Warung Pradnyani

Alamat Ruko South Goldfinch SGA 056, The Spring, Gading, Cihuni, Kec. Serpong, Banten
Telepon +62 878-8888-7556
Kategori Balinese restaurant
Peringkat 4.1 37 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Babi Guling Bu Gede — Ruko Pasar Modern Paramount, Curug Sangereng, Kelapa Dua, Banten
Bebek Bengil — The Breeze BSD City Unit Waterfront L#01, BSD Green City, Jl. BSD Grand Boulevard, Sampora, Banten
NASI BALI CEMPAKA by Ruang Makan — Ruko Maggiore Grande J-03 Jalan Springs Boulevard. 3 Blk J Cihuni Pagedangan, Gading, Serpong Sub-District
Ubud Paradise - Living World Mall — Living World, Jl. Alam Sutera Boulevard No.21, Pakulonan, Banten

Warung Pradnyani ulasan

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16 November 2023 6:04

I can' put my happiness and excitement in words when finding about this gem! I can safely say this is the most authentic local babi guling in the area. They nailed every components to the core, the infamous base genep. The pork broth, the pork satay that is beautifully seasoned with the base genep, and not to mention the lawar! Finally someone knows what lawar is (hint: it's not urap with the long beans and coconut). Thrilled to know that I can eat babi guling that is freshly made, not some exported reheated frozen stuffs from Bali.
A bit pricey and no air con, but for what you get, it's definitely worth every penny. Will definitely find me here often

14 November 2023 4:01

Bagi penyuka nasi campur babi khas Bali yang tidak suka rasa bumbunya terlalu strong/spicy, bisa cobain disini. Kebetulan selera saya cocok, karena kalau makan di beberapa resto bagul di Bali biasanya rasa rempah nya sangat kuat jadi berasa aroma seperti jamu.

Nasi campurnya cukup lengkap, disajikan dengan rempah khas Bali, sayurnya di kukus kering kurang jelas sayur apa tapi dari teksturnya seperti sayur daun singkong. Topingnya kulit spicy babi dan krupuk kulit serta ada sate babi nya juga. Disajikan dengan side dish sup daging babi juga yang dominan rasa asin.

Lokasi makan adalah ruko yang nyaman, bersih dan semi outdoor. Area parkir luas dan sampai saat review ini dibuat bebas parkir disana. Ambience musik gamelan dan ornamen khas Bali membuat acara makan semakin serasa di Bali. Recomended!

24 Oktober 2023 4:51

Rasa nya ok, kuah soup nya enak
Harga terlalu mahal
Porsi nya sedikit.
Potongan Kulit babi kecil sekali
Buat referensi yg punya cobain deh nasi bali peneleh.mantapp dan lebih murah

17 September 2023 2:05

Meja makannya terlalu kecil, dan suasana masih panas, mungkin penghijauannya masih kurang. Kalau makanannya lumayan, hanya bagian kulit babinya kurang crispi

02 September 2023 13:01

Nasi campurnya biasa saja. Yg ok hanya kerupu kulit babinya, top banget. Daging agak berminyak begitu juga kuahnya.

15 Agustus 2023 16:12

Came back several times. Good food, fast service, friendly staff. Too bad until today the customer has to pay for the extra soup.

26 Juli 2023 21:46

Saya langganan banget makan ini dr dulu, tp dulu enak bgt rasanya asin gurih pas 10/12 lah sm karya rebo bali, tp skr udh 2x coba makan lagi rasanya smua maniss oarah smua di kasi gula jadi ngga enak, bawang goreng nya dlu asin pedes skr maniss, bumbu kuning manis, sayur manis, Kalo saran dibalikin ke rasa awal much betterr, akhirnya g abisin lauk nya, semua terlalu manis.

26 Juli 2023 14:53

Went here past lunch time and is still crowded, the place isn’t large and it has no air conditioning. You have to place your order and directly pay at the counter before your order gets served. It took too long for the food to be served. However the babi guling here tastes great. Everything is flavorful including the soup served on the side. Portion size is just okay though it is quite expensive compared to a some babi guling places in bali. Its good enough to ‘menyembuhkan kangen’ from bali’s babi guling. Overall this is a good place if you really miss bali ‍️

30 Mei 2023 0:39

Simple option to eat Bali's famous dish, you order at the cashier, choose nasi campur/ nasi babi guling/ sate bali and pay in advance. The serving time was fast. The portion was enough, a little bit pricey, but well, this is pork, so it was understandable. The taste was good, not too spicy, and not too tasty. You have to try "es jeruk", a little bit sour, but it goes well with the food.

The place is not too spacious. It's hot at noon, and it will be difficult if you come with a group. It's not a place where you want to eat and chat; it's a place that will save you from hunger attack in a fast way.

28 Mei 2023 5:09

Great authentic Balinese food. Probably one of the best around Jakarta / Tangerang. Seasoning is great, generous portion. Unfortunately no air con room. Can get rather hot and uncomfortable during lunch time.

21 Mei 2023 12:47

Nasi campur babi terbaik di Tangerang. Rasa otentik hampir mirip banget sama nasi campur yang ada di Bali. Best!?

20 Mei 2023 5:00

Great food. But the pork satay a lil bit salty. The taste quite authentic. Place kinda hot when crowded.

19 Mei 2023 2:36

Akhirnya cobain warung Bali enaaak! Porsinya pas cenderung banyak buat saya, semuanya enak dan fresh. Paling enak emang nasi campurnya, gak ada lawan. Satenya lembut, bumbu meresap betul. Sambal matahnya sedep! Kuahnya pun isinya lumayan loh!

10 Mei 2023 16:02

Babi guling nya enak n authentic tapi agak mahal. Standar harga babi guling di serpong. Variasi babi nya lumayan banyak.

05 April 2023 0:15

Nasi campur nya enak, bumbu nya gurih, tapi daging2 yang saya dapat, termasuk urutan, terlalu banyak lemak nya termasuk sate. Tempat bya biasa aja, tapi ada lagu2 Bali nya bikin suasana mirip2 di Bali hehe

28 Maret 2023 14:50

Enak. Bumbu terasa. Mengenyangkan dan tempatnya bersih. Sangat rekomen buat dicoba para bebong lovers

23 Februari 2023 21:59

Sebenernya enak cuma karena sambel2annya gak ada yg pedes jadi kurang nendang.biasa makan nasi bigul itu enak krn pedes, ini gak pedes sama sekali.porsi jg lumayan kecil.

19 Desember 2022 4:15

Tastes wonderful. But service was kinda meh. They gave us our order, and not all of them yet. So they asked our remaining orders (2 white rices and drinks). They came back and gave us 1 rice, and told us that we ordered only one extra white rice in a way that made us felt offended (Why can’t they check their system? Why would we lie for an extra white rice? We felt that we got accused over … an extra rice?)
We showed our receipts to them, and after they verified the amount of extra rice was 2, they went back to the kitchen to serve our remaining 1 extra rice. Why simple task like that have to get customers involvement? You can verify it first from your order system without the need to give the wrong impression to your customer.
Hopefully this can be a reference for Pradnyani, to be more thorough through their system, their SOP, and how they train their staff.
Might change my rating later. Thank you in advance

01 Desember 2022 23:28

Makan sate babi bumbu bali di sini, dingin sate nya.mestinya di panasin untuk disantap.rasa satenya ok juga.coba ayam betutu nya biasa saja, bumbu kurang meresap ke ayam nya.nasi goreng nya ok lah.

11 November 2022 13:56

Pelayanan nya nyolot banget, Kasir saya cuman nanya, perbedaan nasi campur dan masi babi guling tok apa, dia bilang TUH TUH TUH liat di gambar, dengan nada yang tidak enak juga, Bukan hanya itu saat kita pesen nasi 2, yang sudah mreka punya data apa saja yang kita beli, mreka malah nanya tadi ada tambahan nasi berapa, dan ketika kita bilang 2, dia blg, di kita cuman 1 nih dengan nada yg tidak enak juga, kayak kita seolah2 bohong cuman karna nasi? 7 ribu? Saat kita kasi unjuk struk dan membuktikan nasi nya beli 2 baru malu dan balik ke bawah, TOLONG PELAYANAN NYA DI TINGKATKAN, walaupun maknanya enak saya sangat kecewa dengan pelayanannya.

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