Pizza ė Birra Central Park

Alamat Tribeca Park Central Park Mall, Jl. Letjen S. Parman No.28, RT.12/RW.6, Tj. Duren Sel., Jakarta
Telepon +62 21 29200262
Jam 11:00-00:00
Situs web www.ismaya.com/eat-drink/pizza-ebirra
Kategori Sports Bar, Family Restaurant, Pizza Restaurant
Peringkat 4 48 ulasan
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Pizza ė Birra Central Park ulasan

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08 April 2021 2:37

Love this place for its ambience, music played, spacious dining hall, the social distancing regulation, quite delicious food, especially the spicy chicken wings, onion rings, spaghetti, all-day breakfast menu & thin crust pizza!

05 Maret 2021 11:37

Mantap banget sih pizzanya dia tipis dan enak bangetttt. Untuk harga cukup mahal buat aku yang bekerja sebagai pekerja lepas. Lebih pentingnya lagi, mereka bener-bener ketat menerapkan prokes! Ini yang pentingnya, dimulai kita satu meja maks. 3 orang, dikasih alcohol swab buat tangan, dikasih semacam amplop juga buat simpen masker kita. Bahkan aku waktu itu makan berdua duduknya harus berhadapan ga boleh sebelahan. Ya ini tempat makan #1 yang paling menetapkannprokes untuk memutus rantai covid-19 sih kata aku.

12 Februari 2021 2:14

Makanannya dan minuman ok lah hanya saja kekurangannya yaitu smoking area dan non smoking area jadi satu. Hanya beda posisinya saja.
Sebaiknya smoking area di outdoor area.

12 Desember 2020 0:14

Maaf saya harus ngasih review bintang 2.karna saya harus nunggu setengah jam lebih cuma buat 1 porsi dessert.waktu saya jadi terbuang padahal saya masih ada keperluan lagi di mall.akhir nya saya cancel, karna ternyata saya harus nunggu 10 menit lagi untuk bisa menikmati dessert nya! Unbelievable! Saya lumayan sering makan disini, tapi kali ini saya bener2 kecewa.ragu mau makan disini lagi.

06 Agustus 2019 0:56

Great value, good service, loved the fresh 46cm pizza with pepperoni and jalapenos, perfect for sharing. Nice atmosphere, enjoyed the music, will definitely go back.

04 Agustus 2019 9:53

Very cozy place to eat and have a nice talk with friends and colleagues, have smoking area with air Conditioning

02 Agustus 2019 10:08

Good place to hang out with friends. The foods are ok and the service is not bad too. Shame that they let people smoke in the air conditioned room.very unhealthy for children and non smokers.

30 Juli 2019 16:10

Tempat enak buat nongkrong, minum beer, minum es coklat, main darts, main pools, pizza nya enak apalagi Oxtail pizza. Enak renyah. Waitress nya semua baik2 ramah dan cepat pelayanannya. Cuma agak kecewa ya kenapa bln puasa dan hari lebaran (2hr) gak bs order beer. Kalau mmg haram ya totally don't sell lah. Integrity nya setengah setengah. TGIF SAMA GRANDMA GERMANY di lippo aja tetep konsisten. Jd malu bawa tamu waktu itu. Last year gak gini loh. Akhirnya pindah deh ke TGIF waktu lebaran.

17 Juli 2019 16:42

Tempat yg asyik buat meeting, menu lengkap coffe uenakkk tenan, area smoking uenakkk, non smoking nyuaaammmaaan gaessss

12 Juli 2019 0:36

Sesungguhnya saya bukanlah penggemar pizza. Namun untuk pizza di sini tergolong enak. Tipis dan kejunya pun tidak terlalu membuat saya eneq. Di menu terdapat giant pizza yang 1 potongnya mungkin sebesat 1 1/2 pizza ukuran biasa. Untuk dekorasi cukup bagus karena mengusung tema sport. Dan juga tempatnya dibedakan antara smoking area maupun non smoking. Dan yang paling penting, ada toilet di dalam resto ini, jadi pengunjung tidak perlu jauh-jauh cari toilet di dalam mal. Kembali lagi, citarasanya mengikuti lidah pengulas ya, bisa saja berbeda selera dengan pembaca.

04 Februari 2019 18:10

Datang kesini saat malam tahun baru, tapi ternyata under construction, tidak ada informasi di media sosial bahwa cabang disini sedang di renovasi jadi harapan datang untuk chilin di pizza e birra gagal: (

18 Oktober 2018 1:29

Cozy place to meet with people. Talking business or just spending time. The pizza was delicious.

16 Mei 2018 9:59

Tempatnya enak, tidak terlalu berisik jd cocok untuk nongkrong bersama teman-teman sembari ngobrol2 tentang bisnis ataupun hanya sekadar bertukar cerita. Pizza di sini juga enak, tipis dan garing renyah, rasanya pesan 1 porsi pun kurang. Ada bermacam-macam minuman, jika beramai-ramai dgn teman2 bisa pesan bir 1 tower jadi lebih hemat. Harga standar lhah, tidak mahal banget, masih cukup terjangkau. Tutup sampai jam 24.00.

10 April 2018 21:50

Terrible place.
1 no one speaks English
2 the waiter who welcomed me opened the menus and asked me in 10 seconds 5 times what I wanted to order
3 the moscato sucks
4 to use the WiFi you need to sign up, but once you register your e-mail, of course it will not let you log on
5 when I asked for the bill, they tried to charge me with the service twice
6 I had to ask for the receipt 3 times.


19 Februari 2018 19:31

Ambiance is perfect, specially at night both indoor or outdoor.
Interior design looks cozy for groups hang out, while outdoors is cozy for smoking area with windy air.
Flavor beers have a good taste for those who like sweet beer.
Pizza' taste is average. Price is a little bit high, buying atmosphere.

F. Kusuma
07 Januari 2018 9:41

The place is great for hangout. BUT I saw a small cockroach in my plate AND hair on another plate. This is just unacceptable. For the prices they charge, I did not get my money's worth. Will not return.

22 Desember 2017 10:20

They have the most complete beers and lunch are awesome here. Food come within 15-20 mins, but it's OK for me. I try the panacotta and love it, and their pizza is super!

List of Promo:
* Monday Madness (Beer Rp 15k +)
* Buy One Get One for Draught Beer (Tues to Fri)
* Spend 250k get 100k cash back

07 November 2017 21:35

With their design concept the place are cool and relaxing at night. But at noon it can hot in here. At night lot of people come here for a cold drink and for hangout. They provide a good pizza and beer too.

27 Oktober 2017 13:41

My favourite is the buffalo wings. Restaurant can be very crowded at nights or during weekends.

19 September 2017 14:54

Good pizza, is above the normal Indonesian price. A must try: their Erdinger wheat beer. Do not forget to 'shake-up' the yeast at the bottom of the bottle before completely emptying it

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