旧陶恩怀特科菲 / OldTown White Coffee BM

Alamat Jl. Pluit Karang Ayu I, Jalan Pluit Karang Ayu I No.B1, RT.20/RW.2, Pluit, Penjaringan RT.20/RW.2 Pluit Penjaringan, Jl. Pluit Karang Ayu 1 No.B1 2 06, Jakarta
Telepon +62 21 29621274
Jam 10:00-22:00
Situs web www.oldtown.co.id
Kategori Cafe
Peringkat 1.9 10 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
OldTown White Coffee Anggrek — mall taman anggrek, Jl. Letjen S. Parman No.kav 21, RT.12/RW.1, Tj. Duren Sel., Jakarta
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Tanamera Coffee PIK — Ruko Gallery 8 No. EK-EL, Jl. Pantai Indah Utara 2, Kapuk Muara, Jkt Utara
KFC — Blok B No.1 METRO CENTRO, Jl. Pantai Indah Utara 2 No.1, RT.3/RW.7, Kapuk Muara
Hardware Lane Coffee & Brunch — Jl. Pluit Indah No.33, RT.1/RW.7, Pluit, Penjaringan, Jakarta
Sixtynine Coffee — Jl. Pluit Kencana Raya No.69 4, RT.4/RW.6, Pluit, Kec. Penjaringan, Jakarta

旧陶恩怀特科菲 / OldTown White Coffee BM ulasan

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01 Oktober 2023 10:47

Beli via gofood ga dikasih kantong, makanannya acak acakan, kotor, ga steril.terakhir beli disini.

07 Agustus 2023 7:58

Pelayanan tidak bagus, pelayan salah take order, makanan tidak mau diganti. Semua seolah olah tidak tahu, parah deh makan disini, cukup sekali aja. Tempat suram dan bau apek.

05 Juli 2023 2:43

Staff nya tidak sopan. Kami masuk jam 21.00 pas dan di dalam kafe kosong, pelayan & staff tidak ada SATUPUN. Kami pun duduk menunggu waiter sembari temanku utak atik latop. Sekitar 10 menit kemudian baru waiter datang bilang sudah Closed. Krn terlanjur buka laptop, maka kami pun minta izin utk duduk sebentar. Staff nya lsng gak senang dan membanting2 kursi di sekitarnya seolah ngusir. Kalo mmg tutup, harusnya dari awal info pas kami masuk dan gak perlu habiskan waktu kami nunggu 10 menit! Dan pelayanannya ditingkatkan utk lebih profesional! Di cabang lain tidak spt ini

23 Juni 2023 9:35

Pesen 2 nasi lemak dua duanya b aja, my mom pesen telor setengah mateng pas dateng udh dingin and it came less then 5 minutes, dia juga pesen roti srikaya, that was the nastiest bread i have ever taste udh di ksh srikaya tetep gada rasa mkn begitu doang 250 kek bro mau kaya ga gt jg minimal see ur food bro.never coming back.sudah coba complain ke waiter tp seperti tdk mau ganti rugi

10 Mei 2023 17:09

Woi jadi karyawan jangan jutek! Jangan belagu sama pembeli. Karyawan gaji kecil aja banyak gaya lo! Etitude nya mana? Tolong manajemen pecat2in aja karyawan2 yg kerjanya ogah2an + jutek sama pembeli.

21 April 2023 3:59

Ordered hongkong noodle chasiu and coffee "Cham" (basically coffee+tea)

The noodle was bad, I though my dishes was the oddball, but I asked my friend's curry noodle, it's bad as well.

Both our dishes are under seasoned to the level of super bland.
My noodle was very soft, the soup was the weirdest tasted for hk noodle. No umami only vinegar taste. The drinks was ok though, not spectacular but very normal and drinkable

Overall, this is the worst hk noodle I had in couple of years

18 Januari 2023 4:26

Ke Baywalk Mall tunggu teman datang dan sedikit laper. Pertama kali kepikiran adalah Old town white coffee. Mengapa? Nasi goreng kampungnya dan kopi susunya.

Saya pesan:
1. White coffee original yang reguler
Saya suka minta tambahan air panas karena menurutku agak manis tapi saya suka rasa kopi susunya ️
2. Nasi goreng kampung
Nasi goreng yang dimasak dengan ikan teri, kangkung, dan telur. Nasi gorengnya tidak kering, tidak lembek dan keras, pas menurutku. Pedasnya jg pas. Asin ikan terinya pas mantap.
3. Nasi spicy chicken chop.
Nasinya enak digigit. Ayam gorengnya renyah lembut disiram dengan saus pedas asam manis yang enak. Brokoli dan sayur kolnya renyah enak.
Yummy ️

17 Desember 2022 5:32

Firstly, the food was lackluster in comparison with the prestige of the white coffee that the restaurant upholds. I ordered the Chicken Chop with Mushroom Sauce and although the chicken chop was quite good, the mushroom sauce was too salty. One good thing was the Kaya & Butter Toast which was definitely a treat. In terms of taste, it fulfilled my expectations and satisfied my craving for a good toast. The Coco Blossom was very refreshing and sweet. It was on the same level compared to other restaurants.

Next up is the price. With what I ordered, I felt that overall, it was a tad bit overpriced for its quality. It would be a stretch to say that I got my money's worth of food but it would also be difficult to say that the restaurant was overpriced.

Last is customer service. The only qualms that I have about it is the fact that our Kaya & Butter Toast arrived quite late as it arrived 10 minutes after we requested for it once we were finished with the main course, which we believe to be quite an ample amount of time.

Overall, I would visit this restaurant again if the opportunity presents itself, solely for its Kaya & Butter Toast and to also taste the white coffee that it is renowned for.

22 Juli 2022 0:36

Not recommend namun dimaklumkan karena covid mgkn yah.

Harga tidak berbanding dengan rasa dan pelayanan. Semoga diperbaiki kedepannya. Dari pelayanan sampai rasa.

Cara pembayaran juga mohon diperbaiki. Saat ini hanya bisa cash saja.

14 Juni 2021 5:18

There’s a strand of hair inside my noodle bowl but i hold my anger when i was there since i understand that most of the staff were fasting so i’d respect. Besides, the wifi are not working for laptop. The staffs should’ve told us at front though since they notice us carried laptop. And the staff wasn’t that nice as well.

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