Common Grounds Neo Soho

Alamat Neo Soho Mall, Letjen S. Parman St No.Kav. 28 Ground Floor, RT.3/RW.5, South Tanjung Duren, Jakarta
Telepon +62 21 27893323
Situs web www.commongrounds.co.id
Kategori Cafe, Coffee Shop, Restaurant
Peringkat 4.3 48 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
Common Grounds Coffee and Roastery — Jl. KH Mas Mansyur, Citywalk Sudirman GF No.Kav. 121, RT.10/RW.11, Karet Tengsin, Jakarta
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Bakoel Koffie — Jl. Cikini Raya No.25, RT.16/RW.1, Cikini, Menteng, Jakarta
Melly's Garden Pub & Diner — Jl. Kb. Sirih Tim. Dalam No.37, RT.1/RW.5, Kebon Sirih, Menteng, Jakarta
Papa & Mama Bistro and Coffee — RT.8/RW.14, Duri Kepa, Kebonjeruk, Jakarta
METRO coffee bar etc. — Jl. Tanjung Karang No.5, RT.11/RW.20, Kebon Melati, Tanah Abang, Jakarta

Common Grounds Neo Soho ulasan

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29 Agustus 2023 16:26

Udah gak diragukan lagi kalo ngopi di common grounds. Kopinya enak banget, punch in your face (in a good way). Makannya juga enak enak dan mostly gak ada yg fail. Mungkin tempatnya aja yg agak kecil soalnya di dalem mall, dan ada buat smoking area juga.

28 April 2023 16:09

Anak gw diusir keluar di CG krna bawa bubble tea. Disuruh minum di luar CG. Padahal gw beli makan dan minum di CG. Itu jg baru 1 jam duduk disna. Last time to CG sih. Kalau ada jual bubble tea ya masuk akal klo gk boleh masuk. Tlong dibenerin managementnya ya. Ancur!

07 April 2023 10:02

Baru cobain coffee nya aja bebeb amer akoh single shoot!
Tapi ㅠㅠ
Karena rasanya yg sama pada umumnya dg harga yg UWOW buat akoh.

Dan makasih ah buat mamas barista kiyowo nya semangat terus

15 Januari 2023 6:07

Tempat enak untuk small meeting. Banyak pilihan minimuman dan makanan nya. Pelayanan cepat dan ramah

01 Januari 2023 17:50

Great cafe and very comfortable. It has a great ambience for working and hanging out with friends. The coffee is good, clean place and the staff is very polite. It has fast connection of wifi too.

29 November 2022 19:20

Diluar ekspektasi rasanya asik!
Enak buat ngbrol meeting dsbnya.
Nice food & place to try.

18 September 2022 11:56

A bit pricey compared to the small portion. The tastes of food in Sudirman Citiwalk outlet are much better than this one. I recommend the one jn Sudirman Citiwalk if you go for the taste. If you go for the atmosphere/ambience, this Neo Soho outlet is a winner.

07 September 2022 19:15

Tempat nongkrong yang oke punya di salah satu sudut NEO SOHO.suasananya mantab, makanan nya enak, minumannya juga enak.cemilan nya menggoda.pinggin nambah dan nambah.untuk kerja dari tempat ini kurang begitu nyaman karena posisi meja dan kurisnya enak buat makan buat kerja.dibatasi pula.hehe jadi ga bisa nongkrong lama lama.ohi atax dll nya lumayan juga, udh bisa beli menu lainnya.hehehh tapi mantap lah

25 Agustus 2022 20:15

Nice place to hang out or for meeting, sayangnya tempatnya agak di pojokan ya.baiknya kalau kesini pas siang atau sore waktu masih terang karena ambience nya jadi lebih nyaman, untuk makanan semua oke

17 Agustus 2022 18:11

Good choice for western brunch/breakfast menu, with good range of main menus too. Its breakfast menu is the best, try its Grilled Chicken Ceasar Salad or Creamy Pasta Carbonara that comes with boiled egg in your preference (half, 3/4, fully cooked egg). This is also a PET-FRIENDLY place even for the indoor air-conditioned seating.

18 Mei 2022 19:54

Coffee Shop Neo Soho!

Ruangan disini luas banget Teman2, didalam Neo Soho tepat nya di ujung. Cukup cozy dgn wifi. Disini ada makanan juga minuman yg di serve. Gua suka banget sama servicenya. Staff nya ramah & punya product knowledge yg bagus.

Biasa gua minumnya #BlackCoffee tapi kali ini cobain kopi susu gula aren nya. And sumpah ini salah satu kopisusugulaaren terbaik yg pernah gua minum. Aromatic masih dapet, a lil bit creamy juga sweetness nya engga over power. Seger bangettttt! Wajib cobain yah! Nah utk steak juga bestttttt, juicy, empuk, rada smokey sedikit. Makan itu di paduin dengan telur nya langsung itu DABEST! Wajib coba juga! Overall puas kenyang, will be back someday #KULINER4LYFE #commongrounds #coffeeshop #jakarta #neosoho #kopisusugulaaren #beefsteak

ig: @commongroundsid

09 Mei 2022 2:59

Tempat brunch dan coffee yg nyaman bersama teman dan keluarga. Pilihan menu nya beragam dan enak. Recommended

06 Mei 2022 23:26

A nice small coffe and eat café. Our orders were iced caramel latte, iced blackcurrant tea and klepon cake. The klepon cake was unique and good but too sweet for some people. The coffee was average. The tea was good and refreshing.
The best of all was the ambience, it's homy and nice atmosphere with simple lay out.
Just try.

29 April 2022 23:12

Nice restaurant for hang out. Cozy enough.
Price is off course commonly set up for restaurants inside a big shopping mall. Average price of food > 50K, and beverages > 30K It is located at Neo Soho mall, west Jakarta.
Service is ok. Taste is ok.
Payment: cash & card.

01 April 2022 11:28

Their whole peppermint leaf tea is worth it, but their nachos is a little bit overprice, compared to its taste.

27 Februari 2022 13:46

Penne Carbonara
Taste: 4,5/5
Presentation: 4/5
Value: 3,5/5
Service: 4/5
Ambience / Decor / Music: 4,5/5
Will have it again? Sure
Special highlight: Tempatnya asik banget.suasananya, musiknya.cuma tempat duduknya aja sih, belum tentu tahan kalo duduk terlalu lama.hehehe kalo kopi kan disini sudah pasti enak nih, amazingly, carbonaranya juga enak. #nofilter

22 Februari 2022 11:25

Cozy place, spacy, clean, and bright. The staffs are kind and helpful. One from the kitchen even came to us when they might be a little delay in serving the foods which we couldn't tell it's a delay at all.

11 Februari 2022 1:22

Typical of coffee shop.
Hello and greeting!
Sending appreciation and best regards,
been joining the team about 9 months.

One of to-do visit coffee shop while you're around West Jakarta/ Central Park-Neo Soho area.
Mempunyai smoking area di luar/ teras dan cocok untuk menjadi tempat co-working, meeting dengan banyak kursi dan meja, juga tata pencahayaan yang alami karena banyak jendela besar.

26 Desember 2021 8:19

Great ambience, great food, good internet connection (with some electricity plugs as well!). It usually get crowded above 12.30 PM even during the weekday. Their salad are very fresh, great in portion also taste-wise, it's straight up delicious! Keep on coming back

10 Desember 2021 4:26

Nice cozy place with a bit of view to to the street and small garden. The chicken caesar salad is superb!

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