Amaris Hotel Pakuan - Bogor

Alamat Jl. Raya Pajajaran No.2, RT.01/RW.11, Baranangsiang, Bogor Timur, West Java
Telepon +62 251 7561000
Situs web mysantika.com/indonesia/bogor/amaris-hotel-pakuan-bogor
Kategori Hotel
Peringkat 4.3 39 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
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Hotel Santika Depok — Jl. Margonda No.88, Kemiri Muka, Kecamatan Beji, Jawa Barat
Hotel Santika Sukabumi — Jl. Bhayangkara No.28, RT.03/RW.01, Sriwidari, Kec. Gunungpuyuh, Jawa Barat
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Salak Tower Hotel — Jl. Salak No.38-40, Babakan, Bogor Tengah, West Java
Hotel Permata — Jl. Raya Pajajaran No.35, RT.03/RW.08, Babakan, Bogor Tengah, West Java
Hotel Royal Amaroossa Bogor — Bogor Tengah, Jl. Otto Iskandardinata No.84, RT.04/RW.02, Baranangsiang, Jawa Barat
Sahira Butik Hotel — Jl. Paledang No.53, RT.03/RW.02, Paledang, Blok Gajah, Jawa Barat

Amaris Hotel Pakuan - Bogor ulasan

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15 Oktober 2023 2:41

Untuk numpang tidur n istirahat kegiatan oke (AC dingin banget, WC bersih, tempat tidur + ruangan bersih)
Fasilitas cuma minus kettle tapi disediain dispenser panas/dingin
Kalopun kasur ga wangi, tapi aroma cucian baru terasa (bukan bau lembab)
Nasi goreng room servicenya TOP, bumbu kacang sate condimentnya kurang
Overall nice experience

28 September 2023 2:59

Sangat strategis lokasi hotel ini, harga cukup terjangkau, kamar bersih dan tersedia alat2 mandi

24 September 2023 11:01


- Strategic location. Not for from toll exit. Many fast food chain restaurants, a supermarket, a mosque & a famous bakery store are within walking distance.

- Cleanliness, wifi, staffs OK. No complaints.

- Bed was comfy, got 4 pillows.

- Compact size & interior designed rooms. Not big but we could easily move around.

- Some people complaint about the ventilation in the bathroom. I found it was fine. I washed my underwear in the morning, they were dried in the afternoon.

- No carpet, perfect for allergic people like me.


- Breakfast was disappointing, most food were cold.

- No fridge in the room.

- Not suitable for families because there were no connecting rooms.


- We recommend this hotel for couples & business travelers only, for short stays.

- Some people complaint (in the reviews) about towels. You can only get 1 towel per room, even if you checked in as a couple. If you want additional towel, you have to pay. I completely agree, this policy is ridiculous. However, we were very lucky. After we checked in, we found 2 towels in the bathroom. Only bath towels though, no face towels.

- The room rate is including breakfast, but since it was disappointing, we suggest guests to go outside to "hunt" for better food. Try the bakery across the street, they open from 7 AM.

06 Mei 2019 13:34

Lokasi strategis, dekat dengan tempat untuk nongkrong atau ngopi ngopi. Mudah mencari kuliner disekitar hotel. Kamar oke, bersih tetapi amanities kurang lengkap. Parkir luas, staff hotel ramah namun perlu di perhatikan untuk cita rasa menu sarapan.

23 April 2019 23:16

Seneng banget nginep disini. Kamarnya ga begitu luas tapi nyaman banget. Staff hotel nya juga ramah2

10 Februari 2019 19:59

Tempatnya cozy dan aman. Pelayannya ramah dan respon cepat. Wifinya juga bagus, air panas bagus, sinyal gambar tivi bagus, kamar bersih, kar mandi bersih.

04 Februari 2019 20:51

Recomended hotel untuk kelas bintang 2 fasilitas dan pelayanan yg ditawarkan lebih dr yg terbayangkan.
Staff ramah
Sarapan lumayan (meski g sekomplit hotel2 mewah tp enak, standar bintang 2)
Parkir oke
Lokasi mudah dijangkau karna di pusat kota bogor

19 Januari 2019 14:07

Sarapan disini lebih bervariasi dari amaris yg lain. Untuk ukuran kamar sama saja kecil kecil atau minimalis. Area parkir kecil. Untuk pintu keluar kendaraan harus turun lewat lorong berputar dan cukup sempit untuk kendaraan besar harus extra hati hati nyenggol dinding.

18 Januari 2019 15:32

Tempat oke, parkir luas, ramah, tenang, nyaman, akses mudah, tempat rame, cuma kamar sempit, dan harga nginap murah

05 Januari 2019 3:53

Tempat nya strategis untuk ke tempat beli Oleh2 atau tempat wisata, mudah dijangkau jg oleh transportasi umum.

28 Desember 2018 23:06

Udh kesekian kalinya nginep disini Kamar nyaman, fasilitas lengkap, menu makanan enak dan parkiran luas.

23 Desember 2018 14:39

Hotel cukup bersih dan ruangan yg minimalis, untuk sarapan menunya variatif dan dari segi lokasi cukup strategis dkt jln tol dan bnyak tukang dagang di smping hotel.

18 Desember 2018 20:16

It's in a good location near restaurants and shopping malls. For the budget Traveller, you can't beat the value. The room size is fine for 1 person or two with minimal luggage. The rooms are very clean and everything worked fine. Just keep in mind that this hotel is not a luxury residence. The staff was friendly and breakfast fine. I paid approximately $30 USD per night with breakfast, which is half the price of the 4 star hotels I normally stay at in Bogor.

13 Desember 2018 6:40

Nice hotel to stay in Bogor with affordable price. Breakfast has a lot of variety. Rooms wasn't really big but enough for two people. Staff is friendly and quite helpful. If you're feeling hungry, there's a lot of option near the hotel and can be reach on foot

Ro Mico
09 Desember 2018 12:40

Good hotel, clean room, friendly staff. Breakfast was good but not many variety.

Located in the city center and surround by lots of street hawker.

It's a recommend place to stay

08 Desember 2018 9:42

Tempat nya strategis, menu breakfast nya lumayan enak.pelayanan oke lah.fasilitas juga lamayan bagus.lokasi sangat strategis, di pusat kota

07 Desember 2018 20:34

Hotel nyaman, kamar mandi bersih.
Lokasi strategis (300m dari terminal Baranangsiang, 100m dari Masjid Kota Bogor, dekat tempat kuliner)

03 Desember 2018 22:33

Hotel building yang mungkin sudah cukup lama, terlihat dari bangunannya dan cat yg kusam. Pelayanan ramah namun fasilitas kamar tergolong kurang lengkap tanpa adanya pemanas air minum, kopi atau amenities yg menjadi standar hotel

02 Desember 2018 0:00

Hotelnya bersih, viewnya juga bagus. Deket kalau mau mall.yg paling aku suka adalah view menghadap ke gunung.

01 Desember 2018 5:22

Hotel are located at main street of Bogor. Nice view at morning, coz you can see city of Bogor & Mount Salak

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