Sate Khas Senayan

Alamat Ruko Inkopal, Jalan Boulevard Raya Barat Blok C21B-C22, Klp. Gading Bar., Jakarta
Telepon +62 21 45859080
Jam 11:00-21:00
Situs web sks.sarirasa.co.id
Kategori Indonesian Restaurant
Peringkat 4.1 39 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
Sate Khas Senayan — Mall Artha Gading Lantai 1 Blok A1.2,3,5,6,7, Jl. Artha Gading Sel. No.1, RT.18/RW.8, Klp. Gading Bar., Jakarta
Sate Khas Senayan — Jl. Danau Sunter Utara Blok D1 no 7, RT.5/RW.18, Sunter Agung, Kec. Tj. Priok, Jakarta
Sate Khas Senayan — Jl. Balai Pustaka Timur No.3, Rawamangun, Pulo Gadung, Jakarta
Sate & Seafood Senayan Salemba — Jl. Salemba Raya No.57-59, Paseban, Senen, Jakarta
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Talaga Sampireun Ancol — Jl. Lodan Timur No.10, Ancol, Pademangan, Jakarta
Sop Konro Karebosi — Blok TA2 No. 38, Jl. Boulevard Raya No.RT.8, RT.8/RW.1, East Kelapa Gading, Jakarta
Bakmi Kofei 1 Hybrida — 18 Blok RB1 no 18 Jalan Raya Kelapa Hybrida Rb1 no 18, Jkt Utara
Mimoosa Resto — Gading Kirana Utara Blok A13 No. 33, RT.18/RW.8, Klp. Gading Bar., Kec. Klp. Gading, Jakarta

Sate Khas Senayan ulasan

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02 September 2023 15:05

Menu favorit setiap berkunjung nasi goreng kambiing, bisa di coba gaes dan sate sapi manisnya

17 Januari 2023 21:56

Me and my family have been a loyal customer since I was a kid and we’re glad to have this resto chain in Kelapa Gading. The food taste consistent and most of it is according to our liking. However, for this particular store.please consider having a rest room on the 1st floor to accommodate the elderly. My father has a heart problem and the doctor prohibit him to take the stairs - earlier today my boyfriend had to helped him to go to the 2nd floor restroom and afterwards he felt a bit tired having to go up and down just to go to the loo. A bit disappointed though. Please management, take notice.

10 Januari 2023 16:55

Makanan khas indonesia, and lebih banyak ke masakan jawa, makanannya enak terlebih utk gurame pesmolnya.nyam nyam

27 September 2022 3:17

Salah satu restoran favorit kami saat mencari makanan nusantara kalau sedang malas ke mall, karena lokasinya di luar mall dan tempat parkirnya luas. Walaupun di ruko, tapi kapasitasnya cukup besar, terdiri 2 lantai dan hanya indoor. Tempatnya nyaman dan pelayanannya baik. Menu yang sering kami pesan seperti sate ayam, tahu telor, tahu kipas, lontong cap go meh dan es jeruk.

22 Agustus 2022 17:36

Rasa takut karena restoran ini sudah memiliki banyak cabang dengan manajemen yang kuat, hanya untuk lokasi Bintaro menurut saya harganya cukup mahal jika dibandingkan pilihan lain yang tersedia

18 Juni 2022 9:29

Tempat makan nya enak, makanan nya jangan di ragukan.selain menu sate, nasi langgi, nasi bakar ayam goreng juga mantappp

16 Mei 2022 5:43

Makanan udah standard Sate Khas Senayan, ga diragukan lagi. Tapi mohon maaf tempat nya terlihat agak tidak terawat, dan Pelayan juga hanya sedikit.

07 Maret 2021 14:53

Restoran sate tp bukan rasa sate pinggir jalan. Klo yg biasa makan di pinggir jalan pasti akan bilang "ko gini rasanya". Atau ko gini harganya. Hahahaha

10 Oktober 2019 0:13

Pesan sate ayam daging 2 porsi dapat ekstra
Setengah porsi bayarnya pakai BCA kartu kredit
1 cendol durian
1 nasi kuning
Satenya enak dgn bumbu kacang yg halus
dicampur irisan bawang merah dan cabai
Penyajianya jga bagus dilengkapi pemanas untuk satenya

04 Oktober 2019 13:23

Seperti biasa di sini nyaman tapi kalau mau kesini jangan terlalu mlm karna kemarin pesan soto udah gak panas cuma anget aja jd isi sotonya jd agak keras.

06 September 2019 3:07

Always being undecided and need a long time to decide what to eat. The menu looks all delicious

03 Agustus 2019 20:08

Restoran masakan Indonesia yg terkenal dengan satenya. Mungkin sate yg dihidangkan adalah salah satu yg terbaik. Menu lain cukup bervariasi dengan rasa dan penyajian yg baik.
Dapat dikatakan seluruh cabang bersih dan nyaman dengan pelayanan yg baik

23 Juli 2019 22:54

Sate Khas Senayan is a chain restaurants with a lot of branches all over Jakarta and Tanggerang city.
Found by Mr. Budi Hadisurjo in 1974 located in Kebayoran area near Senayan, so it called Satay House Senayan.

In the beginning this restaurant used to be a place to eat Satays menu like Chicken satay, Beef satay, Mutton satay and Lilit satay (satay covered by the fatty skin) because satay is very popular food in Indonesia and mostly sell in the small food stall or traditional food cart on the street side.

The idea of finding this restaurant was preparing a nice and comfort place to eat satay instead of on the street side.

In 1982 the name was changed to "Sate Khas Senayan" This is no longer for satay only but various kind of Indonesian foods.
Well I may call this is a family restaurant with all traditional Indonesia menus. Suitable for lunch and dinner whether you are alone or with couple and especially with family.
People comes to eat there for lunch gathering, lunch meeting and party.
Price is affordable for the clean restaurant, comfort and the taste of the foods.

18 Januari 2019 9:24

Good restaurant for satay. Beside this ethnical indonesian meal, they have also ayam goreng kremes, ayam bakar taliwang, ikan goreng kering, ikan bakar, pecel, perkedel jagung. For beverages they have even beer, juice, cendol, soft drink, tea, coffee and many more. Good place for lunch with your family or friends and business friends.

29 Desember 2018 7:12

Very nice restaurant for traditional Indonesian food.
We usually go to the inkopal ruko branch in Kelapa Gading.
On this visit (23/12/18) - I found this service warmer & better then my previous visits.
Good food is always better when it's accompanied by good service.
Even the quality & freshness of the food was very good.

27 Desember 2018 4:37

Dari awal masuk, meja tidak dibersihka, nasinya sudah ditumggu sampai 25 menit baru keluar, sampai petugasnya mengaku "maaf tadi gaada yang mau ngambilin. " Berbeda dengan sate khas senayan tempat lain, tusuk sate sangat kotor, satenya yang gosong ada 5 dari 25. Petugas sangat susah dipanggil, sekitar 3_4 kali baru diberi sendok dan garpu. Teh manis juga tidak ada gulanya sama sekali, jadi harus minta sendiri. Yang paling lama sate senayannya, yang awal keluar dibawah 10 menit, yang terakhir setelah 30+ menit.

Note: yang makan tidak ramai, tidak sampai 3/4 meja terpenuhi

From the start, the table was not cleaned up, the rice had been ordered until 25 minutes had just come out, until the officer admitted "sorry there was no one who wanted to take it. " Unlike the Sate Khas Senayan in other places, satay sticks are very dirty, satay is burnt there are 5 out of 25. The officers are very difficult to call, about 3_4 times just given a spoon and fork. Sweet tea also has no sugar at all, so you have to ask for it yourself. The longest one is Senayan Satay, the first one comes under 10 minutes, the last one after 30+ minutes.

Note: the restaurant is not crowded, no more than 3/4 of the table is fulfilled

06 Desember 2018 11:09

Saya memberikan binatang lima untuk menu yang disediakan restauran ini.:)

Saat itu saya mengajak 12 tamu asing dan tidak ada yang mengatakan bahwa makanannya tidak berkesan. Tempenya sungguh enak. Satenya jangan ditanya dan begitu juga menu lainnya

Oiya tempatnya asik untuk makan ramai ramai

27 November 2018 13:52

Tempat makan yang satu ini memang favorit karena makanannya rata-rata enak dilidah. Namun kurang enak di kantong.

21 November 2018 0:01

Excellent Satay with the peanut mixture for garnish. Anyone will enjoy the food here. You also get a host of local authentic cuisine. Staf are great and serve well. Try it if you have not as yet. They have other branches I think bit this one is special.

24 September 2018 18:47

One of the best satay in town, but please beware of some branches as they service might be quite slow.

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