Level Studio - Jakarta

Alamat ASHTA at District 8 level UG, Unit 09-11, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Kav 52.53 SCBD Lot 28, RT.8/RW.3, Senayan, Kec. Kby. Baru, Jakarta
Telepon +62 811-1953-835
Situs web levelstudio.id
Kategori Gym, Health Club, Personal Trainer, Womens Personal Trainer
Peringkat 5 43 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Fitness First - Oakwood — 2nd Floor Oakwood apartment Jl, Lingkar Mega Kuningan No.5, RT.5/RW.2, Kuningan, Kuningan Tim., Jakarta
Celebrity Fitness - Gandaria City Mall — Gandaria City, Jl. Arteri Pd. Indah, North Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta
FIT 24 Express Gym — Jl. Tebet Utara I No.50C, RT.2/RW.10, East Tebet, Tebet, Jakarta

Level Studio - Jakarta ulasan

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22 September 2022 4:37

Such an extra place to workout. They have super extra facilities and a nice ambience.
Had a fun Resistance Class with coach Erwin and he tried to get to know your fitness level personally, so you can do better step by step.

08 September 2022 1:11

I had a great time at Level Studio Jakarta. It was really fun to join the meltdown class trained by coach Alfad. Friendly staff and great trainers. The space is clean and the locker room is so nice.

02 September 2022 4:41

Oke kok. Coachnya ramah dan care. Resepsionisnya ramah. Kamar mandi juga bersih dan lengkap. Ruang gym ber-AC jadi enak, udaranya ga pengap pas lagi olahraga. Peralatan gym lengkap. Cuma mungkin adminnya bisa lebih responsif lagi terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang masuk karena sempat ada pertanyaan saya yang terabaikan oleh admin.

20 Agustus 2022 1:31

Senang bgt bisa ikut Trial Class disini.
Coachnya sangat detail, sabar, dan mengikuti kemampuan para pesertanya. Para pegawainya yg lain juga ramah kalau kita tanya. Selain itu, fasilitasnya lengkap seperti kamar mandi yg bersih dan estetik serta disediakan sabun, handuk, catokan, hair dryer, dan ada locker untuk meletakan barang bawaan kita. Pokoknya seru bgt bisa ikut kelas di Level. Thank you Level

09 Agustus 2022 13:22

First time trying meltdown class in level studio, never guessed before that the ambince during work out be so interactive and fun. Very complete facilities including exercise stuff, comfy toilet, and most important is clean. The coach (coach erwin) was so informative and coaching well. 5/5! Like it.

04 Agustus 2022 22:35

The place is great and cozy. The coaches and staff are very friendly. Fun workout season, i love it.

27 Juli 2022 12:34

Finally back to the gym after 2 yrs. Joined coach Alfad’s Refinery class. Loved the burn and the personal attention even it’s a group class. Thank you!

19 Juli 2022 21:44

Tempat nya nyaman banget, trainer nya juga profesional tp kalo yg jarang olah raga siap siap sakit badan semua.

17 Juni 2022 9:41

Coach nya sangat detail dan guide kita utk tetap workout dengan safe. Kamar mandi nya super nice!

14 Juni 2022 16:10

Aku pertama kali ikut kelas disini, sama kak anggi kalo ga salah ya hee. Seru bangetttt ngajarin aku banget yang bener bener pertama kali ikutan kelas kaya gini. Cara ngajarnya juga enakkk. Ramah ramah sih pegawainya… so far aku kasih bintang 10/10 buat level indonesia

03 Juni 2022 10:49

Jujurr seneng bgt bisa trial gym at level studio gra2 LEVEL X UNA, gym terbaru di pusatnya ibukota yang sangat nyaman! Aku bener2 akan balik lagi setelah lebaran! Xixi karna ini mau puasa jadi tunda dulu, bersih, mewah, lockers roomnya sih buat nyaman, alatnya lengkap banget dan juga selalu di steril, coach nya PROFESIONAL sekali! Aku jujur aja jarang gym, dan di ajarin step by step bgttt! Ini gym apa salon ya, lockers roomnya lengkap bgt ada catokan hairdryer anduk mandi shampo sabun ada, jadi untuk kalian yg abis gym mau cus pergi gausa repot2 bawa alat2 itu semua atau mesti ke salon lagi, DISINI UDAH TERSEDIA!

25 Mei 2022 13:42

Great place to work out!
Great service and the facility is top notch!
Joined the Refinery class with coach Anggi, very much recommended! Definitely gonna come back and work out there again!

12 Mei 2022 10:07

I'm one of those people who look for places to exercise first before deciding where to stay when visiting new places, so I've been to a lot of gym. Level is certainly one of the swankier gym, but without the pretentiousness. The place is top notch.

I joined the Resistance Class with coach Alfad. It was a good class focusing more on strength and quality movement rather than going at it like a madman. Coach Alfad is really friendly and encouraging, perfect for a class with predominantly people who are just starting their fitness journey.

15 April 2022 21:31

Best gym in town! Kelas the resistance awalnya takut mulai strength training tp surprised sendiri ternyata bisa ngikutin karena coachnya juga nyesuaiin sama tiap orang, personalized dan seruuu jadi bikin makin semangat mau terus ngegym and push myself. Thank you Level!

23 Maret 2022 1:40

Had a nice workout sesh with coach Anggi on Sunday! A wake up call to start the day and be productive

21 Juni 2021 21:16

Coach nya sangat profesionnal, ramah dan menyenangkan. Tempatnya oke dan nyaman, rutin sterilisasi dan crowd nya terjaga jadi merasa aman karena protokol kesehatan nya dijaga baik

29 Mei 2021 9:53

Untuk kualitas pelayanan sangat baik, super ramah dan membantu, fasilitas lengkap, lokasi strategis banget

25 Mei 2021 23:47

I've been doing Personal Training with Coach Karen at Level since January 2021 and I'm a very happy client with my results. The space is clean, private, cozy, and well equipped. Their staff gets tested every other week which is comforting during these times. I've been familiar with the brand in Singapore and happy to see them in Jakarta! Great job

25 Mei 2021 20:49

I love strength training class in Level. Friendly coaches and staff. Nice bathroom and very instagramable place.

22 Mei 2021 1:18

Absolutely love Level Jakarta. High quality coaches and programs, smaller classes and ample space to train during the pandemic, good communication both from staff and coaches. I enjoy all their classes and how coaches explain what muscle group each movement targets, and how attentive they are. Every coach has different style yet similar to attention to details.

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