Pantjoran Tea House

Alamat Jl. Pancoran No.4-6 Glodok Tamansari 9, 5, RT.9/RW.5, Pinangsia, Jakarta
Telepon +62 822-5006-0076
Situs web pantjoranteahouse.com
Kategori Chinese Restaurant, Chinese Tea House, Dim Sum Restaurant, Family Restaurant, Health Food Restaurant
Peringkat 4.3 31 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Suisen / Bakmie Sui-Sen — Plaza Metro Atom Pasar Baru, Jalan KH Samanhudi Raya, RT.1/RW.3, Pasar Baru, Jakarta
Nasi Campur Atek — Blok C1B No.6, Kompleks Taman Duta Mas, Jl. Kusuma Raya No.10, Jakarta
Restoran Angke — Jl. Kyai Haji Zainul Arifin, RT.4/RW.7, Krukut, Taman Sari, Jakarta
Top Yammie — Jl. Labu No.3-6 1, RT./RW/RW.6, Mangga Besar, Jakarta

Pantjoran Tea House ulasan

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16 November 2023 8:42

Great experience for afternoon tea really like the ambience also the food are delicious too. There are many types of tea available, don't worry you won't be confused because the server will help you choose the right tea

07 November 2023 16:44

Akhirnya terjawab penasaran saya.ternyata ada jual makanan juga menu dim sum dan Chinese food

Karena sudah makan saya cuma nge teh aja

Teh taiju best seller (teh krisan) rasanya ok cuma nilai lebih kita diajarin cara minum teh yang bener

Bagi saya Informatif sekali terutama buangan air dari tuangan pertama dari teh nya

Signature ice teanya juara.campuran oolong, madu dan lemon

Next time mau coba mampir utk makanannya

23 Oktober 2023 4:17

Makanan enak. Sayang bagi org lansia, sulit naik tangga ke atas. Seni rahasia minum teh baik sekali dipresentasikannya.

13 Oktober 2023 10:16

Overall vibes okay, it's a place to entertain and chat not literally restaurant vibes as I think it's quite overated in terms of tea price. But we bought the experience, so I'm quite satisfied for that

05 Agustus 2023 11:21

Located in a such strategic place with an oriental atmosphere and variety of decorations with amazing (and quite pricey) foods.

01 Agustus 2023 6:22

Salah satu yang wajib dikunjungi.
Kwetiau nya paling leker.
Teh nya juga mantap.
Pelayanannya luar biasa.
Harga, berbanding lurus lah!

24 Oktober 2018 13:26

Price is really expensive. Food isn't good, the dimsums taste just like any frozen food you could buy at supermarket. And the "authentic" tea doesn't really authentic at all. The tea at chinese franchise restaurant is even more authentic than this tea. If it's authentic than they could provide more variants to the tea (like black tea, red tea, etc).

The services are also terrible. We eent in and no one seated us. Not very kind and treating us coldly.

The only thing good or decent is the interior which is styled after chinese culture which is very Instagrammable. Almost every customer that i encounter here are only here for the photos. Not the tea nor the food.

Conclusion: pantjoran tea house doesn't provide cultures whatsoever. It's just another money grubbing business under the name of "culture" to make it unique. And they put a very big price for you to experience this culture.

Pantjoran tea house, if you're reading this. If you eant to make a restaurant about chinese culture. At least do it properly. This is just shoddy awful

Not good at all. Didn't enjoy any single second here

Edit: oh, and i forgot. The "tea" they serve. Isn't demonstrated, nor served properly. Please learn more about the tea culture.

28 September 2018 2:11

Instagramable authentic chinesse restaurant in Jakarta's chinatown area. Food is ok, price is expensive especially for drinks. 1st floor has no air-con, 2nd floor has air-con. Service needs to be improved according to hospitality

25 September 2018 18:20

Very unique cafe. Good vibe for relax afternoon tea/coffee with friends or family. They also provide free drinks in front of the cafe!

19 September 2018 15:23

Just right at the corner of the street. Its better for you to come in the morning for dimsum if you dont wanna eat a lot. Otherwise they will have lunch serving for you. Tea set menu was not so many but still okay to just spend time with your friend. Place was not so big but they are 2 stores building

17 September 2018 21:59

Bagi yg mau mengenang tempo dulu sambil menikmati teh disini tempat yang pas, ke kota tua Jakarta juga deket, ke glodog tinggal nyebrang, mo cari koleksi uang kuno deket situ juga banyak, mo dilukis di dekat lokasi tersebut juga tersedia di sepanjang jalan

12 September 2018 11:27

Pantjoran Tea House sudah berdiri lama. Walaupun uda lama tapi ruangannya masih terjaga banget. Suasananya nyaman. Bagi yg ingin belajar menyedu teh dengan baik dan benar klo gak salah ingat katanya ada jadwal tertentu utk ngajar menyeduh teh ala chinese (chinese tea). Makanannya enak dan harganya standard la y. Oh iya. Pantjoran Tea House juga menyediakan Delapan Teko teh yg diletakkan di luar Rumah makannya. Teh tersebut diberikan gratis utk siapa saja yg kehausan. Berbagi kebahagiaan itu sangat indah y.

10 September 2018 12:08

It so authentic, really historical place. Taste of the tea was so great, but the glass just to small I think. Food taste was amazing too. Price between 30-100k rupiah. There was no demo for tea ceremonial when I go there, a little bit disappointed. My suggestion, just order a go-car or grab transportation cause it will be difficult to park ur vehicle

10 September 2018 4:57

Another china culture story in Jakarta. They provide free tea in front of the cafe. It's call "Patekoan " tradition. Drink free for everyone. There ara some menu for meal. The location is very stratgic.

05 September 2018 2:22

Nice place to chill out after a tiring walk around Jakarta's Chinatown. Tea is good, but food is not recommended.

02 September 2018 15:09

Ingin mendapatkan pengalaman budaya minum teh dari negara China, dan juga mengetahui bagaimana cara penyajian teh di China serta mengetahui jenis-jenis teh bisa datang ke tempat ini. Untuk makanan yang disajikan merupakan makanan dari China. Untuk tempatnya sendiri bernuansa oriental jadi serasa seolah-olah kita sedang berada di China. Namun sayangnya disini varian jenis teh yg dijual yang bisa dibawa pulang hanya sedikit.

31 Agustus 2018 23:21

Pagi ini Saya coba restaurant Pantjoran Tea House dikawasan Asemka-Glodok karena masih pagi maka hidangan yang tersedia adalah menu-menu Breakfast, maka Saya pilih yang menu paket Mie Panjtoran (Halal) dimana harga yang ditawarkan cukup Rp 45rb saja sudah berikut minuman (pilih teh Gwan Yin max. 2 refill atau kopi) dan rasanyapun luar biasa lezat sekali, ternyata sebelum menu disajikan Kita diberi makanan pembuka berupa kacang2an dan acar timun + wortel ciri2 khas ala Chinese Food jadul seperti restoran Fajar, NjunNjan, Sim Yan, dll di era 70-an. Pelayanannya bagus dan sopan serta ramah sekali estetika dari penataan alat2 makannyapun rapih maka tak pelak dan tidak ragu-ragu Saya beri bintang lima dan yang perlu diketahui juga semua masakan dan makanan yang disajikan di Pantjoran Tea House ini 100% halal jadi aman bagi sahabat-sahabat Muslim pecinta kuliner di Tanah Air ini untuk mencobanya, overall this place I Recommended For You O, O, O,

23 Agustus 2018 19:03

Tempat unik vintage chinese, lokasi strategis pas pojok jalan raya, antara jalan pancoran dan glodok. Memang lokasi ini china townnya Jakarta. Makanan khas chinese, boleh coba kudapan onde2 dan dimsumnya. Hanya saja harganya lumayan. Ada area smoking yg di teras kiri kanan, kalau mau nyaman ada dilantai 2.

30 Juli 2018 17:22

Lokasi ada di pinggir jalan utama, mudah ditemukan.jika anda kesini membawa mobil, tidak ada tempat parkir mobil, mobile Anda harus di parkir di tempat parkir mall seberang.tempatnya unik dan klasik, makanan yang tersedia banyak pilihannya.harganya cukup mahal

tempat ini menyediakan teh gratis untuk para bikers. Pelayanannya oke dan ramah, saya suka karena banyak Instragramable spot

15 Juli 2018 15:48

Just a small cate at the Chinese town in Jakarta. It serve a good tea, with a nice mix between culture and art of tea. If you get there its highly recommend to try Chinese tea ceremony, the guide will demonstrate the process.

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