Art:1 New Museum

Alamat Jl. Rajawali Selatan Raya No.3, North Gunung Sahari, Sawah Besar
Telepon +62 21 64700168
Situs web www.mondecor.com
Kategori Modern Art Museum, Art Gallery, Art Restoration Service, Event Venue
Peringkat 4.6 54 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Museum MACAN (Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara) — AKR Tower Level M, Jl. Panjang No.5, Kb. Jeruk, Jakarta

Art:1 New Museum ulasan

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28 Februari 2018 21:08

Tempatnya bagus besar dan instagramable banget, cuman sayang dikenakan biaya jika membawa kamera hanya dibolehkan hp saja.

16 Februari 2018 20:31

Karya keren-keren worth it lah sama harga. Karena seni itu mahal. Gak semuda di ngucapin. Harga mahal karna menghargai para seniman

27 Januari 2018 17:43

Tempatnya agak terpencil, bisa diakses naik kreta commuterline turun di stasiun rajawali lalu naik gojek atau jalan kaki 13menit. Bayarnya agak mahal tapi emang yg dipamerin bagus bagus kualitasnya.

18 Januari 2018 0:58

Really interesting pieces. It’s relatively small in comparison to what you may expect but worth it. Note - it’s two separate buildings, the museum attendant had guided me thru the three floors in each building

05 Januari 2018 18:56

Great museum/art gallery! Me and my friends spent a couple of hours here enjoying the arts and taking pictures.i went here on a weekday at around 1pm - 3pm and there weren't so many people there but they did said that on weekends its more crowded.the entrance fee i payed was 75k (for students.you have to show your student id) but for adults its 100k and its free for children under 12.oh and you have to pay extra 75k if you want to take pictures with a legit camera.some might say its a bit pricey, but i would say it's worth it because it's a way to appreciate artists.the arts were really cool and even the architecture is so aesthetically pleasing (and it's instagram feed friendly). Many youth would love this place

25 Desember 2017 22:18

Great museum, my friends and I enjoyed 2-3 hours here. The artworks are fascinating and the building itself is aesthetically-pleasing! There is one section where they have illuminated pieces which I really liked. The entry fee is quite expensive but worth it (and it makes sense why) and there is an additional fee of 75k if you want to bring a camera. The museum can be accessed by train, just get off at Rajawali station and take a 10-minute walk.

11 Oktober 2017 21:00

If you love arts you should come here. The entrance fee is Rp 75.000 and a cozy place to spending your weekends if you want something quite different than other recreational place/museum

01 Oktober 2017 10:23

Mahal g worth it, masih byk museum yg nyediain fasilitas lebih. Bawa kamera digital bayar 100rb beda bgt ama di bdg sejauh yg gue perhatiin.

29 September 2017 7:08

Selamat Pagi, perkenalkan saya Tarmin utusan dari Musium Galeri MK Lesmana. Purwakarta mau menawarkan lukisan Ontologi serta Lukisan Karya Bp H Widayat G Tukang Sate, serta karya Dadang Sutisna, Hendra Gunawan, dan Basuki Abdulah, kalo berminat boleh kita kopidarat.trimakasih

20 September 2017 17:12

It's a really nice public art space, with uniqueness of its shape & feature makes the unusual exciting experience!

19 September 2017 15:40

Nice gallery but quite pricey. Not so big though. For adult you need to pay 75k, student 50k. Need to pay 100k more if you bring camera.

11 Juli 2017 20:46

If you like taking picture and love to see art exhibition, it's the right place for you.if you are student, show your student card and get discount for the entrance fee

02 Juli 2017 17:42

Jauh jauh naik busway dari Ragunan, eh lagi di tutup ada display lain kata satpam.mungkin lain waktu lagi kali ya

11 Mei 2017 22:24

Honestly! This place is not worth it for IDR 150000. I rather go to our National museum, Basoeki Abdullah or Kota Tua.

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