Alamat Jl. Birah II No.82, Rambutan, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta
Telepon +62 889-0888-0282
Kategori Cafe, Coworking Space
Peringkat 4.3 54 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Crematology — Jl. Suryo No.25 3, RT.3/RW.6, Rw. Bar., Kec. Kby. Baru, Jakarta
Kafe Betawi - Pacific Place Mall — Pacific Place Lt. 4, Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Senayan, Kebayoran Baru, RT.5/RW.3, Senayan, Kec. Kby. Baru, Jakarta
Tanamera Coffee — Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan Kby. No.16, RT.14/RW.1, Kramat Pela, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta
Trafique Coffee — Jl. Hang Tuah Raya No.9, RT.2/RW.6, Gunung, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta

KINA ulasan

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10 November 2023 19:26

Love this place especially with a lot of smoking area (have the indoor one too)

The variety of coffee beans for manual brew was fantastic.

Parking area is very proper and they also have valet parking.

05 Oktober 2023 0:41

Overall good mulai dari layanan, suasana, dan makanan

Harga makanannya juga standar gak overpiced

Kemarin pesan
- Holiday in Fiji (Jus pisang, susu, yoghurt) enak dan creamy banget, fresh juga
- Volcano chocolate cake, manisnya pas, coklatnya enak

Tersedia colokan, cocok untuk WFC

Pelayananya oke & ramah

30 September 2023 12:18

Tempatnya bagus, lightingnya bikin desainnya makin oke.kalo soal minuman atau makanan ya standar sih kaya coffeeshop pada umumnya

05 September 2023 18:46

A bit more secluded than other places but i visited with friends and had a good experience.seemed to serve coffee but also focuses on a more restaurant/dining stuff.i can't vouch for the food since i didnt try it.however, i tried the coffee and other drinks which was pretty good quality and i loved the atmosphere.there's an outdoor area for smoking with AC.the price is decent too, friendly service as well.

21 Agustus 2023 5:03

Smoking room indoorny terlalu ngebul
walao ad pintu ke outdoor.wcnya cm ada 2.mungkin lebih baik ada wc khusu cowo yg sekedar kencing.makanan oke2 lah.kopinya agak kurang yah.tp kalo buat nongkrong oke lah nyaman2 aja terutama outdoornya.

21 April 2023 20:31

Th service was excellent! It's easy to spot too. The french toast was extremely delicious too. Oh and it's cashless. The hot chocolate was delicious too!

01 April 2023 20:04

I went to this cafe for about 4 times but I never took a photo of their food and their places.

The parking lot isn't that big, but there is a field near here where we can park and walk for about 50m.

There are several private rooms here. It is more convenient to have a private meeting for your team. They even have an projector to connect with your laptop.

There are so many food choices. From Indonesian to Western. I tried Nasi Goreng Hijau, Wagyu Don, and Oxtail Soup and all of it was delicious. The best drink for me is Affogato and The Pink Studio

18 Maret 2023 1:35

Nasi goreng enak
minusnya adalah TOILET persis didepan pintu meja makan dan itu sangat mengganggu pake bangeth.pintunya dirubahlah posisinya.atau toilet yg didalam jangan dipake saat meja full.kan masih ada 1 toilet lagi.

09 Maret 2023 0:42

Kina merupakan coffe shop ternyaman yg bisa kalian kunjungi di jl birah Senopati Jakarta Selatan, makanan dan minuman nya pun enak enak yg wajib kalian coba, tempatnya juga cocok untuk melakukan pekerjaan kantor dan juga mengerjakan tugas kuliah

20 Februari 2023 14:08

Suite well as meeting place for groups from north Jakarta, central and bekasi area.
Spacious car parking lots.

10 Februari 2023 14:10

The place is nice to hang out but i find the food to be expensive for the quality.ordered carbonara pasta however the pasta sauce tasted like from a ready-to-eat pasta sauce packet from a supermarket, i can even make my own carbonara sauce better than that.kinda disappointed with the food considering they put a premium price.

03 Februari 2023 16:39

Place is nice for working, not too loud. Ambience is good too! However the snack and dessert are disappointing. I ordered lava cake and mini pizza, very overpriced for what were served! Lava cake was not molten, a bit dense inside. Mini pizza was just four cheeses on top of a tortilla *face palm*. Drink was okay. On the strawberry tea I ordered, I could tell they used quite a bit of syrup and the berries were fresh but very sour. Overall a decent place to hangout.

28 Januari 2023 4:26

Best best place to come! Been here for so many times! The ambiance, food, beverage, and the staffs are super nice! Would definitely come back again and again for breakfast and also for night out!

15 Januari 2023 16:31

Tempat pecinta kopi enak di daerah Senopati, kopi disini strong and tasteful (saya bukan expert kopi)
Makanan cukup oke dan tidak pelit dengan porsinya
Harga cukup mahal tapi sesuai dengan lokasi yang elit di dekat senopati, Jakarta Selatan
Parkir Valet tapi tidak dipatok harga jadi seikhlasnya aja (walaupun klo kasih 10.000 muka masnya agak bete)
Saat saya kesini rame sekali n full indoor (non smoking area) sisa indoor n outdoor smoking area, jadi kita duduk di outdoor jujur kurang cukup nyaman duduk lama karena panas n bangkunya kurang nyaman (duduk di beton / semen) dengan harga kopi 45rb+
Wifi disini sangat kencang mungkin ini jadi alesan kebanyakan yang kesini kerja (WFC) Work From Coffeshop n punya banyak colokan untuk ngecharge laptop atau hp

06 Januari 2023 22:03

First time here. I love the ambience and of course the food; their Saikoro fried rice is to love! I also enjoy their coffee, they have almond/oat option to substitute milk too.

16 Desember 2022 5:42

Tempat nongkrong yang enak. Tidak terlalu ramai. Makanan juga ok. Parkiran bisa vallet. Dan lokasinya pun terletak bukan di jalan raya sehingga tidak bising.

03 Desember 2022 18:46

1. Tempat parkir maksimal hanya cukup 10 - 11 mobil, dan cukup 10 - 20 motor.
2. Serving time makanan nya oke lah, nggak begitu lama, bahkan kalo lagi rame tempatnya tetep gak takes more time (tapi tingkat kesabaran orang beda-beda, menurut gue pribadi masih acceptable gak lama nunggu makanan dihidangkan)
3. Rata-rata pada kemari pas lunch sembari cari co-working space, beberapa orang bawa laptop dan sampe ada yang meeting online disini. Koneksi wi-fi cukupan aja, buat sekedar dipake bekerja dan browsing masi oke.
4. Harga F&B nya standar cenderung sedikit pricy, tapi rasanya enak kok, dan cuisine nya beragam dari yang Lokal, Asian, dan Western.
5. Ada minuman beralkohol, ada juga kopi buat yang mau sekedar ngopi-ngopi santai
6. Ada semacam meeting room kalo mau reserve buat acara makan2 bareng orang kantor
7. Ruangan outdoor bagian belakangnya adem juga, dan katanya bisa smoking.
8. Tempat ini punya 2 lantai, dan hampir tiap hari penuh dari jam makan siang ke petang hari, apalagi malam hari bisa-bisa gadapet parkir hahaha

02 Desember 2022 11:48

I came here for the first time and it was a good hospitality, they give me a promo, buy 1 coffee get 1 croissant. Promo only available before 12pm. Great place to work, they have variant of menu.

10 November 2022 4:42

Jgn kawatir mobil ga dapat parkir, karena ada fasilitas valet parking. Saran: air buangan AC dibuatkan saluran sendiri, tidak dibuang di lantai kerikil putih krn mjd basah dan becek lantainya.

25 Maret 2022 19:53

Nice place to hang out.tapi harga overpriced (selain kopi) utk ukuran gelas segitu.tp untuk kopi²nya ok lah wajar harga segitu

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