Galeria Sophilia

Alamat Calvin Tower Lt.6-7, Jl. Industri Raya Blok B14 Kav.1, Kemayoran, RW.10, East Pademangan, Pademangan, Jakarta
Telepon +62 821-2555-5620
Situs web instagram.com/galeriasophilia
Kategori Art Center, Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 5 27 ulasan
Sophilia Art Center
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Pasar Seni — Taman Impian Jaya, Jl. Lodan timur No.7, RW.10, Ancol, Jakarta
Gedung Kesenian Jakarta — Jl. Gedung Kesenian No.1, Pasar Baru, Sawah Besar, Jakarta

Galeria Sophilia ulasan

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21 Februari 2024 23:11

Gallery seni yang bagus dan berkelas, ada banyak karya seni dari berbagai seniman dan karya terkenal seperti Viva la France dan scream. Wajib banget dateng bersama keluarga atau pasangan <3

16 Januari 2024 19:38

Museum ini hanya dibuka dalam waktu singkat dan harus dikunjungi jika ada kesempatan. Lantai lukisan reproduksi dapat difoto. Fotografi tidak diperbolehkan di lantai barang antik Tiongkok, di mana barang-barang bernilai sejarah dipajang.

26 September 2023 9:45

I love this place, it's great to learn chinese and Christianity. There lot of amazing collection

24 Agustus 2023 6:23

Sunday 12pm to 3pm
A mysterious gallery that can only be visited for 3 hours a week

Rather than a gallery created to pursue commercial profit, it seems to be a display space for personal collections of Indonesian conglomerates, and is considerably larger than expected.

The 6th floor is really an exhibition hall where only the all-stars of Western painting are gathered (I first saw a review of this place, and it was a gallery that framed photos taken with originals, but these are works that precisely copy the originals. Strangely, even the frames have an antique feel. The atmosphere is strange) The purpose of creating this place is to educate Indonesians about Western painting art in close proximity.

If even one of these works is genuine, this gallery is a place where only such famous works can be called jackpots.

I like to browse galleries while traveling, so there are many works that I have seen as original works, but there are many copies that have a very similar feeling.

The 7th floor Chinese relics and private collections (watches, fountain pens) exhibition hall is more interesting (photographing is prohibited here)

Due to time constraints, it is recommended to have an early lunch and visit at 12: 00 if possible. Many families with children come to visit.

* Indonesian language commentators are narrating in various places, so it's okay to listen if you become an Indonesian

22 Agustus 2023 20:57

A remarkable place to learn about classical arts. Make sure to dress well cause this place is replenished with replicas of paintings, sculptures, etc.which of course makes it worthy for your ‘gram

The place is only open on Sundays from 12-15 PM and the tickets are only available on the spot.

Btw there will be guides who exemplify the significance of the paintings.

30 Juli 2023 16:40

Sangat menarik, koleksi lukisannya banyak. Ada yg asli & ada yg replika tp bermanfaat buat kita yang mau belajar tentang lukisan atau sejarah seni lukis. Ada guide juga yang bisa menjelaskan ttg koleksi seninya.

28 Juli 2023 18:01

Perfect place for an art person, especially for paintings. The vibes are great and pleasantly satisfying. 7th floor is chinese artifacts culture (prohibited to take a picture) and 6th floor is european historical culture

05 Juni 2023 13:49

What a nice visit we had on Sunday.place is pretty huge with a lot of replica paintings, sculptures, historical artifacts, etc.there were ushers to guide & introduce you to the story of these paintings.they were really friendly and nice.we also bumped into a woman security from NTT and had a lovely conversation, she was super nice & smiley!
what makes it more fun was a lot of people came all dressed up very neat & nicely
they only open every Sunday from 12-3pm (which makes it special) but i suggest better to come a little bit early as it could get pretty busy in the last hour.

14 April 2023 5:34

Definitely worth a visit!
Koleksinya cukup banyak dan cantik-cantik, ada guide nya juga yang kasih penjelasan dari karya-karya disana

19 Maret 2023 18:21

Koleksi piring, keramik, lonceng, pakaian, artifak yg lengkap dari berbagai dinasti.
Termasuk warring period dg lonceng nya.
Pot utk org zaman dulu menyembah kepercayaan mereka. Sejak zaman Dinasti Shang.
Lukisan guiseppe castiglione lengkap dg berbagai kudanya.
Koleksi Dinasti Sui, tang, song, yuan, Ming, qing.
Blm lagi replika lukisan dari negara Barat.
Impressionis, expressionis, cubism, abstrak, dll.

16 Maret 2023 16:51

Jujur ini museum bener² terthebest kita dijelasin setiap lukisan, bisa nambah wawasan kan, dan jadi tau sejarah juga. Tempatnya juga Eropa banget, diatas lt7 ttg sejarah Tiongkok tapi gaboleh difoto ya, untuk harga tiket jujur worth it ya karena umurku udh diatas 21. Dengan harga segitu bisa liat karya seni yang bagus dan tau sejarahnya. Kapan lg coba? Bisa dapet foto aesthetic jg

25 Februari 2023 21:14

Waktu desember lalu kesini, masuknya per batch gitu dan diarahkan ke 5 karya seni dalam rangka menyambut natal, ada kurator yang jelasinnya. Salah satu kurator kasih info kalau hari biasa datang, kurator bisa dampingin pribadi dan jelasin tiap tiap lukisan. Overall it’s a nice place. You have to buy a ticket, bisa on the spot atau lewat web.

12 Februari 2023 7:25

Cost 100k per person, totally worth the money especially if you enjoy art. Better be there on time by the opening hour for the usher to guide you around (in Indonesian)

17 Januari 2023 23:34

Quite enjoy the painting and artifact they display. And nice explanation from the people working there

22 November 2022 22:56

Lantai 6 banyak lukisan barat dan boleh foto. Lantai 7 banyak benda sejarah China, tidak boleh ambil foto.
Tempatnya rapi, bagus, dan ada free guide. Toilet pun bersih.
Direkomendasikan untuk 18+ yah.

23 September 2022 18:08

The best place for you classic art lovers! Guidenya sangat ramah dan very helpful! Koleksinya banyak banget, cocok banget untuk kamu yg senang dengan sejarah.

01 September 2022 20:12

Disediakan basement untuk parkir kendaraan.
Dari basement menuju ke lobby E lalu naik ke lantai 1 utk membeli tiket.
Kemudian naik ke lt. 6 tempat museum berada.
Buka selama 3 jam dari jam 12: 00-15: 00, sehingga disarankan datang awal agar puas menikmati setiap detil lukisan dan karya seni lainnya di sini.
Terdapat beberapa guide yang siap membantu.

Harga tiket:
Usia 0-6 th: gratis (maks. 4 anak dengan 1 pendamping)
Usia 7-12 th: 25.000
Usia 13-21 th: 50.000
Usia >21 th: 100.000

30 Agustus 2022 23:11

Now open every week from 12-3 pm, consists of 2 floor (6th fl - western art & 7th - chinese art), high health protocol, there are presenters in each floor (6th&7th) if you want to ask about the art.

30 Agustus 2022 15:46

Great gallery with lots of collection, ranging from paintings, sculptures, ceramics, etc from different region and era. Make sure to get there early cause it’s only open til 3pm. There are ushers around who are very welcoming and gives detailed explanation of each item. The gallery itself is located in the church building, make sure to get to the right lobby (lobby E) if not u will get lost quite easily.

19 Agustus 2022 12:22

Bagus bangettt, banyak koleksi lukisan, patung, dan artifak baik eropa maupun tiongkok. Worth it bgt buat date atau edukasi ke anak. Buat dewasa (>21) 100rb. Kalo mau naik krl bisa turun juanda/sawah besar trs grabcar/bike kesini

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