De Luca

Alamat Jl. Asia Afrika No.8, RT.1/RW.3, Gelora, Tanah Abang, Jakarta
Telepon +62 21 5725170
Situs web www.deluca-italian.com
Kategori Italian Restaurant, Pizza Restaurant
Peringkat 4.4 34 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Imperial Tables — Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said No.18 Kav. 62, RT.18/RW.2, Kuningan, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, Jakarta
Pizza Marzano — Mall Kota Kasablanka Food Society Lt. Ground Floor, Jl. Raya Casablanca No.88 16, RT.16/RW.5, Menteng Dalam, Jakarta
Rosso — BNI, Shangri-La Jakarta Kota, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.Kav. 1
BISTECCA — 18 Parc Place SCBD Tower C Ground Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.52-53, RT.5/RW.3, Senayan, Jakarta

De Luca ulasan

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11 September 2023 1:54

Absolutely love their lasagna, it has many mushroom and so creamy. Anw I'm craving for it as I am writing this review

Also tried their pasta "Frutti de mare", it was also soooo delicious. It has scallop and prawns in it.

Ambiance is more like semi bar with low lighting. Suitable for meeting up with friends but not kids friendly.

Sorry, forgot to take any pictures.

14 Agustus 2023 2:24

The food very bad.we ordered tomato soup, Cesar salad with chicken but come out with processed chicken, beef croquettes bentuk dan rasanya paraaaah nggak ada enak2nya, garlic breadnya nggak bisa dimakan saking nggak enaknya. Waitressnya juga pada lemes alias nggak semangat kasih service ke tamu2 dan banyak ngobrol kelompok aja.

08 Agustus 2023 0:02

Love the fried sukuk they have here.
With carbonara dips.
And they also have fresh juices

17 Juli 2023 13:34

It has been a few years since I ate here. The interior design hasn't changed a bit since my last visit. Usually, I came for dinner on weekdays but yesterday I came for weekend lunch. It's more crowded for dinner service, so you might want to make a reservation first.
It's located in the Plaza Senayan complex inside an extra building outside the mall at the parking area, together with a coffee shop which I forgot the name of. The place is not that big, with a smoking area inside the restaurant and non-smoking outside. But honestly, it does smell even you sit outside. So maybe you can consider this if you are sensitive to cigarette smell.
The ambiance feels like a semi-bar/pub with dimmed lighting. Suitable for hangout with friends or family but not for small children. Also not suitable for work or formal meetings since it can be quite noisy with the music and people talking.
Service was fast and good, the portion was great and the food has a strong taste.
I love their pizzas and drinks. The calamari tastes unique with a little bit of local Indonesian flavor to it. They used a lot of garlic so it might be not for everyone.

13 Mei 2023 7:00

Good food good ambience.i ordered the roasted chicken thingy (forgot the exact name), and it was delish! The cheese cake was good too! Accompanied with coffee, perfect!

29 April 2023 2:55

Lokasi di Plaza Senayan, kafe dengan konsep ruangan terbuka, jadi kita bisa duduk di dalam ruangan atau di koridor jalanan, menikmati secangkir kopi sambil melihat pengunjung mall yang lalu lalang.
Makanannya rata rata berkonsep western, jadi jangan harap ada disini nasi goreng, gado gado atau sejenisnya.
Untuk price, tergolong lumayan lah.

03 Maret 2023 9:33

The food was great. Though the service was below par.

A nice place to chill, great ambience. Although when we arrived there were no hostess to greet us.

Then the staff gave us the menu after quite a while waiting, had to call the staff twice to order.

27 Februari 2023 12:53

Tempat nongkrong di Plaza Senayan, tersedia tempat merokok. Selalu ramai. Kalau kesini cobalah Draft Beer Bali Hai.

26 Agustus 2022 11:12

Nunggunya agak lumayan lama, tapi yang keluar beneran enak! Aku pesan fried calamari, 4-cheese with bacon, roasted chicken, sparkling lemonade dan passion fruit.

Fried calamarinya enak banget! Cuma kurang banyak. Hahaha. Jadi tahu-tahu sudah habis. Pizza juga enak, crispy, kejunya terasa dan baconnya berlimpat. Roasted chickennya berporsi cukup besar, vegetablenya agak kurang bumbu, tapi dengan sausnya, jadi lebih bisa diterima. Mashed potatonya enak, lembut, kejunya berasa dan sepertinya ada rasa susu. Cheese & bacon (pasta), kurang ada rasanya, dan mungkin karena terlalu creamy, jadi kurang menikmati rasanya.

Untuk minum hanya order sparkling lemonade, dan rasanya seperti biasa, passion fruit juga lumayan enak. Jus strawberry nya terasa encer dan kurang rasa. Tertolong karena ada tambahan gula.

16 Agustus 2022 23:00

Strategically located at the restaurant row opposite the entrance from parking area of Plaza Senayan. Cozy ambience and I always love dining outside the restaurant.

The Fruiti Il Mare is delicious - best with Angel Hair pasta. Chicken Wings (forgot the name) is tasty and decent portion. Not loving the Apple Crumble though - too much crust and too little apple.

The cocktails are okay but not recommending the Chocolate Martini which is too watery for my taste. Another regret is the deletion of Amaretto Sour from their list.

12 Juni 2022 7:50

I used to enjoy their pizza & pasta. But when I visited here again, the pizza was not as enjoyable as it was.

14 Mei 2022 12:20

Belum sempet nongkrong disini, karena buru buru, next time pengen nyobain ini kafe, tempatnya keren bgt!

22 Maret 2022 15:07

Fast service, suasana nyaman dan staff yg baik dan sopan.

Room for improvement on food. Drinks ok but it can also be better bila dapat di improve sedikit lagi. Staff kitchen seperti malu-malu dengan seasoning, demikian juga dengan bar men.

Sedikit lagi bisa perfect karena lokasi sudah sangat baik demikian pula dengan dekorasi dan menu.

19 Maret 2022 13:24

Tempat nyaman, pelayanan ramah.tiramizunya lembut.btw pengalaman kemarin dompet kecil sy berisi SIM, KTP, ATM jatuh tanpa sy sadari.dan baru ketahuan 3 jam kemudian.ketika dihubungi dibenarkan oleh pelayan disana.dan hari ini siang sdh sy ambil.dgn lengkap. Terima Kasih De Luca.utk pelayananannya. Pertahankan dan tongkatkan terus.

09 Desember 2021 15:42

Went here because we want pasta and panna cotta. They give us a plate of complimentary baguette with sambal bawang; a surprising Indonesian-Italian fusion. The bread was warm and the sambal was nice, tastes fresh, not too spicy, goes well with the bread. I ordered a tuna aglio; it was unlike any other aglio I ever tried, not sure if it can be called aglio for how many stuff was inside; tomatoes, olives, basil leaves? , and lemon zest, apparently. Despite not tasting like aglio, it was a reaaaally good pasta. The panna cotta was the star of the day! Coffee and nuts with crunchy caramel on top. We were satisfied with our visit and will return again someday.

13 Juli 2021 1:27

Bergaya italiano sekali dan sangat khas. Konsepnya seperti di milan, yakni resto yg dekat dengan pejalan kaki pedestrian.

11 Juli 2021 13:39

Tidak ada yang istimewa.semuanya cukup baik dari pelayanan, tempat, F&B (Pizza is tasty). Hanya saja non-smoking area terletak di hallway antara parkir & pintu masuk mall sehingga suara berisik dari segala penjuru menggema cukup keras dan larangan melepas masker di saat sedang tidak menikmati makan/minum menyulitkan apa yang kita ucapkan terdengar jelas oleh orang yang semeja dengan kita.

11 Juni 2021 16:08

They have new menu now. Now having both classic italian food with a twist and indonesian italian fusion.

Both are very good.

11 November 2019 1:39

Sadly tonight dinner not up to my other visits. The fritto misto over cooked and dry, the seafood soup lacked taste tonight. I finished with Spagetti Bol was good but its been better. At the same time the kitchen was slow.

18 Oktober 2019 14:23

Great staff, but the food is always a bit too salty for my taste. Pasta is oftentimes over-boiled: (

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