
Alamat Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.28-30, RT.9/RW.5, Gondangdia, Kec. Menteng, Jakarta
Telepon +62 21 39838792
Jam 10:00-22:00
Situs web www.champ-group.com/chopstix
Kategori Asian Fusion Restaurant, Chinese Restaurant, Indonesian Restaurant, Noodle Shop
Peringkat 3.5 26 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
Chopstix, grand Indonesia — Foodprint, grand Indonesia fifth floor, Kebon Melati, Jakarta
Platinum Resto — Jl. Sampit I No.6, RT.6/RW.6, Kramat Pela, Kec. Kby. Baru, Jakarta
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Happy Day - Juanda — Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.19 14, RT.14/RW.4, Kb. Klp., Kecamatan Gambir, Jakarta
Rumah Putih — Jl. Cemp. Putih Tengah I No.38 9, RT.9/RW.7, Cemp. Putih Tim., Kec. Cemp. Putih, Jakarta
Ta Wan — Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, RT.2/RW.5, Karet Kuningan, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Jakarta
Mie Akung — Jl. Manggarai Utara 1 No.H7, RT.7/RW.1, Manggarai, Kec. Tebet, Jakarta

Chopstix ulasan

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18 November 2023 2:26

Restoran yang satu ini terletak nggak jauh dari eskalator lantai basement. Harha menunya start from 30 ribuan & sangat ramai di jam makan siang pas weekdays.

Opsinya ada menu aneka nasi, kwetiau, mie & bihun.

Aku mencoba:

1. Mie Ijo Bakso Pangsit (Rp. 43.800)

Opsinya ada mie telur & mie hijau. Selain itu bisa juga pesan mie yamin maupun mie hijau yamin tanpa tambahan biaya.

Aku mencoba mie hijau dan menurutku rasanya nggak enak. Mienya kelembekan dan teksturnya lengket. Mungkin karena air rebusannya udah dipakai rebus berkali-kali & belum diganti atau gimana.

Toppingnya ayam jamur & sejenis bakso goreng yang dipotong tipis. Baksonya renyah dan enak. Untuk topping ayam jamurnya dominan jamur dengan rasa manis gurih.

Sayurnya udah nggak fresh. Bisa dilihat di foto yang nggak kuedit, caisimnya kuning dan seharusnya nggak diserve lagi. Pas kumakan bagian yang masih hijau, rasanya sedikit pahit.

Rasa kuahnya pun cenderung hambar. Baksomya agak kenyal, jenis yang tepungnya cukup banyak meski masih kerasa dagingnya.

Yang beneran enak malahan pangsit gorengnya. Teksturnya renyah, empuk dan gurih. Mirip pangsit gorengnya Bakmi GM.

14 November 2023 18:26

Price is ok considering its location. Spent idr 75000 for a nasigoreng + chinese tea. Taste of the nasgor is spicy and delicious

03 Juni 2023 11:48

The staff, although well-intentioned, seemed to lack sufficient training and product knowledge. Despite being asked twice to confirm the availability of a non-sweetened option, the beverage I received was unfortunately sweetened.

In an attempt to rectify the situation, the staff mentioned that the cost of the beverage would be charged to them instead. However, this approach may have unintentionally placed subtle pressure on the customer to pay for the mistake.

11 Mei 2023 20:38

Woo the ramen noodles is very affordable
I really enjoy eat and feel the atmosphere like Japan hahahaha

If visit the plaza Indonesia mall at central Jakarta, it very nice to visit Chopstix why?
The menu is very lots, the tested very nice, the service is very good (so you can waiting the minute)

Ohh the ramen noodles soon I come to youuu

Thank for the menu

21 April 2023 18:22

Kalo udah ketemu Nasi Goreng Kampung dan Fried Tofu langsung semangat menjalani hari. Jadi selalu ingat masakan ibu dirumah. Mantap.

09 Februari 2023 23:25

I have a high expectation on their taiwanese beef noodle, but it's far from my expectation. Style is good tho.

23 November 2022 1:49

A family quick bite restaurant for family and kids with excellent Indonesia's and Malayan food

21 November 2022 12:22

Biasa ke sini buat lunch saat mager jalan jauh, menu favorit mie goreng bakso, yg saya suka, bisa pesan pedas sambal, bukan dengan irisan cabe, sayangnya harus bersabar nunggu makanan keluar, karena biasanya minimal 15 menit baru ready setelah dimasak.

30 Oktober 2022 23:07

Tadi sore saya makan di tempat ini. Rasa dan harga oke, tapi sayang banyak menu yg sold out. Yang lebih disayangkan lagi sebenarnya service nya. Tadi yg terima order sepertinya masih trainee (kemeja putih celana hitam) dan ada salah input salah satu menu yg saya pesan. Harusnya menu tsb harganya promo tapi diinput harganya normal. Trainee tsb memang lgsg info ke kami mengenai kesalahan input nya dan meminta maaf. Saya pun bilang ke dia untuk diganti di sistemnya, karena kami selesai makan dan bayar pun belum. Ternyata dia bilang tdk bisa diganti karena sdh diinput. Saat selesai makan dan bayar pun kasir (staffnya terlihat lebih senior) ternyata aware bahwa ada kesalahan input menu. Dia juga cuma meminta maaf, tidak ada inisiatif utk minimal menawarkan ganti selisih harga atau lainnya. Staff tsb juga bilang kalau ada kesalahan kita yg ganti, tapi masih juga tdk ada inisiatif utk menawarkan ganti selisih harga. Sebenarnya selisihnya tdk besar, tdk sampai 15rb tapi inisiatifnya tetap tdk ada. Cuma meminta maaf dan malah saya disuruh komplain ke pusat call centre utk spy menu yg terlanjur diinput bisa dihapus oleh IT nya Chopstix. Ini yg salah input cuma satu menu, kalau misalnya lebih dari 1 menu yg salah diinput apa staff Chopstix cuma akan meminta maaf berkali2 dan tetap minta customer bayar sesuai menu yg staff input dengan salah? Tolong diimprove lagi service ke customernya.

18 September 2022 12:47

I DON'T RECOMMEND this restaurant. Today i have dinner with 4 of my friends. We were being serve by the cashier lady who take our order. Before serving she said food will be serve in 20minutes. We said we dont mind.
But after 30 minutes 3 of my friends almost finish their food while my food have not come yet. I ask the waiter and he said it being prepare. After wait another 10 minutes, i start to look at the kitchen waiting for my food. And then this cashier lady come to us and ask us to wait for another 10 minutes, i reply to her " in the beiginning, you said 20 minutes, and this is already 40 minutes you still ask me to wait for another 10 minutes"
And then she was angry and said to me "who said 20 minutes? I said 1 hour"
Me and my friend was very surprise with this cashier lady act. I was angry but i dont want to yell and i choose to wait. The next 10 minutes, my food come but it was salty.

My friends said to me that she heard that the chef said to the other waiter that he forgot my order. So why dont the cashier lady simply say sorry to us? Instead she choose to yell at us who are her customer?

Restaurant business is a service business, how come you dont train your employee very well? If you said we have to wait for 1 hour to get our lausy taste food, we wouldn't bother to order and go find many other restaurant which have better food and service.

So i said this 1 more time, please people who come to plaza indonesia, dont bother to visit this restaurant. There are many other better restaurant!

@plazaindonesia, please review your tenant service!

09 Agustus 2022 4:30

Excellent chinese food that they're serving here. Haven't went to Chopstix in years and I was completely surprised with how delicious their food are, very rich and savory. They also complement that with a great service and hospitality.

06 Juni 2022 1:22

Makanan dengan cita rasa tinggi walau harga relatif mahal karena berada di dalam mall besar di Jakarta yg menjual barang bermerk terkenal

20 Mei 2022 14:23

Due to Lebaran holiday, limited menu, added extra charge for Lebaran holiday is okay but why did they cut off the portion into half? Poor lighting, dirty+smell bad environment restaurant.did not have so much option since it's very crowded that day.

23 Maret 2019 15:46

Rasa makanan standart, beberapa menu yg dipesan tdk ada sayuran atau daun2 hijau sebagai pemanis sama sekali

06 Maret 2019 0:55

Have been here a few times and the food used to be better. They still have a wide range of quick and pretty cheap Asian food, but the quality has gone down a bit. Went during dinner time in December '18 and they were out of rice (!). I ordered the mie tek-tek and it was a soggy mess. The prawn cakwe is supposed to be their popular menu and it came out burnt. The wait staff also messed up the order.

26 Februari 2019 16:01

Menu cukup luas, pilihan makanan juga banyak, service bagus (sempat liat SPV debat dgn meja sebelah ttg metode pembayaran dan cukup sabar untuk melayani) tp butuh training lebih untuk staff2nya atau tambahan staff.

03 Februari 2019 14:54

Great service, well cooked food, well known for asian cuisine but because it's in d'basement that makes it 4 star

12 Januari 2019 21:11

Menu mengenyangkan this is my first time agak mengecewakan krn orderan lama bukan salah koki.salah pelayan lupa input orderan hiks

08 Januari 2019 6:30

Pelayana sangaat lama.padahal terlihat restaurant tidak ramai juga.
No smile on every employee

30 Desember 2018 20:30

Soal rasa lumayan lah, untuk harga tidak terlalu mahal, pelayanan lumayan cepat, lokasi cukup strategis mudah untuk diakses

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