Mr Roastman - M Bloc

Alamat Panglima Polim St No.35B, RT.1/RW.1, Melawai, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta
Telepon +62 819-2199-998
Situs web www.instagram.com/mrroastman
Kategori Bar and Grill, Restaurant
Peringkat 4.2 27 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
El Asador South American Restaurant Kemang — Kemang Point Building Ground Floor Jl. Kemang Raya No. 3 Bangka Mampang, Prapatan No.RT.4, RT.4/RW.1, Bangka, Jakarta
FJ on 7 — Jl. Kemang Raya No.6 14, RT.14/RW.1, Bangka, Kec. Mampang Prpt., Jakarta
Yumeya — Jl. Melawai VIII No.2, RT.3/RW.1, Melawai, Kec. Kby. Baru, Jakarta
Star Deli Kemang — Jl. Kemang Raya No.10 110A, RT.10/RW.2, Bangka, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta

Mr Roastman - M Bloc ulasan

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23 Oktober 2023 21:29

Makanannya ok dan cepet prosesnya. Tapi waitressnya jutek bgt, gak ada senyum2nya sama sekali dr awal dateng smp mau pulang. Bbrp kali ngeliat seperti “rolling eyes” gitu jadi males makannya pgn cepet2 kelar

18 Oktober 2023 0:12

Porsi nasgornya emang porsi gw.hanya sei sapinya dikit banget dan saladnya harus pake cuka yang pas dan benar. Kalo enggak, jadi berasa kayak basi. Telor dadarnya kalo kasih garam dikit lebih enak dan gak plain.

Soto betawinya rich, ok dengan condiment dan nasi.

08 Oktober 2023 0:18

The food tastes okay. The place is very nice, only needs maintenance.
I ordered beef stroganoff. The meat is tender enough and the sauce has a character. I might go here again to try their beef brisket

30 September 2023 6:28

I ordered brisket menu, which was super tender, easy to tear apart. Would be better if it's served with mashed potato instead of wedge, fries, or curlies.

18 Juli 2023 9:05

Sudah dua kali ke sini dan coba beberapa menu. Belum ada yang mengecewakan, apalagi kopinya. Sayangnya pesanannya belum sempat difoto keburu habis.

17 Juli 2023 8:20

Buat yang suka dunia perdagingan, ini tempat boleh dicoba. Nayamull.smoked di dagingnya berasa, empuk, dan bumbunya juga meresap.tempat dan pelayanan oke disini. Yang gw kurang suka di m blok cuma parkirnya aja.

04 Juni 2023 1:18

Overall experience 10/10
Staff service 9/10
Ambiance 9/10

Nasi goreng kambing 55k (10/10)
ENAK BANGET. Wangi rempahnya kuat n bold. Best. Definitely gonna repurchase.

Kwetiau sapi asap 53k (9/10)
Bold, enak bgt

Mie goreng seafood 53k (9/10)
Bold. Ini sama enaknya sm kwetiau. Manis bgt tpi yah

Sup iga betawi 85k (7/10)
Utk yg suka cengkeh, ini enak.tp sayangnya ku tak suka: (

Bebek goreng 65k (8/10)
Cukup enak. Tp bukan yg paling enak. Soalnya yg lain enak2 bgt

Iga bakar madu 85k (7/10)
Enak. Cukup lembut. Tp biasa aj compare sm menu lainnya.

Biscoff milk tea 35k (10/10)
Suamiku suka cengkeh. N surprisingly minuman ini pake cengkeh

Ice butterscotch latte 38k (9/10)
Enak. Kopinya kenceng. Cm mmg agk pricy

Hallo honje 38k (10/10)
Well.if u like kecombrang

Fizzy blues 38k (7/10)
If u're looking for something sour

Mango milkshake 43k (6/10)
Paling biasa aj compare sm harganya

Their specialty was smoked beef brisket, however we just had it for lunch. Will try it next time.

02 Juni 2023 3:43

Nasi goreng smoked beefnya almost5/5 enak! Porsinya juga banyak!

Smoked brisketnya 4/5 rasa lumayan oke tapi kurang kering, terus sayur side dishnya terlalu manis jadi ga nyatu sama dagingnya.

31 Mei 2023 16:28

Setelah pertama kali mampir ke Mr. Roastman sekitar empat tahun silam, kini saya berkunjung kembali pada malam hari. Suasana masih sama dengan pengalaman dulu, tak ada perubahan. Namun pada halaman depan kini berjajar meja kursi yang dulu tidak tersedia sebagai area outdoor beratap langsung langit Jakarta. Pelayanan disini pun masih memuaskan, meski harus menunggu pesanan cukup memakan waktu karena pengunjung sangat ramai.

Kopi Gula Aren (Rp. 38.000, -) minuman ini menjadi pesanan yang menyenangkan. Kombinasi espresso, susu dan gula arennya begitu presisi sehingga menghasilkan rasa seimbang yang nikmat. Tidak ada yang saling menenggelamkan, justru malah saling mengisi. Cinnamon Croissant (Rp. 35.000, -) menjadi teman ngopi yang cocok. Alih-alih terbuat dari adonan roti seperti cinnamon roll, mereka justru menggunakan adonan pastry. Teksturnya menjadi renyah sekaligus empuk. Sensasi lapisan berudaranya begitu pas dengan nuansa butter kentara. Kayu manis dan gula lelehnya pun bergramasi sesuai sehingga rasanya jadi bertambah paripurna.

Affogato (Rp. 38.000, -) tersaji diatas nampan kayu, segelas kecil espresso bersanding dengan dua sendok es krim vanila berpugasan dua keping biskuit lotus. Terkejut saya ketika menyesap espresso. Salah satu espresso terbaik sepanjang saya menikmati kopi dimanapun. Teksturnya begitu kental. Karakter kopi ini justru tampil seperti minuman cokelat yang pekat, nikmat sekaligus manis. Enak banget sampai speechless. Tambahan eskrim vanilla berkualitas pun membuatnya terasa semakin memukau, apalagi ada biskuit biscoff favorit saya.

09 Mei 2023 15:06

It’s nice to have some friends, but here you can’t be to loud. Seems Mr Roastman couldn’t handle as much crowds as they expecting.

A long communal table could contain around until 8-10pax. But the noise could disrupt any other table that might want to have alone moment with them self.

We’re ordering Nasi Goreng Kambing (Lamb Fried Rice) and Ice Cappuccino.

Their WhatsApp business number helping us so much when we would like to do order in advance. But the payment system a bit tricky yet glitchy. They’re using OVO QRIS as default digital payment gateways. But when we tried to pay it via GRAB Supper App, it just didn’t work, and have to go back using OVO mobile app.

Nevertheless the payment sequence isn’t fulfill our ideal dining experience, but for cost that not included yet with additional tax and service chargers, it’s a bit meh for us.

So, thank you is enough. Congrats it’s a must, since this place also one of the venues spotted on the latest Indonesian production, of South Korean movie adaptation, at one of video streaming service platform.

But, still…

30 April 2023 8:36

One of the cafes located in the M Bloc Space area of South Jakarta, serving various types of food, ranging from Asian to western food, also provides various types of drinks such as coffee's, juice's and mocktails as well as various pastries.

I visited this cafe several times, I was interested in the coffee Latte, the aroma of the coffee was great and delicious, I tried the Spaghetti bolognese too. It was good but a bit oily, but so far it was good and the portion was small.

This cafe also has an indoor and outdoor concept, the ambience is cozy. But unfortunately, there is no special parking area here. For those of you who want to visit this cafe, you should use public transportation. It is strategically located, just a short walk from Asean MRT Station or Kejaksaan Agung Busway Stop.

For payment, this cafe can accept cash, debit/credit and also e-wallets such as gopay, ovo, and others.

Overall the service is very good, the staff are friendly and helpful.

11 April 2023 21:51

Food overall ok, service all of the staff looks tired but i dont blame them, but they can improve.also the place is kinda hot

10 April 2023 18:47

You guys should try pandan coffee we ordered smoked beef brisket with french fries and sweet potatoes (mashed potatoes), we also tried southern smoked beef with fries (we could change the fries with mashed potatoes too). The taste is 4/5 and the services is 5/5. They give us a free salad just because i asked to them why the salad is a little bit different with the menu. Hehehe thank you for the servicess. Wanna come back for the gelatos?

08 Maret 2023 11:31

Lokasinya ada di deretan ruko bagian depan m bloc yang paling ujung. Menyediakan berbagai macam makanan dan minuman mulai dari makanan berat maupun camilan. Nasi goreng sapi asap dan smoked beef nya enak.

Pukul 22.00 WIB tempat ini sudah tutup.

02 Maret 2023 2:53

Nice place for lunch or dinner for business or wirh friends. It is situated strategically close to MRT station and busway route as well as near offices. Grab a meal for lunch or hang around until the traffic clears up before going back home from work. Roast beef is their specialty and hence the name. They serve indonesian dishes too, such as sop buntut, soto betawi, fried rice. They have special concoction of tea and coffee too. Theybhave indoor and outdoor seatings. Sit outdoor during the evening when the it's start too cool off. Enjoy your meal.

07 Januari 2023 16:15

Came here during weekend, honestly roastman is not our first option.
Indoor space is kinda small and cramp, crowded during lunch time, and also noisy well as expected of crowded places. Not an option to dine outside since its noon and hot, but many tables outside though.

Their specialty is smoked brisked.
200gram smoked brisket (IDR 150k), meat are very tender, and the smokey scent are very strong. If you don't like smokey taste, do not order this. But since I'm fine with it, I fine this dish is pleasant. The BBQ sauce coat the brisket too much. The additional sauce is not necessary. It's like a bland yellow perhaps mustard sauce, IDK.

Had the aglio olio (IDR 45k ish), spaghetti al dente, but the taste is so bland.fillings consist of mushroom and chili, nothing at all. But the taste again I've said it. Need extra umami. Not recommend this one.

The burger (IDR 110k), they use the same smokey brisket and a beef patty. Burger is thick. Although the patty is very crumbly and kinda dry, the brisket saves this burger. No complain with the bun. This burger is nice, the one makes it special is the smokey slice brisket.

Overall, Roastman is a nice place to have quick lunch, since the place doesn't accommodate for hangout due to the crowd and cramp indoor.
Service is okay, food came out fast. Their specialty do lives up to expectation which is the brisket. The pasta is a disappointment though.
After eating here, I felt very thirsty, probably due to high salt in each of their dish, well except the aglio olio perhaps.

05 Januari 2023 6:58

Overpriced for me, TBH i would be very ok to pay lots of money for the food if the price worth the taste, but sorry i need to be honest that the taste was just ok. So thats why i said overpriced.

Bought the oriental spicy ribs one, i had a high expectation on the taste, but for me it was just ok.

This is just my honest opinion on what i experienced, and it may not apply to you:)

27 November 2022 3:58

Meskipun namanya Roastman, tapi resto ini menyajikan pilihan menu yang cukup beragam. Tidak hanya daging2an, tapi juga banyak pilihan menu comfort food.

Order Nasi Goreng Sapi Asap dan Nasi Goreng Teri Medan. Untuk nasi goreng teri medan rasanya sih biasa saja, tapi nasi goreng sapi asap nya benar-benar enak, totally recommended.disajikan lengkap dengan omelet, persis tampilannya seperti di foto buku menu

Dari sisi harga juga cukup affordable

16 November 2022 20:58

Melipir kesini pas ujan-ujan. Tempatnya cozy. Makanannya enakk.
Pesen nasi goreng sapi asap: porsi ngenyangin tp dagingnya tipis2 bgt trus telurnya dadarnya nothing special. Makanan kedua beli croissant sandwich gitu deh, croissant nya enaaak lembut crunchy, dagingnya tebel juga. Makannya pakai spicy tomato sauce yaaa wajibbbb, enakkk bgtt

16 Oktober 2022 1:29

Mencoba salah satu makanan yang terlihat paling banyak dipesan: nasi ayam Szechuan+ omelette. Ayam Szechuan nya enak krn bumbunya berani, omelette style eropa dimasak dgn butter sehingga teksturnya lembut.

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