Ubud Art Market

Alamat Jl. Raya Ubud No.35, Ubud, Bali
Jam 10:00-17:00
Kategori Market
Peringkat 4.2 19 ulasan
Pasar Seni Ubud
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Pasar Blahkiuh — Jl. Ciung Wanara, Blahkiuh, Bali
PD Pasar Bitera Gianyar — Jl. Mahendradata, Bitera, Bali
Pasar Pejeng — Jalan Raya Tampaksiring Bedulu Blahbatuh, Jl. Raya Dr. Ir. Sukarno, Bali
Sayan Night Market — no, Jl. Raya Tebongkang No.39, Singakerta, Bali

Ubud Art Market ulasan

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28 November 2023 22:14

The tourist lane of shame and it has nothing to do with art. Assortment same as in stores with fixed prices.

23 November 2023 21:10

No Art. Should be called Ubud NickNack station.

Very touristy stalls for knick nack vendors. Some clothing.

10 November 2023 5:09

The market doesn't feel any different to any other shops around Ubud, the products are all a bit the same same, so I found it quite disappointing. I did enjoyi walking around seeing what was on offer but there was no fixed pricing which I do like and they just wanted to give you good deal which something you just want to see something and get it without the haggle. Good luck to anyone trying to negotiate. Would have a look but you dont need to spend a lot of time in there.

03 November 2023 16:58

An authentic market with many souvenirs and colorful clothes. Suitable for tourists to buy something as a souvenir and take it with them.

16 Oktober 2023 10:25

In short.it is a complex of some modern constructions in which they have inserted stalls of various kinds for tourists (not food) who could not find open space. Pleasant way to spend two hours browsing and trying to haggle prices, but nothing more. I don't think you can find any wanted pieces in here.

03 Oktober 2023 14:02

A vibrant cultural experience. Offers a wide array of local crafts and artwork. Bargaining is key. Crowded but worth exploring. Great place for souvenirs and unique finds. Immersive Balinese atmosphere. Nearby attractions enhance the visit. A must-visit destination for art and culture enthusiasts

Pengalaman budaya yang dinamis. Menawarkan beragam kerajinan dan karya seni lokal. Tawar-menawar adalah kuncinya. Ramai tapi layak untuk dijelajahi. Tempat yang bagus untuk suvenir dan temuan unik. Suasana Bali yang imersif. Atraksi terdekat meningkatkan kunjungan. Destinasi yang wajib dikunjungi bagi para pecinta seni dan budaya

06 September 2023 12:07

Very interesting local shops! But you need to bargain give them the least price never give up easily eventually you'll end up buying it

27 Agustus 2023 7:13

Beautifully renovated and fun to shop
Discount negotiations required lol
The shop staff are good at Japanese and it's fun just to talk to them.

26 Agustus 2023 3:20

Di pasar ubud kita dpt ide" menarik untuk peluang usaha, harga yg kompetitif dan beragam barang yg djual dipasar ini

21 Agustus 2023 10:21

Pasar wisata Ubud yang isiny para wisatan asing, kurang banget domestiknya.penataanya bagus tp harganya mahal2 mungkin Krn yang berkunjung banyak wisatan asing jadi orang lokal yang main kesana juga dpt harga agak mahal dan gak masuk akal.

18 Agustus 2023 17:49

Gone upmarket to what it was go out the back for older style stores,
Still with the visit

15 Agustus 2023 4:59

One of destinations to stop by while visiting Ubud. There are many Bali's souvenirs and art stuff. You can strolling around the market 'cause Ubud Art Market is walkable and clean area

13 Agustus 2023 16:56

Art market is a stretch for this place. They have all of the mass produced handicraft that you would want, but nothing original or made by local artisans selling at this place, and very limited on artworks. It super depends upon what you are looking for, but not the place if you are looking for anything authentic.

08 Agustus 2023 11:32

Very cool place to go shopping, we can get unique and limited stuff for a wonderful price, apalgi kalo kita pinter nawar hehe

03 Agustus 2023 15:05

Barang yg ada d sini kadang cari d pasar seni lainnya belum tentu ada. Pintar2 nawar ya, meski terkadang ada penjual yg g enak omongannya. Kita g beli, d tawar2in sampe nurunin harga sendiri

26 Juli 2023 16:08

A very good place for buying souvenirs, prizes are too high but make sure you bargain well. Prizes are negotiable

21 Juli 2023 4:51

Tradisional Market di Ubud telah berhasil menghipnotis wisatawan dengan merepresentatifkan ekonomi kerakyatan dengan menjajakan karya seni dan kebutuhan lain nya yang sangat baik dan berkualitas. Sepanjang jalan di pasar ini anda akan melihat karya seni khas Bali yang sungguh Indah sekali

11 Juli 2023 1:43

Buka jam 8-21 WITA, tersedia parkir sepeda motor, mobil hanya drop off, parkir mobil bisa di sentral parkir atau lapangan ubud

10 Juli 2023 13:18

Sekarang mau ke pasar seni ubud sudah tidak enak lagi. Susah cari parkir. Saya rasa kalau terus2 begini tidak ada solusi orang akan kapok. Pasar ubud yg jdi tempat fav sekarang sudah tidak enak.

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