The Blanco Renaissance Museum

Alamat Jl. Raya Campuhan, Sayan, Ubud, Bali
Telepon +62 361 975502
Jam 09:00-17:00
Situs web blancomuseum.com
Kategori Art Museum, Painting, Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.6 22 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Agung Rai Museum of Art — Jl. Raya Pengosekan Ubud, Ubud, Bali
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Rudana Museum — Jl. Cok Rai Pudak No.44, Peliatan, Ubud, Bali
Neka Art Museum — Jalan Raya Sanggingan Campuhan, Kedewatan, Kecamatan Ubud, Bali

The Blanco Renaissance Museum ulasan

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09 November 2023 22:41

The museum itself leaves a strange feeling after viewing; the author was apparently preoccupied with his fantasies. But there is a wonderful restaurant, I recommend visiting it!

07 November 2023 14:32

Entrance is 100,000, with kitas 55,000. Before visiting, I advise you to watch a film based on the life and work of the artist “The Color of Love”

02 November 2023 12:12

Great service, slightly overpriced but it's all worth it.too bad we can't really take pictures inside, it's a shame not to capture the quirky collections

31 Oktober 2023 13:08

Very beautiful pictures,
Bright colors and a unique exhibitionist style.
The tour by Wayan was also very lively and inspiring!

We were late, but they opened for half an hour longer and Wayan took photos of us in the rooms where we were allowed!
Thank you very much!

You weren't allowed to take photos inside!

25 Oktober 2023 9:24

An intimate view into the way this artist lived, gave us a new insight into Bali and why this island became such a global attraction.

Love the fact we could access the studio and sit where he painted!

05 Oktober 2023 16:54

Museum yang dikelola oleh tim dari keluarga Antonio Blanco ini memamerkan karya seni lukisan dan puisi hasil karya beliau. Perawatan yang baik dan penataan ruangannya epik. Pengunjung bisa mengambil foto di spot tertentu saja (studio). Menurut saya, hasil karya beliau sebaiknya untuk ditonton kalangan yang sudah cukup umur (17+) dan cukup bijak dalam menilai makna keindahan coretan beliau.
Di dekat pintu masuk pengunjung bisa mengambil dokumentasi dengan burung peliharaan yg jinak.
Area parkir kendaraan luas, tersedia wastafel dan toilet juga tour guide yang ramah serta informatif. Tiket ada di pintu masuk atas parkiran. Disini juga ada kafe yang asyik buat menikmati kopi sambil nongkrong.

01 September 2023 14:55

I passed by and came in to take a look. It was said that the museum was more like a house of a wealthy family and was open for viewing.

The main building is no longer at the level of a mansion, it is simply like a small palace. The paintings of the owner of the mansion are on display on the first and second floors. They must have done a good job and there are many awards. What’s even more interesting is that each work has a custom-made frame. The picture of durian is framed with a durian-shaped frame, the picture of coconut is framed with coconut, and the picture of a naked girl holding a water bottle is framed with a water bottle.
The master loves grandma very much, and there are many grandmas in the works.
There are birds at the entrance.

I really feel that being rich means being willful, and you have to be famous as early as possible. Even Michael Jackson and Japanese politicians I don’t know have been here, and there are photos in the museum. It's really enviable that someone like the master can live a happy life after becoming famous so early.

After reading it, I thought why all the rich and famous people in Bali are Westerners, the owner of the museum is a Spaniard who married a Balinese dancer, and there is also the biographical movie Bali Forever.

Tickets are 10000 rupiah.

31 Agustus 2023 17:21

Very expensive for such creativity. 100t rp. 99% of the pictures are naked ladies in the same poses. More interesting picture frames. The portraits of men and children were more impressive from an artistic point of view.

28 Agustus 2023 10:01

Terimakasih bapak Banco dan keluarga yang baik hati, mensupport kegiatan, sudah menerima anak2 spesial kami dan berekspresi lewat warna dan coretan. Kedepannya semoga bisa bersinergi kembali

04 Agustus 2023 22:57

Nice museum in a big mansion. It was interesting to learn the history of Mr. Antonio Blanco. The small bird park was awesome too!

03 September 2018 5:31

Salah satu tujuan wisata sekaligus wisata sejarah yang bagus di Ubud Bali bagi yang tertarik dan suka akan seni lukis bagus untuk mempelajari sejarah seorang Masterpiece dan maestro lukis Dunia Don Antonio Blanco. Musium ini sudah menjadi Aset seni dan kebanggaan bagi Bali Khususnya, dan tentu saja bagi Negara Indonesia pada umumnya tentunya.karena tidak di semua negara ada lho.musium lukis bersejarah dari seorang Maestro Lukis Dunia.untuk itu sebagai Bangsa Indonesia sudah seharusnya menghargai dan memelihara warisan sejarah ini.salah satunya adalah The Blanco Renaisance Musium ini.agar lebih dikenal di negara sendiri dan dikenal di Mancanegara.

23 Agustus 2018 4:08

Incredible museum and grounds, the birds are also amazing. I was totally blown away but the art and the building. If you love art its a must see, to learn what this man and his son and family have done and are doing for art and bird preservation is extrordinary, the world needs more people like this. 5 stars for me

18 Agustus 2018 5:26

Musium yang sangat menarik dengan bangunan yang indah dan unik. Koleksi lukisan sangat beragam dan menyajikan cerita masing masing. Dipandu dengan guide yang baik dan ramah, bli wayan.

17 Agustus 2018 6:17

Pictures were good. Never heard of Blanco previously but I enjoyed the art a great deal. However, the pictures were poorly and oddly lit which detracted from them a bit. Not sure why the birds were in cages.

17 Agustus 2018 6:09

A big villa of Blanco was transformed in the museum of his works. Wonderful paintings. Garden with coffee shop, view, parrots, in the shop paintings are available to be bought

15 Agustus 2018 23:40

Di tempat ini kita akan melihat lukisan2 karya Antonio Blanco yang benar2 luar biasa dan sangat mengagumkan. Di sekitar museum terdapat pemandangan yang indah dan tempat untuk bersantai sejenak sambil menikmati minuman gratis yang disajikan. Datanglah dan anda akan terkagum.

12 Agustus 2018 13:24

I cant make any arts so at least I pay respect to the arts coz I enjoyed them.cant take pics inside but the place is great, the restaurant has a great view too

15 Juli 2018 11:42

An intimate feeling of glorious beauty, and grande. Also the wild and rebelious. In level 2 of the museum, you might feel the depthness and loneliness, while in Level 1 you might find Blanco's embracement upon his life events.

14 Juli 2018 7:38

The location is very nice, it has a lush garden where people can take a rest. The museum itself a little bit dark, but explore more to adjacent rooms you'll get more story and a glimpse of the life of the maestro.

10 Juli 2018 16:05

If you absolutely love erotic abstract art, you might like this museum.

I actually spent some time here to understand and admire the paintings.

The museum is well organized and well maintained. The staffs are professional and helpful at the same time.

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