Warung Taman Gemitir

Alamat Jalan Raya Denpasar Singaraja, Banjar Pacung No.km.40, Baturiti, Bali
Telepon +62 812-3674-0069
Situs web www.baligemitir.com
Kategori Nasi goreng restaurant, Balinese restaurant
Peringkat 4 37 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Warung Padmasari — Jl. Padma No.14, Legian, Kuta, Bali
Goemerot Restaurant - Denpasar — Jl. Tukad Gangga No.8, Dauh Puri Klod, Denpasar Selatan, Bali
Borneo 8 — Jl. Raya Ubud No.23, Ubud, Bali
Warung Beach Breeze — Jl. Cemara No.72bb, Sanur, Denpasar Selatan, Bali

Warung Taman Gemitir ulasan

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07 Oktober 2023 20:45

Pelayanan ke sopir sangatlah tidak bagus,
Mentang mentang kita sopir mereka cuek!
1st and last that it!

26 September 2023 10:34

Rasa masakan enak tidak eneg, suasana sejuk, bersih. Toilet jg bersih.pemandangan indah. Jalan ke arah bedugul di kanan jalan

17 September 2023 17:44

Karena masih pagi jadi masih sepi, rasa makanan biasa saja - tidak terlalu istimewa tapi kita bisa lihat pemandangan hijau² dari sini

22 Agustus 2023 6:09

Great place to eat.
We stopped for lunch and the food, the service, the view, the vibe was great.:)
We tried different dishes and all of them were great. I recommend the spring roles - are a bit oily but very tasty.
And of course the pancakes were delicious.
Another good option is Mie goreng - fried nuddels.

14 Juli 2023 4:16

Restaurant little known by tourists, almost all were local people.
The drinks delicious and the chicken curry too.
We ate 5 people, we ordered starters to share, a main each, a drink and two desserts all for €40

11 Juni 2023 17:15

Makanannya uenak, suasananya nyaman buat dinner dan makan keluarga, pelayanannya sangat baik dan cepat, worth it lah dengan harga segitu. Kopinya sedikit over kematangannya. Biasa ada live music, bisa booking tempat buat acara juga, ada indoor dan outdoor tapi karena malam dan hujan jadi gak bisa outdoor, toilet bersih dan estetik, tempatnya oke banget pokoknya.

06 Juni 2023 17:06

The first time eating here, the price is very expensive with an ordinary taste.for 40 thousand rupiah you can only get 5 calamari ring, I know it's big but it's still expensive.very quiet and cool, but we can’t see the full view because it is blocked by the plants in front of the table that they planted.

06 Mei 2023 11:36

Great vibe, country music, amazing options and lovely view. Definitely recommended. Both the fish, chicken, the juices n fruit salad were fresh n tasty.

02 Desember 2022 5:08

Good food good service! Makanan enak banget suasana jg nyaman. Ada live musik. Staff jg ramah, playanan bagus. Utk harga makanan relatif agak mahal. Kalau bisa harga diturunkan sedikit aja. Hehehe. Overall saya suka mampir ke sini. Sukses terus yaa.

08 Juli 2021 11:23

Dari dulu suka kesini. Terutama karena ada bunga gemitir dan sejenis cosmos lainnya.makanannya enak.cukup terjangkau.view bagus, apalagi kemaren pas kesana cuaca cerah. Ada live music aliran country oke punya dg soundsystem oke juga.pokoknya ga nyesel kemaren kesini.

26 Maret 2021 2:38

All the food menu here is served fresh. I like it the most when eating here is "Ikan Nila Nyat-Nyat". Must try if you visit to Bedugul

17 Februari 2021 13:57

Good Foods and Drinks, Great views of fresh air surroundings the premises, nice furnished furnitures, smiley staffs, affordable prices, proper parking (limited). A must try when you visited Bedugul, or passing by from Denpasar/Tabanan to Singaraja, since strategic location at mainroad between those destinations.

28 Januari 2021 8:55

It was my first time eating here at the time with Covid-19 pandemic still lingers. So, when I arrived, the place was empty. Only me and my friend was the guests. We got the benefit to be able to chose wherever we wannabe seated. The view is amazing, the food is delicious with a reasonable price. I really love my experience on their vegetable garden. For me this restaurant is lovely! Your kids can get botanical education too.

13 Oktober 2019 8:10

Tempatnya sejuk dan nyaman. Kebetulan pas itu ada live musiknya. Makanan juga lumayan cukup buat dompet. Pelayanan cepat dan ramah.

13 Maret 2019 9:42

Es jeruk 25 ribu. Wow. I am all about price equals quality but the food is just average. Either you guys lower the price or step up your food game.

19 Februari 2019 3:58

Suasana sejuk pegunungan terasa ketika turun dari kendaraan. Sajian pisang goreng panas dan teh kopi hangat tampaknya menu pembuka andalan. Bagi Anda yang vegetarian jangan khawatir, tersedia juga menu vegetarian. View sawah menyegarkan mata. Nuansa etnik terasa di dalam pondok, membuat betah berlama-lama di sini.

16 Januari 2019 16:11

Tempatnya enak sejuk dan dapet view gunung dan sawah, makanannya lumayan tapi saya baru coba 2 menu aja, ikan nyatnyat sama nasi goreng vegetarian
Saya rasa harga dgn tempat, dan rasa makanannya worthed lah.

I Nyoman Suisnaya
12 Januari 2019 2:07

Terletak di jalan raya denpasar bedugul.
View sangat indah ke arah timur menghadap perbukitan.
Cocok bagi pasangan suami istri ataupun yg baru tahap pacaran.
Kopi hitam dan pisang gorengnya enak.
Udara sejuk
Taman penuh bunga gemitir.

08 Januari 2019 8:52

Nice place, clean, tidy and good service.food are ok.there is free traditional dessert for all customer.enough parking space.great garden with many gemitir flower, that's is why the warung call gemitir.suitable for couple, family and small group.they provide electricity plug in each table.free wifi and the best part is the view is fantastic.highly recommend!

a widiawan
05 Januari 2019 18:30

Tumben mampir kesini karena pas kena macet, waktu pulkam.sepertinya mnrt saya tempat ini lebih cocok u ngopi dan makan snack saja.rasa makanannya standar dan harganya lumayan

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