Toko Kopi TUKU - Cipete

Alamat Jl. Cipete Raya B No.7, RT.6/RW.3, South Cipete, Cilandak, Jakarta
Jumat07:00-11:45, 12:45-22:00
Situs web tuku.coffee
Kategori Coffee Store, Coffee Shop
Peringkat 4.3 27 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Sinou Kaffee Hausen — Jl. Panglima Polim V No.26 5, RT.1/RW.7, Melawai, Kec. Kby. Baru, Jakarta
Starbucks Coffee - Cilandak — Jl. Terogong Raya No.10, RT.15/RW.10, West Cilandak, Cilandak, Jakarta
L.O.F (Plants and Kitchen) — Jl. H. Junaedi No.2a, RT.3/RW.4, South Cipete, Cilandak, Jakarta
Warmindo Kahuripan — Jl. Poltangan Raya No.34, RT.9/RW.5, Tj. Bar., Kec. Jagakarsa, Jakarta

Toko Kopi TUKU - Cipete ulasan

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24 Februari 2019 18:51

Suka banget! Konsep nya buat take away sih, krna tempatnya kecil. Tp buat kopiny ga usa ditanya lah ya.harganya juga murah

19 Februari 2019 6:08

Coffee pit: why this tiny hole is always full is beyond me.but my daughter and the rest of the millineals swear by it.regular customers and by this i mean go-jeks line up by the mile.with people quietly waiting for their brew.extraordinary.

23 Januari 2019 4:44

Special coffee taste. Indonesia bangetsss
Small place, so better for take away.
When you enter inside the place, you can smell nice coffee. I am an addicted now ️

04 Januari 2019 18:49

Kopi Susu Tetangganya enak. Servicenya cepat, namun tempat kecil sehingga kurang nyaman untuk berlama-lama. Parkir untuk mobil tidak tersedia, jadinya harus parkir di Alfamart ataupun di seberang jalan.

03 Januari 2019 10:11

I paid IDR 18K for their famous Es Kopi Susu Tetangga. The coffee is thick, which is the part that I love about their coffee.it feels like each ingredients has an important role for making a great mixture.also love the -not-too-sweet taste.worth the money, worth the hype but one thing that’s lacking from this place is the space.small space to hanging out, and no space to park your car.

28 Desember 2018 5:09

Kopi nya enak dengan harga yg kompetitif.
Masih jd pilihan ngopi dengan rasa yg setara dengan coffee shop beken di jakarta.

19 Desember 2018 2:23

A tiny coffee shop. Love the coffee & nice services despite no enough space, you'll get lemon infused water for free.

28 November 2018 20:45

The coffee and snacks still as nice as ever, and it's fun to hang around if you don't mind the overcrowded place.

28 November 2018 2:19

Toko kopi paling hits se jakarta
Terimakasih banyak kopi tuku karena telah mendukung penuh acara AsianParaGames dengan memberi 2 kopi gratis setiap tiket pertandingan yang ditukarkan.

23 November 2018 1:57

Pelayanannya cepet. Semua staff ramah. Es kopi susu tetangganya kesayangan semua orang kayaknya. Tapi selalu ramai dan tempatnya sempit. Kalo mau nongkrong di situ kurang nyaman jadinya

22 November 2018 11:15

Gak bisa review kopinya karena kebetulan ga bisa minum kopi. Tapi setelah tau ada ice choco dan cemilannya, jadi pengen nyobain. Ice choco-nya enak juga, entah krn emang es nya yg kurang atau udaranya panas, jd sampai kantor, udah ga seberapa dingin. Brownies-nya lumayan enak, ga terlalu manis walaupun full coklat, jd ga eneg makannya juga.

19 November 2018 16:14

Kopinya bner2 enak. Creamy tapi tetap berasa cita rasa kopi dan gula aren nya. Disediakan juga infused water secara free. Mantapp

16 November 2018 23:13

Best ice coffee latte in town. Serve in pressed plastic cup with brown sugar. Exotic taste and addictable!

F Liu
09 November 2018 11:12

Awesome coffee. Well blended and not too heavy on the sugar. Small space but efficiently runned. Watch out starbucks.tuku is here to stay and grow.congrats to it's owner.

28 Oktober 2018 4:40

The coffee is tastefully at an affordable price.frequent visitors, unfortunately this place is narrow.

26 Oktober 2018 11:54

Kopinya lumayan enak dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau. Dia konsepnya untuk take away, jadi jangan harap ada tempat buat nongkrong nongkrong disini. Ada beberapa tempat duduk tapi sepertinya buat nunggu aja. Bukan yg buat nongkrong.
Tempat parkir cuma buat 2 mobil. Ini pun hampir selalu terisi.

19 Oktober 2018 6:00

The taste of coffee is good, but I prefer to add extra sweet. Talk about the store, unfortunately the place is having small available space while the tuku lovers is more than the place that available. So me, prefer to take away.

14 Oktober 2018 5:49

#eskopisusutetangga nya good taste, hangout di saat pengen jam closing, ketika sampai rumah baru sadar kalo tripod gua ketinggal. 1jam kemudian gua balik lagi ksana kebetulan masih ada staff yg rest tp toko sdh tutup, dengan baiknya staff nya buka toko lagi buat ngambil tripod gua doang. Thank a lot

09 Oktober 2018 0:15

You just can take away the coffee, there no chance to sit and enjoy the coffee on the spot but the coffee is really good, one of my fav coffee in jakarta

04 Oktober 2018 8:28

Kopi nya biasa aja. Tempat sempit. Parkir sempit. Harga kelas cafe bintang 5. Porsi kecil. Heran ko bisa rame? Apa krn efek RI 1?

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