Villa Rimba

Alamat Kedisan, Tegallalang, Bali
Telepon +62 812-5223-2323
Situs web instagram.com/villarimbaubud
Kategori Lodge, Villa
Peringkat 4.6 16 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Umah Luung Villa — Jl. Banjar Bayad, Desa Melinggih Kelodi, Payangan, Melinggih Kelod, Kecamatan Ubud, Bali
Padi Bali Eco Villas — Jl. Raya Bresela, Beresela, Payangan, Bali
Puri Kawan Tampaksiring — Jl. Kresna, Tampaksiring, Bali
Pondok Dewi — Jl. Pakudui, Kedisan, Bali

Villa Rimba ulasan

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26 Desember 2022 3:54

Very amazing and beautiful villa. I feel like in paradise. Even you stay alone or with family or with friends still you have a quality time without disturbing anyone who stay there, because there's the distance between your room and others. You can request food or cook by your self. There's also many store and local market with low price. The area close to beautiful destination like Tampak Siring Palace, Panglipuran (the cleanest village in the world) waterfall, agricultural terracing, sulfur baths etc.

28 Oktober 2022 21:56

This Villa absolutely stunning, but the road to go here a little bit steep, the view here so beautiful. We got Villa Kama with jungle view. The sound of cicadas quiet disturbing lol. The water heater suddenly went off when I started to shower jn the evening. But overall this villa is worth to stay.

31 Januari 2022 1:19

Tempat yg sangat baik untuk jauh dr keramaian di daerah Ubud. Suasana nya benar-benar hijau dan seger dimata.

Kamarnya luas dan bersih. Kalau pagi hari kita akan disuguhkan dgn pemandangannya bagusss banget.

Kolam renangnya cukup besar, staff yang ramah dan helpful. Mantul deh pokoknya

09 Januari 2022 9:03

Sesuai dengan nama nya. Villa Rimba.
Villa cantik yang sangat lekat dengan alam tapi dengan kenyamanan dan fasilitas yg bagus dan lengkap.
Kamar yang luas, kolam renang juga luas. Suasananya sangat tenang dan damai.
Staff nya juga sangat membantu dan ramah. Top banget

21 Desember 2021 19:03

Tempatnya tenang, nyaman banget, cocok untuk segala jenis perjalanan, untuk sendiri, bareng teman maupun bareng keluarga. Suasananya buat pengen balik lagi. Penjaganya juga rama rama banget, TOP banget

19 Desember 2021 6:06

Villa Rimba.its very beautiful place to spend your days, the room, the jungle view, the pool, the foods and the hospitality of the staff (especially bli Ketut) will make you wont have plan to leave the place.the villa is amazing and very “healing” place, can’t wait to stay there again
Ps: you should try the Ayam betutu and the Durian (you can ask help from bli ketut) and the body massage from “mbok Sri”

13 Desember 2021 7:44

Villa ini Tepat sekali menjadi pilihan bagi yang suka dengan landskap rimba dan hutan, suasana tenang jauh dari hiruk pikuk perkotaan, lokasinya mudah ditempuh. Pelayanannya sempurna, karyawannya ramah, kamar mandi bersih disediakan handuk, soap, shampo, hairdryer, dilengkapi dengan air panas, Ada bathup, villa ini terdiri dari 4 bangunan. 2 bangunan terdiri dari 2 tingkat, bangunan pertama untuk bagian atas adalah kamar, bagian bawah adalah ruangan tamu yang bisa difungsikan sebagai ruangan keluarga atau titik pertemuan, kamar terdapat pada lantai atas, nyaman sekali, bersih, furniturenya semua berkonsep classic dari kayu, penerangannya juga mewah, ada terdapat banyak bantal, tersedia sofa, lemari pakain dan meja panjang, ada kitchennya lengkap dengan peralatan memasak, ada bar kecilnya dan meja makan, terdapat kulkas juga, dibagian depan kamar ada balkonnya dengan sofa dan kursi kayu, kamar dilengkapi ac dan kipas angin, ada kelambu di tempat tidur, udara disekitaran villa sejuk, suhu dingin, kaca jendela terang, bangunan kedua terdiri dari 2 tingkat juga, hanya di lantai 1 aj yang bisa ditempati oleh tamu, dilantai 2 kamar privat ownernya, bangunan ke 3 dan 4 tidak bertingkat, terdapat swimming pool didepan bangunan pertama, bagus banget villanya, memuaskan, bisa karaokean juga bagi yang mau bernyanyi, ada speaker bloetoothnya, disediakan wifi juga.

23 November 2021 10:38

One stop service nih, indah alamnya dapet banget, suasana tenangnya dapet, nyaman berasa villa sendiri.

Cocok banget 2-3 harian di sini sama keluarga atau teman-teman kantoran.

28 September 2021 20:57

Tinggal di villa Rimba berasa dirumah sendiri, saking nyamannya. Jalan menuju villa juga gampang, jalannya pun mulus.

Semoga bisa kembali lagi

05 September 2021 19:05

Terima kasih buat villanya yg cantik, suasana yg sepi dan tenang untuk tafakkur.lanjutkan diskonnya, nanti akan balik lagi

03 September 2021 18:24

Villa yang asri dengan ornamen Bali dan cerita Maha Bharata dan Ramayana, makanannya juga lezaaat

12 April 2021 7:24

Villa cantik terletak di lereng yang agung sambil menghayati lembah yang senantiasa berkabut. Dari lantai 2 terlihat patung GWK dan pantai! Kolam renangnya luar biasa, 15 meter! Di bawah villa ada sumber mata air dan Pura Pesiraman Bayad! Tiap pagi turun naik melewati ratusan anak tangga sambil olah raga. Tak jauh dari Banjar Bayad, desa yang masih asli Bali dengan keramahan penduduknya yang terkenal dengan seniman ukir.

07 September 2019 6:21

Phenomenal place to stay in a rainforest! Just north of Ubud, the Villa is comprised of three separate bedroom and ensuite units. The rooms are beautiful inside and out. One has a kitchen as well. Each have outdoor showers and bath.
There is a main covered outdoor living room, dining and kitchen area as well. The pool is gorgeous and situated in the middle of the property. A few people caretake for the residence and will provide breakfast and you can order transportation or some food for delivery through the hostess.
There are a number of stairs on this property, so be careful if this will be a challenge for you.
We loved the place!

03 April 2019 20:06

We stayed there in january 2019. The location did look great at first glance.

After meeting with the house care lady we moved to the top floor room, this one has a kitchen in it, and is easy to reach from the living room.

After a nights sleep we noticed a few things:
1. The bed is quite small and it did hang trough so we rolled toward each other. Not so good for our backs! Second and that might be the worst: from the bedroom you could hear people WELDING AND USING A FLEX. It seems that there is a nice company of steel works. Oh, it started at 6.30 in the morning!
2.there is no breakfast at in the morning, you have to order it from a nearby restaurant. Downside of that is that (and we did notice that later) it takes quite some time. We found that strange, but after visiting the last evening to that restaurant we noticed that the way to there was the tourist route. It took us 20 minutes, while 5 could be easy. And the person picking up our food also ate, as did the driver, thank god not at our table ;).
3. We had some bug problems, and that is normal becouse it is in the jungle. But the cleaning should be done properly, the refrigirator was dirty. There was an army of ants who atacked the kitchen, and that is also normal, except if it was clean it would be a lot less. The lady who should clean the house (it said 8 hours a day) spend a whole hour cleaning the floor and some dishes.then she moved back to the living qarters that where above our room.to be never seen again that day.
4. The driver that the place promotes is way to expensive and kept whats apping us. We know that in UBUD there is a strickt no use of GRAB or GOJECK, but the prices we have gotten where from a driver that was one hour away, and he was still cheaper then the one that they promoted.

All in all it made us decide that we had to leave a day earlyer and sadly i did not know that the website that has offered it to us has a 14 day time period that you can post a review.

This was below the standard and not priceworthy.

14 Maret 2019 22:14

Good villa. The only problem is neiborhoods who are farmers and sometimes wind brings smell of animals.

18 Mei 2018 21:44

Nice place.have a good room for stay with the best view.back to natural if i could describe all.have 3 room and 1 swimming pool best for big family that want to gather.because this place was on the montain so there is no tv signal but i think that is not a problem because this is the place for escape

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