Restaurant Cahaya Baru

Alamat Jl. Tiang Bendera II No.84 6, RT.6/RW.3, Roa Malaka, Kec. Tambora, Jakarta
Telepon +62 21 6930705
Jam 11:00-14:00,16:00-20:00
Kategori Chinese Restaurant
Peringkat 3.9 31 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Suisen / Bakmie Sui-Sen — Plaza Metro Atom Pasar Baru, Jalan KH Samanhudi Raya, RT.1/RW.3, Pasar Baru, Jakarta
Nasi Campur Atek — Blok C1B No.6, Kompleks Taman Duta Mas, Jl. Kusuma Raya No.10, Jakarta
Restoran Angke — Jl. Kyai Haji Zainul Arifin, RT.4/RW.7, Krukut, Taman Sari, Jakarta
Top Yammie — Jl. Labu No.3-6 1, RT./RW/RW.6, Mangga Besar, Jakarta

Restaurant Cahaya Baru ulasan

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16 November 2019 20:33

Makanan ok, untuk yg mau bawa keluarga atau teman yg pakai kursi roda ada alat ditangga buat naik. Bs karaokean jg

Yi Shiang
07 November 2019 20:49

Good food, but expect super bad service, power outages. A dish that we ordered a day prior was out of stock.

29 September 2019 9:42

Cahaya Baru used to be one of my 'go-to' Chinese food restaurants, good service, good food, with generous servings too, i'm not really a fan of fish soup but most of my family love it. Unfortunately, i'm not a fan of today's Cahaya Baru, the food is average at best and the portions are a bit insulting considering the price.

The service is still quick and good, the place is neat and simple, the place is always packed during dinner time and the parking space are quite limited

24 September 2019 9:55

Typical Chinese family-managed restaurant, quantity over quality. They jammed-pack the whole place with tables without sufficient parking space. Light went out due to electricity overload during meals. Pre-ordered some menus as part of our reservation and was sold to other tables before we arrived. If you live nearby or like chinese food for the sake of eating, then this might be an okay restaurant for you.

04 Juli 2019 9:43

雅加达华人餐厅特别多,Cahaya Baru (新光餐厅)是其中一家。这里煮的菜味道超级难忘!




There are many Chinese food restaurants around Kota Tua area, Cahaya Baru is one of them and the taste is exceptionally superb.

Place might be hard to find, since it is in the small alley of Kota Tua, but inside there is a lot parking lot for you to park. The ambience is typical homey old Chinese people house, however it maintains clean and tidy.

You can order its ribs (American Style), the Bihun Goreng (Fried Vermicelli), these are one of the top in my oppinion.

Highly recomended, and definitely wanna revisit once you try.

22 Juni 2019 15:28

Sop ikan yang sangat gurih dan segar. Tempatnya didalam jalan kecil tapi jangan heran apabila banyak mercy bmw lexus yang parkir, karena ternyata ini tempat favorite para bos di jakarta untuk makan malam bersama kolega dan keluarga mereka. Bisa karaoke juga kalau kita booking room di lantai 3

01 Juni 2019 16:09

Good food with classic chinesse menu. Nice place to hang out if you want to pamper your tongue than just pride to put picture in instagram.

17 Mei 2019 21:41

Ample and cozy space for family lunch or dinner, with each tables not too close to each other. Extensive selection of Chinese foods to choose from.

23 Maret 2019 4:47

Sangat cocok untuk acara ultah.harga tidak terlalu mahal. Porsi seabrek2. Rasa relatif, tidak terlalu berbumbu. Namun cocok dilidah org tua. Favorit nya sup gurame dan ribs bakar.

11 Maret 2019 23:08

1st of all the food taste is weird, unlike other chinese food restaurant. 2nd hard to get a good spot for parking lot, specially for cars. 3rd the lighting seems a bit dark for a restaurant. 4th the waiters is seems not focus with our orders, i have to repeat several times just to order an ice tea.

11 Maret 2019 16:21

Tersedia room dengan fasilitas karaoke. Juga ada paket yang bisa di pilih, cocok untuk reuni dan harga juga sangat terjangkau

14 Februari 2019 18:40

Sangat buruk kami malam sincia disini makanan keluar jam 21: 30 banyak table yang cancel benar2 kacauuuu makanan yg sudah di book habis ini restoran bener2 paling terburuk

03 Februari 2019 22:37

Been here for the first time. Soup Guramenya mantapp. Buat diasble jangan kuatir, ada akses buat naik ke lantai dua jika diperlukan. Babi hong nya kurang rasa menurut saya. Pelayanannya oke, tempatnya juga bisa dibilang bersih. Tempat ini cocok untuk makan keluarga. Harganya masih bisa terjangkau.

29 Januari 2019 13:14

Nice place, good food, drink flows, and nice stage on the 1/2nd floor, also please improve your toilet cleaness

25 Januari 2019 6:24

Good variety of chinese cuisine. On top of that, one of the best karaoke & sing on stage accompanied by keyboard operator. Two thumbs up.

10 Januari 2019 20:30

Menu tdk mengecewakan.karaoke oke hny perlu opreter agar tamu tdk menunggu utk lagu selanjutnya lagu2 diperbaharui lg

19 Desember 2018 15:53

Tempatnya bagus, harga cukup mahal tetapi worth it karena porsinya yang cukup besar dan citarasa chinese foodnya enak
Bisa buat acara kisaran 40-60 orang
Tempat parkirnya cukup luas, tetapi tempatnya ada dijalan kecil sehingga hanya orang2 yang pernah kesini saja yang tahu tempat ini

12 Desember 2018 12:50

Restoran Chinese food yg cukup terkenal, walaupun masuk melalui sebuah gang, tapi parkiran mobil hampir selalu penuh. Ada ruangan khusus utk grup yg pesta, ada juga ruangan VIP tmbh karaoke. Makanan yg recommended sup kepala ikannya.

05 Desember 2018 13:43

Very homy serving oriental dishes at affordable price with big portions. An ideal place to enjoy meals together with family, friends or big groups. Ample parking lots available.

19 November 2018 4:42

Makanannya rnak banget.

1. Udang yamha
2. Ayam nanking
3. Kodok saklon sayur asin.
4. Sop ikan gurame
5. Lindung cah fumak.

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