Trafique Coffee

Alamat Jl. Hang Tuah Raya No.9, RT.2/RW.6, Gunung, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta
Telepon +62 877-0364-7189
Jam 12:00-19:00
Situs web trafique-coffee.jimdofree.com
Kategori Coffee Shop, Cafe, Restaurant
Peringkat 4 41 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Coteca — Jl. Rw. Belong No.2, RT.7/RW.15, Palmerah, Jakarta
Crematology — Jl. Suryo No.25 3, RT.3/RW.6, Rw. Bar., Kec. Kby. Baru, Jakarta
J.Co — Jl. Raya Kalibata No.1 9, RT.9/RW.4, Kalibata, Kec. Pancoran, Jakarta
Tanamera Coffee — Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan Kby. No.16, RT.14/RW.1, Kramat Pela, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta

Trafique Coffee ulasan

Sortir dengan: tanggal rating tertinggi nilai terendah paling bermanfaat
03 Oktober 2018 2:03

The coffee wasn't bad, not too pricely and the place was good for gathered with friends, did a task or some works. This place had industrial style and of course this place instagramable.
But for me this place was rather hard to find.

29 September 2018 22:12

Decent option of coffee, got some good taste unique filter coffee also. The place is quite spacious so you won't feel like a cramped sardine, unlike most other hip coffee shops around town.

15 September 2018 21:17

So so
Place is good
Almond brulee is nice to try, increasing your coffeexperience

DmmdmdSo so
Place is good
Almond brulee is nice to try, increasing your coffeexperience

XxxxzxzzSo so
Place is good
Almond brulee is nice to try, increasing your coffeexperience

20 Agustus 2018 23:03

Suasana tenang dan nyaman. Terdapat smoking room dan non smoking room. Makanan yang disajikan mix antara french fries, onion ring dan sosis. Porsinya pas dan mengenyangkan

13 Agustus 2018 18:00

Hari minggu jam 10 pagi ke sana utk sunday breakfast. Pesen Big Breakfast rotinya ga ada, Pesen Burger rotinya jg ga ada, Pesen French fries jg ga ada. Pertanyaannya niat jualan ga? Akhirny sy dan suami pindah ga jd makan disana, kt kecewa sudah jauh2 ke sana. Padahal lokasi tempatnya bagus, tp business operationnya parah, sgt disayangkan

08 Agustus 2018 19:22

Always enjoy my time to work or hang out here. Love their white flat! Their pasta and snack platters are also nyummy

02 Agustus 2018 0:16

Tempat yang cozy dan cukup nyaman untuk ngerjain tugas (ngelaptop).

- wifi kencang
- coffee nya enak
- kursi nyaman, ada sandaran
- pelayanan bagus dan ramah
- harga coffee: mulai dari 30an ribu

Cukup bagus untuk fokus ngerjain sesuatu, sebelum peak hour disini (mulai siang).

29 Juli 2018 20:31

The layout and inside the shop is highly instagrammable, good ambience.but the coffee, not so much. When i taste syrupy flavour, a big no no for me. Doesnt even finish my coffee here.

29 Juli 2018 9:30

Tempatnya asik, saya datang pas sore menjelang takbiran jadi sepi. Karena kalau hari biasa penuh. Untuk kopi enak. Sayang ga sempet ambil foto nya.

29 Juli 2018 8:36

Decent coffee and food at a good price. Nice spacious space too with big wooden table perfect for working.

17 Juli 2018 9:32

Tempat yang nyaman, bukan penggemar kopi tapi ada pilihan lain untuk kamu yang kurang suka ngopi (spt saya)

13 Juli 2018 0:41

This is my 2nd time here. Place is cozy, comfortable, nice ambiance and atmosphere. Price is good enough, the taste is good too. Love all of the aspects here

07 Juli 2018 11:32

Place is quite spacious. Perfect for meetup or two-or-three-persons meeting. Menu is just so-so. Nothing stands out or gives a hint for re-purchase

24 Juni 2018 2:33

Tempat yang pas untuk mencari ketenangan atau ide, cukup unik dengan pintu masuk seperti pintu besi warehouse besar. Menu makanan tidak terlalu banyak.

07 Juni 2018 19:22

Tempat yang ramai pengunjung sampai2 pas kesini gak dapet tempat. Menu lumayan dan suasana cafe juga cukup nyaman dengan interior yang instagramable.

06 Juni 2018 6:42

We have to wait 45-50minutes until we got our foods. And turn out everything is cold/ room temperature. The egg benedict turn out to be boiled egg. Fries cold, burger also bad. Better Mac donals / BK. Not friendly waiter.

30 Mei 2018 3:02

Location is easy to find, near senayan city mall. Nice place, they have indoor and outdoor area. Ambience is super love, staffs are fast and informative. Must try their signature coffee.

28 Mei 2018 16:14

The food and especially the coffee tastes great! Although the menu selection is quite limited. The place is also nice and comfortable but can be better. The wifi is fast, nice place to hangout after work or just to relax

28 Mei 2018 5:59

Tempatnya enak, lokasinya dekat senayan tapi suasananya tenang, cuma kurang varian makanan menurut saya atau mungkin saat itu banyak yg ga ada

H Ali Siregar
17 April 2018 17:21

Tempat ngopi yg asik kalau terjebak macet/traffic disini, kesan homey dan vintage lebih banyak ditonjolkan dalam elemen interior berbagai ruangannya. Surprise juga mereka ternyata roasting sendiri. Varian single origin ada sekitar 5 atau enam.
Tempat duduk ruangan non smoking lebih dari cukup, namun tidak semua area cocok buat membaca karena penerangan yg kurang pas buat kegiatan baca. Tempat duduk ruangan merokok/outdoor ada dibagian belakang, dilengkapi kipas angin besar buat ngadem ataupun membuang asap.
Harga termasuk pajak per September 2017:
Hot Latte Rp. 38.000, -
Hand-drip (kopi tubruk) Rp. 36.000, -

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