Tenganan ancient village, parking, entrance and information office.

Alamat Tenganan, Bali
Telepon +62 819-1672-8422
Jam 07:00-18:00
Kategori Museum, Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.6 34 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Subak Museum — Jl. Gatot Subroto No.5b, Banjar Anyar, Kediri, Bali
Agung Rai Museum of Art — Jl. Raya Pengosekan Ubud, Ubud, Bali
Arma Museum & Resort — Jl. Made Lebah, MAS, Ubud, Bali
The Ogoh Ogoh Bali Museum (オゴオゴ博物館) — JI.Ayodya No.1 Taman Ayun., Desa Mengwi, Mengwi, Kec. Mengwi, Bali

Tenganan ancient village, parking, entrance and information office. ulasan

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19 November 2023 8:15

Tenganan is a mountain village on the island of Bali with residents of the Bali Aga people, about three kilometers from Candi Dasa. It is one of the few villages in Bali where the pre-Hindu culture has remained alive. The Bali Aga describe themselves as descendants of the indigenous people of Bali.

Jc Da Rocha
04 November 2023 0:01

Authentic village, inhabited with its activities and its inhabitants and school.magnificent in authenticity. I loved it and peaceful as a tourist.go for it

31 Oktober 2023 22:29

We stopped to see it on our way to Amed, it's curious. It doesn't take long to see, it's just a couple of streets. It's free, you give a donation at the exit.

24 Oktober 2023 16:33

Hire the tour guide at the front from the village! There is so much history, very fascinating. Highly recommend to do while in east bali. But be sure to have a driver stay or you won’t have an easy way out.

17 Oktober 2023 19:33

Very educational, understand lots more about Orang Bali Kuno and their traditional.
Way of life quite different from modern Balinese. Free entry, donation only.

26 Juli 2023 9:13

This is my second change to visit tenganan pegeringsingan village and i watch the culture ceremonies “meayunan” and also “siat pandan” even if the weather was too hot but i still enjoy all the moment when i was there

12 Juli 2023 16:07

One of the oldest and most isolated villages with a rich history.

But not the amazing experience I read many people have here.

Expect a lot of mud, rooster fights, trash, food and other touristy stuff. The unique double woven products weren't even made in the village when I asked.

21 Juni 2023 2:10

Finde ich persönlich sehr gut um zu sehen wie die einheimischen hier wirklich mal gelebt haben und noch zum Teil leben

Ed H
19 Februari 2023 9:31

We thoroughly enjoyed our tour with Kadek. Enjoyable explanations of some of the village traditions, the double ikot weaving, the lontar artwork and the variety of musical explanations

15 Januari 2023 23:24

Amazing looking back through time to see how other cultures lived and learning about religious beliefs

12 Januari 2023 18:52

Benar benar desa tradisional yang masih memegang budaya lokal yang sangat kental. Semoga bisa dipertahankan.
Mohon ditingkatkan kebersihannya, agar lebih menarik lagi.

21 Desember 2022 15:51

Ancient, beautiful village where the Bali Aga people have lived for generations, the oldest inhabitants of Bali. The renowned double Ikat cloth is made here, along with other traditional authentic crafts and calligraphy. Almost no tourists were here when I visited. You enter by donation and I strongly suggest you hire a guide to learn about the history of the village and help maintain its unique architecture.

22 Agustus 2022 15:53

Tertarik mengunjungi desa ini karena menjadi salah satu pemenang penghargaan ADWI. Anugerah Desa Wisata Indonesia. Kebetulan kami menginap di Candidasa, jadi cuman sekira 15 menit dah sampai tujuan.

Area parkir luas. Cuman ada bbrp mobil parkir. Banyak toko souvenir berjajar di area parkir. Tetapi masih banyak yang tutup saat kami datang. Kurang tau, apakah karena kami datang pada hari kerja atau karena kepagian.

Tidak ada harga tiket masuk, hanya anjuran utk memberikan donasi seikhlasnya utk kas desa. Boleh tunai atau non tunai. Untuk biaya guide terpisah. Kami sengaja tidak menggunakan guide.

Di dalam kawasan desa, kami menjumpai pemeran sekaligus penjualan souvenir (penulisan di atas) daun lontar, kain tenun khas Pegringsingan, dan persiapan upacara adat. Terdapat ruang pameran sejarah dan prestasi Desa Tenganan di dekat pintu masuk keluar desa.

31 Juli 2022 21:51

Desa adat yg tenang, bangunan2 masih asli dan cukup menyenangkan suasananya, tp mgkn perlu sedikit sentuhan agar lebih indah dan menarik lebih banyak wisatawan.

09 Juli 2022 13:11

Have great time here! I got pre wedding photoshoot last time. The locals very friendly. The village is clean, beautiful, unique, and had ancient aura. Must visit place if u like unique culture in bali

02 Desember 2019 7:51

Cari waktu yang tepat untuk berkunjung kesini, saat saya berkunjung tidak sempat menyaksikan prosesi upacara

02 November 2019 22:29

Definitely another tourist shopping trap. Really do not require a long time here. People are not all authentic.

24 Agustus 2019 22:59

Desa Adat yang Indah dengan Adat Istiadat Bali yg masih dijalankan Oleg penduduk nya, penduduk Desa yang Ramah membuat kita merasa betsy di wilayah ini selain dengan pertanian penduduk Desa melakukan kerajinan juga disini.

01 Juli 2019 0:12

Tempatnya alami, udara segar karena dekat perbukitan. Obyek wisata tentang Bali Aga (Asli Orang Bali) yang wajib dikunjungi. 1jam arah timur dari kota Denpasar, persis sebelum Pantai Candidasa dri arah denpasar. Masyarkat disana welcome dan sangat bersahabat.

09 April 2019 11:07

Desa yang mempertahankan tradisi kuno, tetep jaga alam dan sederhana memang top. Semoga selalu bertahan

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