Dim Sum Inc

Alamat Plaza Festival, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said No.22 Lantai Dasar, RT.2/RW.5, Karet Kuningan, Jakarta
Telepon +62 21 5263178
Jam 00:00-24:00
Situs web dimsuminc.id
Kategori Dim Sum Restaurant
Peringkat 3.8 26 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
Dim Sum Inc. — Jl. Kemang Raya No.20 11, RT.11/RW.5, Bangka, Kec. Mampang Prpt., Jakarta
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Table8 — Hotel Mulia
Lamian Palace — Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.1 01 - 01A, RT.1/RW.5, Menteng, Jakarta
Taste Paradise — Plaza Indonesia South Gate Lantai 4/#01 Jalan M.H. Thamrin No.28-30 01 28-30, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.5, RT.9/RW.5, Gondangdia, Jakarta
Bamboo Dimsum Tebet — Jl. Tebet Raya No.78B, RT.1/RW.3, Tebet Tim., Kec. Tebet, Jakarta

Dim Sum Inc ulasan

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26 September 2023 18:40

It's been a while since my last visit. The chili oil is still one of the best that I've ever taste. Hakau, shumay and spring roll are my favorites. The nasi goreng kampung are still good but the chicken not suitable for the nasi goreng, just a fried chicken with spices will be enough. I came on Friday, so crowded

13 September 2023 17:20

Not recommended of you’re not really drunk and crave for something just to nibble, coming here with fam and friends, almost all the order is wrong.

11 September 2023 5:11

Good place to have lunch. The food was delicious, the place is nice. I forgot to take many pictures. I just took a picture of their Lime Juice, it is very fresh.

29 Juli 2023 0:12

From the name it seems like a Chinese restaurant but it served thai food western food and Indonesia food as well.
For all the food it’s salty for us. The porridge task ok but too salty for me.
Tom yum soup is not recommended it’s salty and not good.
The rendam beef rice is ok, can try this.
The amount of spaghetti is too small and also the dim sim is just so so.
Overall it’s full of people but we really not a fan.

26 Juli 2023 19:09

Pelayanan kurang baik,
Penyajian makanan super lambat,
Sampe berkali-kali menanyakan baru datang,
Pelayan slow response

13 Juli 2023 16:48

Nice place to have dimsum and beers. Good location in the city center of Kuningan in Pasar Festival area. Good choice especially you need good food in the night time. Was there 4 years ago for lunch, now re-visited them for a nice dinner with Dimsum, Nasi Goreng Rendang, Spaghetti Aglio Olio with Prawn, Bakmi Goreng Jawa, etc.

08 Januari 2021 11:05

The ambience is good. The food is a little tasteless most of the time. I went here a couple of times, the first time was in juli 2019. Back then the food had more flavour into it.

When the flavour is back, I will rate it again ofcourse. For now I give it 3 star rating.

01 Mei 2019 22:02

Like the ambience, the food and the drinks, they have beers too, i very much like the chicken feet dimsum, if you like chicken feet you should order that, the aglio olio also very nice,

05 April 2019 8:33

Terlalu penuh. Pelayanannya jelek. Pelayan gak input pesanan pelanggan, malah menyalahkan pelanggan. Manager store tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah. Handle complaintnya jelek.

22 Februari 2019 2:51

Always fullpacked place. Their "spaghetti tuna rawit" is my fave. Ask them for the beer promo, they usually have it everyday.

08 Februari 2019 5:44

Punya problem gara2 kartu udah kepotong tapi struk ga ke print di EDC mreka dan suruh bayar lagi CASH! Masalah ini dari November akhir kemarin sampe sekarang kok ga ada niat buat telfon dan kasih kabar ya? Padahal udah saya telf.katanya udah di report ke BCA dan bakal kasih update an nya tapi di inform cuman sedikit dikit & sampe saat ini ga ada lg info dari mreka gimana tuh duit saya.

Bayar 2 kali loh. 851 x 2 = 1.6 juta. Saya sebagai kustomer BERHAK dong minta uang saya balik. Meskipun belom nyampe ke account mreka tapi kan saya udah kedebit. ANEH BGT.dimana mana customer ga pantes di treat kaya gini.itu kan masalah kalian sama pihak BCA. Sampe2 saya print tuh rekening koran buat ngasih tau kalo saya udah ke debit 851 rb (karna permintaan si manajer yg ga jelas itu) KATANYA KALO NGE PRINT REK. KORAN, MREKA BARU MAU BALIKIN UANG SY YG 851 rb etapi saya yg di persulti lagi.ini apa2an sih udah ga dikabarin, ga professional pula!

851 rb memang ga sebrapa tapi itu ttp uang dan saya mrasa di treat ga adil sama kalian.saya bakal tanya ini terus bodo amat sampe kalian se bosen apapun juga ttp gw tagih.

06 Februari 2019 7:42

The place is good for hangout.the food is delicious too.nasi goreng kampung and dim-sum is the best.everything is good as expected.

24 Januari 2019 12:36

Dimsumnya enak, cocok utk yg cari makan tengah mlm krn 24 jam. Utk yg ga suka asap rokok tidak direkomendasikan kesini

06 Januari 2019 9:03

Berada di Jakarta Selatan, tempat ini buka 24 dan jadi pilihan utama bagi kalian yang lapar tengah malam sekaligus ingin nongkrong atau berkumpul bersama teman-teman, dengan berbagai menu makanan mulai dari dimsum hingga nasi goreng dan pasta juga tersedia disini, harga sedikit lebih mahal karena pangsa pasarnya adalah menengah keatas

01 Januari 2019 16:15

Tempatnya cozy tp buat keluarga dgn anak masih kecil gak cocok karna banyak asap rokok. Makanannya enak harga normal std Jakarta. Nunggu nya juga gak terlalu lama mungkin karna masih blm ramai

01 Januari 2019 13:16

Tempatnya buka 24jam, banyak yg nongkrong, tersedia Non dan Smoking Room.
Cuma kefoto 1 macem Dimsumnya. Lupa namanya apa, tapi isin dalemnya udang dan mozarella, enak banget. Bakpao telor asinnya enak banget, bakpaonya lembut banget dan telor asinnya ga amis.

01 Januari 2019 12:24

Tempat nongkrong yang enak, buka 24 jam nih. Tiap kali k sini slalu tengah malam, dan rame trus. My fav salted egg pao dan chicken feet, must try.

31 Desember 2018 3:27

Spagetti Tuna Rawit. Makanannya lumayan, harganya 49rb belum termasuk service and tax. Pelayanan nya lumayan lama.

MJ Zeek Daniels
26 Desember 2018 18:59

If you're looking for a place to settle your hangover or just not ready to go home after clubbing till the morning hours then this place is for you and your night owl friends. Place can get packed right after the last drunkards get herded out of the clubs. With limited choices at that hour; this is not a bad stop.

19 Desember 2018 3:24

Disini paling enak steam dimsumnya, kemarin iseng2 cicip yg fried.humm kurang nikmad.tapi overall makanan enak n tempat lumayan buat kongkow yaa

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