Dwijaya House of Pakubuwono

Alamat 4, Jl. Dwijaya II No.7, RT.4/RW.15, Gandaria Utara, Jakarta
Telepon +62 21 27513800
Situs web dwijayahouse.com
Kategori Hotel, Coworking Space, Event Venue, Extended Stay Hotel, Serviced Accommodation
Peringkat 4.7 18 ulasan
Dwijaya House
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
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Dwijaya House of Pakubuwono ulasan

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11 November 2023 18:24

More than rooms, they are apartments with kitchenette, living room with TV, bedroom and bathroom. Spotlessly clean, quiet. Very kind staff. Free access to the gym and swimming pool

06 Juli 2023 10:07

The service was very good and our stay was relaxing, wonderful friendly staff great security service.
The rooms were spacious and clean.

01 Juli 2023 2:22

Sarapan paginya sangat enak, menu bfstnya sama seperti hotel bintang 5, tempatnya nyaman, bersih, servicenya sangat ramah

09 Juni 2023 20:30

Good hotel for staying with Family because we can cook the food our self cause there are cooking tools.

03 Juni 2023 6:18

Tempat menginap yang bagus, nyaman dan tenang meskipun lokasinya di tengah kota. Dekat dengan keramaian kota seperti Pondok Indah Mall. Pelayanan karyawan excelent, ramah. Sayangnya tidak ada restoran di hotel ini. Tapi fasilitas kamar oke banget. Ada dapurnya, ada sofa dan meja makan.

05 April 2023 10:59

Rooms were clean, but the handles on the bedroom doors kept coming off.
Location was nestled in a clean residential neighborhood. Not too far from PIM.
Staff are all very friendly and knowledgeable. They spoke multiple languages well including English, Mandarin, and Arabic.
They have an indoor playground, pool, and free laundry

13 Maret 2023 10:20

The room is fine, but the wifi connection is bad.no connection in the evening. However, the service is good especially the security.

11 Januari 2023 11:24

A gem in the middle of semi urban kampung area. Quiet, nice neighborhood, and inside the House, you cannot help but feel impressed by the luxury and comfort that the place has for you. The rooms are like apartment units good for 3 pax, or 4 family members. They serve food in your room, so you don't have to go to resto. The rate is quite attractive.

10 Januari 2023 17:23

Tempat enak, cuma tidak ada coffee shop nya, untuk duduk duduk di luar, jadi kalo makan, harus GO-JEK food,

03 Desember 2022 11:53

Udah berapa kali nginep di Dwijaya House, salut sama pelayanan nya dan kebersihannya, apalagi public area nya, bersih banget, pasti balik lagi kesana niihh, makasih mba Nur dan mba Yati yang udah sambut kita di hotel dengan senyumannya

29 Agustus 2022 4:14

Hotel nya bersih sekali, staff ramah, pool nya bersih. So relaxing. Sarapan bervariasi meskipun in room dining. Will be back someday ️

20 Maret 2022 9:30

Fantastic. Clean homy in residential area. Perfect for someone looking for quiet place to rest but stil stone throw away from all amenities a big city can offer

06 Januari 2022 15:46

Good interior but abit far from the mall. Might as well stay at the further away place if you can’t walk the distance.

26 Oktober 2021 22:14

Best dr services nya, dari awal dateng masuk mau parkir, pas check in protokolnya taat, mbak2 nya baik. Lalu fasilitas nya, gak diragukan lagi ya. Pas mau pake hairdryer trnyata gak ada filter nya dan lgsg dibawain pas telfon dan say sorry krn gak lengkap. Really appreciate it. Nyaman stay disini apalagi lokasi nya jauh dr hiruk pikuk kota, tapi ttp gampang di akses. Bakal staycation lagii disini

12 September 2021 9:08

Nginep 4 hari 3 malam di kamar 2 bedroom, nyaman bgt buat staycation rame2 sama keluarga. Tenang, adem, jauh dari hiruk pikuk. Karena lokasinya di Jakarta Selatan, jd banyak pilihan makanan buat delivery. Utk bawa anak2 juga masih oke, ada kolam renang, ada rooftop di lantai atas yg anak2 masih bisa enjoy. Ada laundry room bebas mau cuci2 baju. Stafnya ramah2, mba resepsionisnya juga ramah, duh aku lupa namanya, pokonya 4 hari ketemunya mba yg sama di resepsionis. Pokonya next time staycation bakal balik lg kesini lebih lama lg.

25 Agustus 2021 23:01

Tempat favourite buat staycation. Ga perlu jauh² cuma buat istirahat dr rutinitas yg melelahkan, cukup disini aja

13 Agustus 2021 5:57

Good place for a quick get away from Jakarta's hectic life.it's secluded, peaceful, clean and amazing services from the staffs.

08 Agustus 2021 4:06

Very nice place to have your staycation here. For work and also leisure time when you decide to have a break from routines. Friendly staff. Amazing breakfast and spacious room with fully equipped amenities. Will be back here for sure. Thanks Dwijaya House of Pakubuwono team!

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