Aston Imperial Bekasi Hotel & Conference Center

Alamat Jl. KH. Noer Ali No.177 Kayuringin Jaya Bekasi Barat, Kayuringin Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Jawa Barat
Telepon +62 21 88968080
Situs web bekasi.astonhotelsinternational.com
Kategori Hotel, Restaurant
Peringkat 4.3 47 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Odua Bekasi — Jl. KH. Masturo No.23, Marga Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Jawa Barat
Hotel Sentosa Bekasi — Jl. Cut Mutia No.30, RT.002/RW.008, Margahayu, Kec. Bekasi Tim., Jawa Barat
Gaharu Hotel — Jalan Siliwangi KM. 11,5 No. 45, Rawa Lumbu, Sepanjang Jaya, RT.002/RW.003, Sepanjang Jaya, Kec. Rawalumbu, Jawa Barat
HARRIS Hotel & Conventions Bekasi — Jl. Bulevar Ahmad Yani Blok. M, RT.006/RW.002, Marga Mulya, Kec. Bekasi Utara, Jawa Barat

Aston Imperial Bekasi Hotel & Conference Center ulasan

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15 November 2019 16:47

Nyaman, lokasi dekat dengan jalan tol, recommended untuk tempat menginap di wilayah bekasi (transit seperti kami) dekat dengan pusat keramaian/mall.

08 November 2019 13:36

Kamar yg saya tempati bersih, pelayanan ramah, parkir luas, akses mudah.
Deket swalayan juga

29 Oktober 2019 8:43

Nice hotel located next to the mall, next to the main street. Total of 16 floors with a nice sky lounge on the 16th floor and swimming pool on the 15th floor. Besides that, there are other facilities located on the 2nd and 3rd floor. The breakfast is nice. Staff is nice and helpful. However even there were 3 elevators, it seems that the waiting time is very long all the time.

15 Oktober 2019 4:25

Satu komplek dgn mall, menu sarapan beraneka ragam, kamar bersih, kekurangannya adalah tempat parkir mobil yg didekat lobby hotel terbatas.

10 Oktober 2019 13:34

Tempat nyaman, untuk kapasitas breakfastnya terlalu kecil, saya kesulitan mendapatkan tempat duduk,
Tetapi segera dibantu oleh waiters untuk mendapatkan tempat, good

10 Oktober 2019 5:12

Mungkin aston yang ini adalah hotel paling strategis di bekasi, karena sangat dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan yang tidak melulu menyuguhkan pakaian saja. Dari luar tampak mewah seperti aston pada umumnya, untuk pelayanan belum tahu karena belum pernah masuk.

03 Oktober 2019 10:34

Letaknya sangat stategis berdekatan dgn pintu tol bekasi barat. Dan satu area dengan Mall Bekasi Cyber Park.

22 September 2019 22:20

Mohon maaf tempo hari belum selesai mengedit sudah terkirim karena terpencet tombol dan ponsel akan jatuh.sungguh bagus hotel Aston menyenangkan

11 September 2019 10:31

Not like a 4-star hotel.

Recommended hotel for Business trip! Yes, it is the thing that suites this hotel. I personally not recommending this place for medical-trip or family staycation, since it was not so family-friendly and not so much close for medical purpose.

At first I was booking this place through their membership app, however there was an error when my booking raised. Therefore I book it from travel app and it worked. However, some benefits offered from my membership are not available on this case. Well, but okay.

When I was checking myself in, the process worked fast. However, the room I booked (with the special request asked previously) was no longer available. Yes, the staffs are friendly and attentive, however I was not sure they are solutive enough to help me with this problem. They only offered me to pay more for upgrading room. So yeah, I paid another 75k IDR for the room that I actually do not want.

I stayed on Deluxe one, and the room is really big. There are super size bed of which not comfortable enough (couldnt make me sleep because the mattress is so hard) and sofa inside the room. There are many lights in the room but not all of them are function normally. There are 4 lamps off and also no White Light to work/study on the desk.

Other thing, they do not provide tissue in the room. Only one tissue in the bathroom, two towels (No hand towels), but other amenities are ok. Safe deposit box was not working. Bed sheet ain't so clean.

As I went to the swimming pool, it's crowded. However it still fun to be there, though it's small. Anyone swim was swimming on their own risk as there is No guard. But No worry, there are friendly staffs that stand by on the side of the pool.

The gym was out dated. The room feels No air. The machines were old.but yeah, some of them still working pretty good.

For the breakfast, they served many variant of menu! The taste is so-so, but it made the guests not so bored. The are western foo, Indonesia food, Japanese food, and chinese food. My fav is the croissant. Well with this condition, I noticed many people are enjoying their food in the morning.

Beside all of above stuff, the staffs are friendly and helpful. Too bad, there is No parking available as I checked in. Even worse, we paid to go inside Bekasi Cyber Park (because the hotel located inside this mall) just to be dropped off in the Lobby.

21 April 2019 18:18

Tempat yg enak banget buat hang out, classy, elegant dan cozy, highly recommend.tapi sayang kamar mandi outdoornya tidak dijaga kebersihannya krn waktu itu di toilet wanita kita liat banyak darah kering di lantai.

15 Februari 2019 22:38

Lokasi sangat strategis, kamarnya bagus, tapi untuk menu makanannya baik breakfast ataupun room service lebih di tinggikan.

13 Januari 2019 4:50

Pelayannya di resepsionis tidak ramah, udah gitu di lobbynya banyak sekali nyamuk, ampe bosen nepokin nyamuknya, di tambah resepsionisnya, ampun dehtidak ad senyum nya acan

26 Desember 2018 16:25

Hotelnya bagus, mewah, bersih, Deket mall dan Tmpt perbelanjaan lainnya cuma satu yang kurang musholahnya kecil untuk ukuran hotel sebagus ini.

13 Desember 2018 2:40

Kesana krn wedding tmn.lokasinya si strategis krn keluar tol dr Jakarta ga jauh ya paling 1km. Nyambung sama mall. Parkiran agak susah krn kapasitas kecil. Ada luar dan dalam. Makanannya biasa aja. Ballroomnya lmyn, tdk terlalu besar tp lmyn jg. Kalo kamar dll gatau d ya krn ga inep dsana.

12 Desember 2018 23:23

Letak yg sangat strategis, sangat mudah di jangkau, breakfast option menu sangat bervariasi. Cozy & clean room. Friendly staffs. Elevator sangat kurang. Tidak ada pilihan tangga hnya untuk menuju lantai 2 dari lobby.

06 Desember 2018 11:11

Nice hotel in the center of bekasi city. As you expect from aston group. Have a nice staff, nice service, bathroom, restaurant. But as expected from busy town of bekasi, if you stay here, you will always hear the crowd of the traffic, some loud event on the bekasi cyber park

05 Desember 2018 23:22

Letaknya sangat strategis, parkirnya luas, menyatu dengan parkiran Bekasi Cyber Park. City view di malam harinya bagus, mengingat masih banyak kendaraan lalu lalang di malam hari. Pelayanannya baik dan petugasnya ramah. Restonya luas, menu sarapannya banyak pilihan dan enak-enak. Lebih bahagianya karena harganya murah, di bawah 500rb.

25 November 2018 9:55

Hotel bintang empat ditengah kota bekasi ini sangat strategis. Hotel ini dekat dengan tiga mall seperti bekasi cyber park, metropolitan mall dan bekasi megamall. Lokasinya juga dekat dengan terminal. Dekat juga dengan kegiatan cae free day di hari minggu. Makanannya enak dan bervariasi. Fasilitas kolam renang terletak dilantai 15.

24 November 2018 8:25

Standard 4 stars hotel, spacious and neat room, haven't had chance to see the extra facilities on floor 15. Parking in the building basement is integrated with the shopping mall. It's dingy though, very contrast to the hotel.

23 November 2018 12:50

Friendly staff and Quick service. Pada saat breakfast situasi sedang ramai dan tempat duduk juga terisi semua, tetapi dengan sigap dan cekatan salah seorang waitress langsung mencarikan kami tempat duduk. Secara umum baik dari fasilitas dan terutama pelayanan sangat memuaskan sekali.

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