éL Royale Hotel Bandung

Alamat Jl. Merdeka No.2, Braga, Sumurbandung, West Java
Telepon +62 22 4232286
Situs web bandung.el-hotels.com
Kategori Hotel
Peringkat 4.1 62 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Mine Home Hotel — Jl. Marjuk No.9, Pasirkaliki, Cicendo, West Java
favehotel Premier Cihampelas — Jl. Cihampelas No.129, Cipaganti, Coblong, West Java
Bumi Sawunggaling Hotel — Jl. Sawunggaling No.13, Tamansari, Bandung Wetan, West Java
Holiday Inn Bandung Pasteur — Jl. Dr. Djunjunan No.96, Pasteur, Sukajadi, West Java

éL Royale Hotel Bandung ulasan

Sortir dengan: tanggal rating tertinggi nilai terendah paling bermanfaat
02 Januari 2019 9:22

Tempatnya bagus, kolam renangnya oke tapi sayang petugasnya pada cuek masa orang lg santai di dekat kolam renang tiba-tiba lampu di matiin, ga ada sopan santunnya banget

30 Desember 2018 18:08

Plus: Strategic location in the middle of the city, close to several Bandung tourist destinations and culinary, friendly waiters, hot tubs, clean and well-maintained rooms.

Minus: Some functions in the room lack updates (many buttons are faded and missing pictures),
The hotel parking lot is less spacious.

Conclusion: if you want to spend the night comfortably and culinary tours in Bandung city, this hotel can be a good recommendation.

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