Steak Hotel by Holycow! TKP Sabang

Alamat Gedung Sinergi 8, Jl. Kebon Sirih No.48 Unit GF 03, RT.11/RW.2, Kb. Sirih, Jakarta
Telepon +62 858-4103-3269
Jam 10:00-22:00
Situs web holycowsteak.com
Kategori Restaurant, Steak House
Peringkat 4.1 33 ulasan
Steak Hotel by Holycow!
Cabang terdekat
Steak Hotel by Holycow! — Kota Kasablanka Mall UG Floor, Jl. Raya Casablanca Raya No.Kav. 88
Steak Hotel by Holycow! — Plaza 5, Jl. Margaguna Raya No.11 4, RT.4/RW.11, Gandaria Utara, Jakarta
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Al Nafoura — Le Meridien
Skye — BCA Tower Lt. 56, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, RT.001 / RW.005, Menteng, RT.1/RW.5, Menteng, Kec. Menteng, Jakarta
favehotel Pasar Baru — Jl. H. Samanhudi No.26 6, RT.5/RW.3, Ps. Baru, Kecamatan Sawah Besar, Jakarta

Steak Hotel by Holycow! TKP Sabang ulasan

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08 Juli 2019 14:06

Suka bgt sama holycow. Tempat makan steak favorit. Ga berani coba yg lain krn takut zonk. Saya suka steak yg simple ga dibumbui padahal cocolan nya enak tp saya selalu makan polosan krn secara taste sudah pas dengan lidah ku. Paling favorit holysteak yg 400gr

14 Juni 2019 3:11

Rasanya standard. Sayang area merokok lebih luas daripada non-smoking area sehingga terpaksa duduk di luar karena tempat duduk di dalam penuh, padahal bau asap rokok.

10 Juni 2019 0:08

Steaknya enak dengan black pepper sauce, pelayanan ramah, dioutdoornya bisa liat gedung pencakar langit sekitar thamrin, apalagi klo menjelang malam. Kerenn

06 Juni 2019 8:07

I don't really eat meat, so I order the pasta and spinach, the spinach is delicious for me but the pasta is just so so, my friends order legendary steak and they really like it. Located inside a building this place a little bit difficult to find, but overall I would recommend it to others steak lover

27 Mei 2019 22:22

Love the steak. Tempatnya agak cramped yang didalam, luas yang diluar (luar buat rokok atau keluarga). Pelayannya ramah dan informatif.

16 Mei 2019 13:21

Sorry I had to rated this low. Disappointed enough my order took almost an hour when the place was relatively quiet. Although the manager gave us a compliment, but the steak was also overcooked. Could’ve been better!

09 Mei 2019 5:06

Terletak di gedung sere manis (daerah sabang), di lantai 5.area terbagi menjadi dua, indoor (non smoking) dan outdoor (smoking). Kalo pas malem enakan di area outdoor sih.overall tempatnya gak begitu luas.untuk rasa dan harga dan rasa cukup reasonable.

29 April 2019 2:11

Quite windy. Too noisy if you choose to dine indoor area. As the first time customer, place not easy to find.

22 April 2019 15:34

I ordered spaghetti bolognaise, burger, and double chocolate mousse and they were amazing! The meatball was so tender, the spaghetti sauce was a spot-on, and the portion was enough for dinner, in my opinion. The burger meat was also juicy, tender, and I can say. "soft", also with the bun, along with the french fries that has enough saltiness that for me, matched well with the burger.

For the chocolate mousse. It was kinda expensive for me, hahaha.the size and the price just are not agreeable It was delicious, though that I wanted more but really thinking of the price. I was eating slowly just to.you know, enjoy and digest it as slow as possible so the taste wouldn't just leave my throat quickly.

16 April 2019 6:07

I like the place, eventhough its on 5th Floor on Jl wahid hasyim or well known before as Jl Sabang. You can eat steak indoor or outdoor (rooftop) so its cool hehe
Most people dont know the place because you cannot see the restaurant from the street, another restaurants on 1st floor which will confuse you.
I ordered medium tenderloin with black pepper sauce, fries and spinach. Its soo good, the meat was so tender, easy to cut and juicy inside.yummyy!

Please like my review, comment or share ya, thank you all.

15 April 2019 22:39

Rasa makanannya enak, suasananya nyaman, harganya cukup lah, cuma tempat parkir kendaraannya saja yang sedikit.

28 Maret 2019 19:12

Enak dan harganya sebanding. Pelayanan bisa ditingkatkan lagi Krn waktu kunjungan kemarin lampunya mati jadi gelap2an, pelayannya lama banget nyediain lilin

14 Maret 2019 22:04

The worst service ever. I just arrived at 11 AM and the menu's almost soldout even for unpopular items like chicken steak and mushroom sautee. The waitress tried to make an excuse like we got sudden order for promo.

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