendok garpu harus diminta dulu, saos juga ga ada di meja, padahal meja lain uda di sediain. Tapi makanannya oke lah.

22 Januari 2019 0:02

Food is okay. But in these hot days, I'm looking for a cold bevvy. The resto failed to provide one because the ice is on the way. They told me that the ice will come soon but after more than an hour cold drinks are still not available.

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