Millennium Hotel Sirih Jakarta

Alamat Jl. H. Fachrudin No.3, Kampung Bali, Tanah Abang, Jakarta
Telepon +62 21 2303636
Situs web www.millenniumhotels.com/en/jakarta/millennium-hotel-sirih-jakarta
Kategori Hotel
Peringkat 4.1 31 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Grand Hyatt Jakarta — Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28-30, RT.9/RW.5, Gondangdia, Kec. Menteng, Jakarta
Ibis Jakarta Tamarin — Jl. K.H. Wahid Hasyim No.77, RT.1/RW.4, Gondangdia, Jakarta
Fraser Residence Sudirman — Jl. Setiabudi Raya No.9, Kuningan, Setia Budi, Setiabudi, Jakarta

Millennium Hotel Sirih Jakarta ulasan

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15 September 2023 0:13

I can not recommend staying at this hotel due to the lack of quality of care, as seen by the cleanliness standards of the place and the problems that grew over my stay.

I stayed here for a total of three nights, with my first night being separate from all others. The first night, i was accidentally placed in a smoking room, despite having explicitly asked for non-smoking. The fridge had traces of mold inside of it. If I had been staying for more than one night, I might have complained to be moved. But i had arrived near 1 a.m, and therefore, i was unwilling to go through the trouble of requesting a new room. That means they didn't have the opportunity to fix things, so i can not speak to their responsiveness to the issues of that night.

However, the second stay was a week later when i returned to jakarta, with the hotel having thankfully booked us into the correct non-smoking room, with it automatically being a SIGNIFICANT improvement. The room itself is gorgeous and fit all our needs. The main issue was that the shower head was missing a screw, leading to the detachable shower head instantly spraying wildly all over the bathroom upon being turned on.

This was something we figured out how to deal with on our own, but it made our bathroom constantly wet and uncomfortable.

The true major issue we had was when our fridge was discovered to not be working. My Indonesian friend requested a new unit, which was brought up promptly. The new unit, however, was moldy on the inside. And so I then requested they fix this issue, specifying that I had gotten sick very badly recently due to a stomach virus, and had been concerned about using a contaminated fridge as a result. The hotel made it clear my request was understood and reassured me that it would be taken care of quickly, but bringing in yet another unit.

The new unit was even dirtier, not only having mold once again but also having a strange yellow stain covering most of the bottom of the fridge. This is absolutely inexcusable and displays an explicit lack of care, and it felt almost as if it were a deliberate act of pettiness towards us, as if to say "don't call us to bother us anymore. "

Needless to say, this sours my relationship with this hotel fully. I would only be able to recommend it for travelers who are okay with expecting a hotel that looks 4* on the surface, but hides 2* service beneath its facade.

10 September 2023 1:20

Common place for a businness trip and meeting. The menu is good, and hope they had another variant food.

09 September 2023 21:55

Hotel mewah dan megah, kamar bersih dan lengkap

Ada bathtub hingga bantal kecil buat bathtub yg sangat berguna

Fasilitas lengkap

01 September 2023 13:34

The room was spacious, although the bathroom was outdated. The views of the city (whatever the pollution cloud allows). The copious breakfast with quite a component of Indonesian, Arabic and Asian food. The hall is very spacious. The pool is spacious although it was full of children and we decided not to swim. They have massage service of 250-300k rupees for whole body 1 person

01 September 2023 12:41

Super happy, nyaman, sangat puas dengan semua pelayanan dan fasilitasnya

Karyawannya ramah & tanggap juga

Semua menu makannya enak

Rekomendasi hotel mewah bintang di Jakarta

Thank you so much Hotel Millennium Sirih Jakarta

30 Agustus 2023 20:16

Rekomended banget, fasilitas OK kamar nyaman ada bath up harga miring. Makanan biasa aja. Tempat strategis, deket Sarinah, deket GI. Buat harga segini ini worthed banget.

26 Agustus 2023 1:22

Seru banget buat staycation disini, kamarnya kedap suara, pintunya tebel banget dan karpet kamar yang hangat.
Fasilitas didalam kamar juga lengkap banget, sampai ke hairdryer dan bathtub.
Kolam renangnya juga luas, diatasnya ada taman taman buat foto foto.
Fasilitas hotelnya pun lengkap, ada sauna dan gym juga.

25 Agustus 2023 16:36

Pelayanan Receipsionis nya tidak ramah.

Pelayanan coffe shop nya sangat tdk ramah dan ada adab.

Not recommended for stay in this hotel.

17 Agustus 2023 2:56

Hotel yg cukup mewah didekat Pasar Tanah Abang, lobby yg luas dan nyaman. Petugas hotelnya ramah dan sangat membantu. Nginap di lantai 11, kamarnya adem, bagus, rapi dan bersih. Saluran tv-nya beragam. Kamar mandi punya bathub namun lantainya tidak rata sehingga selalu basah. Hal ini juga karena tidak ada exhauster di kamar mandi sehingga kamar mandi tidak kering. Tetapi, saya terkesan dg kasur yg nyaman dan sarapannya yg beragam.bihun goreng dan gulai arabnya juara

25 Juli 2023 21:15

It's good place but old building but clean and the suff is almost friendly
It's experience
About breakfast is not bad

17 Oktober 2019 8:25

Bersih, nyaman, fasilitas oke.tempatnya sangat strategis di tengah kota.dekat pusat belanja, thamrin city atau tanah abang, puas-puasin menjelajah.dekat kantor2 pusat pemerintahan.pas buat rapat2 kantor.ini penampakan musholla di B3.bagus kalau ada musholla di lantai 3, dekat lokasi meeting room

10 Oktober 2019 17:01

Hotel tua.sarapan itu2 aj.security teriak2 krn sy mw lewat jln yg biasa d pake mobil.ga bs ngomong baik2 apa ya?

06 Oktober 2019 12:11

Lokasi sangat strategis di jantung kota. AC central gak bisa dikontrol. Kamar sangat luas. Hanya harganya cukup mahal padahal yg tanpa breakfast.

09 Februari 2019 22:30

Have known this place since 2008. It was great. And there was time when it's not. But now, at the end of 2018, it's getting better. Love it! The place, the food, the staff. Keep up the good work!

28 Januari 2019 13:16

Hotel ini slalu rame dan padat event (meeting). Salah satu langganan berbagai instansi pemerintah maupun swasta. Ruangan besar dan kecil tersedia untuk meeting.
Service lumayan. Fasilitas juga lumayan. Restoran juga muat banyak orang dan menunya lumayan mantab. Tapi layanan internet dan jaringan Wifi slalu bikin emosi or sangat menyebalkan. Disarankan agar paket data seluler pribadi cukup memadai dan bisa thatering. Hehehe.
Kamar mandi lega dan ada bathtube-nya. Parkir juga cukup muat banyak kendaraan di basement. Jangan lupa klo menginap minta free parking ke petugas samping kanan resepsionis agar tidak terbebani biaya parkir saat check-out.
Hotel di Tanah Abang ini utk kalangan menengah ke atas.

Awas bagi perokok. Saat ini tidak ada lagi smoking room alias semua kamar dilarang merokok. Dulu ada, sekarang enggak ada. Karena aku perokok, maka aku terpaksa ikuti juga semua kegiatan di sini, tapi klo malam menolak menginap krn nggak bisa enjoy di kamar dan klo nekat merokok akan didenda jutaan. Padahal aku klo sdh pegang laptop harus pegang rokok juga agar enjoy kerjakan tugas2. Jangan ngeyel merokok, coz selain eman2 uangnya, ada satpam/petugas security yg bertugas khusus sbg penghalau para perokok agar merokok di luar hotel. Hehehe.

Btw, bagi yg enggak merokok enjoy aja lah yaw dan hotel ini msh recommended utk berkegiatan. Sip lah.

18 Januari 2019 8:45

Hotelnya bagus banget, kamar luas, ruangan dingin pemandangan yang enak dilihat dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan dan sarapan enak2

15 Januari 2019 10:05

Recommended 4 stars hotel room. Various reasons why you have to choose this hotel. From the good food and much choices, good view at night, good atmosphere, and cozy room. You will also find cozy lobby and music here.

The location is quite strategis. It's near from Mall Grand Indonesia and core of the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta.

If you come to Indonesia. Especially Jakarta, I recommended you to choose Millennium Sirih Hotel. ️

M Sumarsono
15 Januari 2019 1:26

Hotel di pusat kota dgn fasilitas meeting yg memadai utk 25 pax.dgn fasilitas penduking yg lengkap.musola bersih.menu makanan cukup khas nusantara.

11 Januari 2019 16:02

Kamar luas tp terkesan tua dan usang, accecories kamar sdh jadul, tv led kecil dan jadul, utk hotel sekelas bintang 4 sih kurang banget, cm sarapan pagi yg cukup enak dan staf restaurant yg cukup ramah, utk staf rescepsionist dan layanan kamar sama sekali tdk merepresentasikan hotel bintang 4

02 Januari 2019 16:37

Hotel millenium sirih Jakarta hotel bintang 3 di bilangan tanah abang berada di jalan kebun sirih tengah kota jakarta. Cukup strategis untuk acara pertemuan-pertemuan dan menginap.

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