Pizzeria Cavalese Alta

Alamat Jalan M.H Thamrin 1, Grand Indonesia East mall LG unit 30-31, Kota Jakarta Pusat
Telepon +62 813-1732-4188
Jam 10:00-22:00
Situs web pizzeriacavalese.com
Kategori Pizza Restaurant
Peringkat 3.9 20 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Pizza Hut — Jl. Matraman Raya No.37, RT.3/RW.3, Palmeriam, Jakarta
Kitchenette — South Tanjung Duren, Grogol petamburan, Jakarta
Pizza Hut — Jl. Taman Ratu Raya Indah No.35 Blok AA2, RT.14/RW.7, North Kedoya, Kebonjeruk, Jakarta
Pizza Hut Restoran — Jl. Cempaka Putih Raya No.145, Cemp. Putih Tim., Kec. Cemp. Putih, Jakarta

Pizzeria Cavalese Alta ulasan

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22 Januari 2024 15:20

The ambience is nice, varieties of food on the menu is also good. Plating is also very nice. If you are hungry, the portion is good, but if you're looking for classic italian taste, complex aroma of aromatics and flavour. I will not recommend. The welcome bread came with grissini and focaccia, that we can only ask for an extra 1 time, so I also cannot recommend this place to come with family and kids

I ordered chicken parmigiana, the lack of flavour and seasonings, the brown sauce smells like it came from a can. The portion is nice. That's it.

I also order the ravioli rosso since it has a big picture in the menu. The filling is not fulfilling so the ravioli looks more of a wanton rather than a ravioli. The sauce is so creamy, lacks of cheese taste, flavour and aroma. The ravioli is kinda thick, well since it's aldente, so it ends up ok, but not something that I would crave for and come back again.

The berry drink/smoothie consists of blue berry, strawberry and banana.the looks were so tempting, yet all that I can taste is the banana over the berries.

The matcha orange soda. Was just not for me. I get the matcha with soda, or the orange with soda, but the orange and matcha. Even with soda. Is just.

We also got a complementary ice cream, well since it's free I'm ok with what ever they have

16 Januari 2024 0:52

Pizza restuarant located on lower grand of Grand Indonesia Mall. I had no reservation. They had empty tables so I was promptly invited in. Bright, clean and modern restuarant. Seems popular with both locals and foreigners. I ordered a pasta and pizza as the price looks very reasonable. The pasta was nice and spicy. The pizza was very good, and the amount of cheese on the pizza was very generous. I also ordered a drink. Service was good. In total I spent IDR240k for dinner for myself. Quality is very good

13 Januari 2024 0:57

Iseng lunch disini.
Dari awal datang disambut ramah sama staf nya.
Waitress nya jelasin menu dengan baik.
Makanannya cepat.
Rasanya juga enak-enak walaupun bukan org asli Italy, berdasarkan keterangan stafnya yang masak memang sekolah di Italy.
Selesai makan di kasih bonus ice cream 1 scoop per orang.

05 Januari 2024 17:10

One of my favorite pizza restaurant.
Pizza nya banyak pilihan, rasanya enak, pembuatan doughnya masih setengah manual dan open kitchen.
Menu lainnya seperti sop dan varian pasta.
Favorite pizza saya yang mushroom.
Restaurantnya modern dan bersih serta terang. Cocok untuk family maupun long table dan juga suasana cukup intimate buat yang berduaan.

02 Januari 2024 21:52

Pizza enak sekali
Pasta jg enak banget harga ya standar cafe jakarta lah
Utk pizza sayurnya mgkn buat yg vegan cocok
Kalo buat saya ga cocok
Tropical americano enak banget

29 Desember 2023 12:39

Nice place for having dinner. The pizza is great, pasta is good and the tiramisu is a must-try.

26 Desember 2023 16:27

Pelayanan bagus
Ramah dan sangat welcome
Dapet complimentary appetiser dan dessert

Tempat enak dan vibe bagus.

Yang jadi masalah, emg rasa makanannya kurang enak aja. Tapi mungkin ini masalah selera kali ya.

26 Desember 2023 10:57

Baru lagi di GI, tempatnya sih cakep bener dah dengan service yg menurutku ok bgt dan di atas rata-rata. Staff disini gercep bener dan ramah ramah. Tempatnya jg bagus dan cocok utk meeting atau dinner sm kluarga atau tmn

Pesen set lunch menu dpt appetizer, main course (pasta/pizza) sama es teh. Harganya nett seorang sekitar 137.000 dan menurutku ok bgt hrganya.

Appetizernya ak pesen Pelle Di Patate, kulit kentang gitu dan dipakein sweet chilli sauce. Ak suka teksturnya yg crunchy tp ttp tebal di bagian kentangnya. Pastanya ak pesen Vongole Rosso yg pake udang sama kerang. Kurang suka sama rasa sausnya yg cenderung manis dan krg pedes buatku. Tp overall ok kok buat tmpt lunch

next mau coba pizzanya ah

24 Desember 2023 5:48

Tempat terletak di LG Grand Indonesia East Mall. Walaupun sedikit pricey tp makanan dan service oke. Tempat juga cukup nyaman untuk makan sambil ngobrol-ngobrol. Di setiap meja juga selalu disediakan tissue basah dan setelah makanan diberikan free ice cream walaupun rasa ice creamnya biasa saja tidak ada yg spesial.

23 Desember 2023 17:33

Great place, delish pizza yet affordable and quick service.
Just need to reduce the wait time and its an easy 5 star!

22 Desember 2023 14:28

Tried a supposedly top 50 best Asian pizza place, but it was a disappointment. I had the calamari, Margherita pizza, and beef pepperoni. Everything was just average at best. I couldn't understand why they were rated as one of the top 50 best when the food barely delivered something eatable. I could probably make a better pizza at home. Expectations were high, but the disappointment was even higher. 1-star review.

21 Desember 2023 14:13

Ada opsi Gluten Free Pasta, untuk service sopan, namun kurang teliti. Semoga bisa ditingkatkan ya

21 Desember 2023 11:58

This is the kind of pizza i have been craving! The dough is soft and chewy, the sauce is nice but i love the accent of flavor in their pesto. The focaccia.please sell the focaccia I also appreciate the service. Mas Gerald deserve a medal to perform such a great service!

20 Desember 2023 22:56

The service took too long
When we asked nicely why the food did not come on time.the waiter was inappropriate and rude.

The one who took our order did not seem to have a good product knowledge.

The taste is okay but you can still get the same taste or better taste with good service at other Italian restaurants.

16 Desember 2023 7:18

Tried this newly opened Italian Restaurant at Grand Indonesia. It was located at the LG Level of East Mall. This is their new outlet at the center of Jakarta. The usher at the front was friendly to explain their restaurant menu that’s why we gave it a try. Their afternoon package promo is up from afternoon until they’re closed. You can get one dessert from their display and one selection of coffee/tea for the package. I ordered Choco Mint, Tiramisu Latte, Triple Chocolate Cake, Truffle Fries, Fried Calamari, Pepperoni Pizza during our visit. Like many Italian restaurants, they will serve you bread appetizers while waiting for your food. I’m a bit disappointed to know that they were rated as one of the 50 Top Pizza Asia Pacific 2023 yet my pizza I ordered was just okay, nothing special. Maybe I just failed to order their signature pizza. The Truffle Fries we ordered didn’t have any truffle aroma, yet the waiter noticed in the first place and apologized for their kitchen that forgot to add some ingredients (truffle oil). Surely they gave us some replacement though. The fried calamari was just okay, the dipping sauce for the fries was sweet like salad dressing. I prefered the sour garlic dipping sauce of the calamari. Their triple chocolate dessert, tiramisu latte and choco mint were good and not too sweet. They almost double charged us for the cake after the afternoon package but the other waiter noticed it again and gave us a bill correction. I love their humble honesty but they kept doing mistakes and apologized for it during my very first visit. They also promised us to give a complimentary of vanilla and strawberry ice cream, yet they forgot it and we left the restaurant.

15 Desember 2023 5:42

I love this cake especially when it not too sweet and not too bitter. And the taste like as i expected. Minumannya juga enak pollll perpaduan yg pas! And the service is also 5/5 the waitresses are super nice, friendly and polite!

15 Desember 2023 0:55

Pertama kali kesini dan langsung terkesan dg pelayanan. Pelayanannya ramah, sopan dan attentive. Suasana di hari H-3 Natal sangat ramai. Saat itu kebetulan berbarengan dengan makan siang. Saya yang tidak reservasi harus menunggu. Kira kira 45 menitan. Perut yang sudah keroncongan terbayarkan dg hidangan yg sangat sangat enak. Mungkin klimat ini terdengar berlebihan tapi pizza disini enak banget. Kalian liat sendiri di foto.
Oke langsung saja klo saya bisa kali nilai:
Pro: Makanan, Pelayanan, Suasana (apalgi klo ga rame) cocok buat foto ala ala, harga terjangkaulah.
•Dapet bunch of bread sambil nunggu makanan dateng
•Dapet ice cream

Con: hampir selalu ramai (1 jam lebih dr saya duduk ga dihitung junggu waiti list ya).
Minumannya entah agak kurang aja rasanya.

14 Desember 2023 11:27

Dari segi ambience ini top banget sih, bagus bangett! Servicenya juga juara, product knowledgenya bagus banget semua servernya jadi enak utk minta rekomendasi menu.untuk makanan, baik pizza & pastanya enak-enak sih.
- BBQ Manzo pizza: unik banget ada onion ring di atasnya
- Carbonara pizza: jujur ini biasa aja sih, kurang berasa carbonaranya
- Pesto con pollo: rasa sauce pestonya enakkk

untuk dessert beberapa mengandung rum/alkohol, bisa dipastikan ketika membeli yaa

13 Desember 2023 19:43

Saya resevasi via chope, kemudian H-1 staff menelepon saya untuk konfirmasi meja, juga mengingatkan saya melalui wa di hari H. Saya memesan satu ravioli rosso untuk pribadi, dan pizza piedmont ukuran besar untuk berempat. Secara keseluruhan ambiencenya enak untuk ngobrol, makanan juga rasanya lumayan dengan porsi yang cukup banyak. Setelah selesai makan, staff menawarkan kami ice cream (ada rasa vanilla, cokelat, dan stroberi). Pelayanan staff cepat dan ramah, semoga dipertahankan.

10 Desember 2023 5:07

Servicenya sangat baikk dengan pelayanan yang sangat ramah. Makanan dengan harga yang tidak terlalu mahal, menurut saya sangat cocok dijadikan pilihan saat anda sedang berada di GI.

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