Tebing Pantai Balangan

Alamat Jl. Pantai Balangan No.54, Jimbaran, South Kuta, Bali
Telepon +62 361 9009270
Jam 00:00-24:00
Situs web www.badungtourism.com
Kategori Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.6 35 ulasan
Cabang terdekat
Balangan Beach — Jl. Pantai Balangan No.54, Jimbaran, South Kuta, Bali
Kubu Beach — AYANA Resort
Dreamland Beach — Jl. Pantai Balangan No.54, Pecatu, South Kuta, Bali
Pantai Pemutih — no, Jl. Pemutih No.1A, Pecatu, Bali
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park — Uluwatu St, Ungasan, South Kuta, Bali
Pura Goa Gong — No.,, Jl. Goa Gong No.1, Jimbaran, Bali
Pura Ulun Siwi Kayangan Jagat — Jl. Raya Uluwatu, Jimbaran, Bali
Patung Garuda Wisnu Kencana — Ungasan, South Kuta, Bali

Tebing Pantai Balangan ulasan

Sortir dengan: tanggal rating tertinggi nilai terendah paling bermanfaat
26 November 2023 16:37

Nature is beautiful, if not for the garbage around.
For those on bikes, the ride is paid)
Of course, you can leave your bike somewhere far away and walk around on foot.
December 2023 from Kazan

31 Oktober 2023 15:45

Nice place to enjoy the view on Balangan Beach or the other side of the cliff. You have to pay to drive in, but it's 5k and there is plenty of space to park. At sunset time there are going to be more people than usual:)

21 Oktober 2023 16:28

Pemandangan 360 derajat, sangat indah apalagi ketika disaat matahari hendak tenggelam, cukup ramai disore hari, terdapat beberapa penjaja makanan dan minuman, jalan belum diaspal sehingga lumayan berdebu, pengunjung tanpa kesadaran akan kebersihan cukup banyak, sehingga terdapat sampah disana sini.

02 Oktober 2023 17:52

Very dramatic ocean, some surfers were out but mostly a deserted spot in the morning anyway

30 September 2023 3:38

Pantai Balangan sangat indah dan unik, lokasinya cocok untuk pemotretan pra-nikah apalagi syuting film dan juga video klip. Cuacanya cukup gerah atau panas dan anginnya kencang sedang, tempat parkirnya sangat luas dan foto kenangan Pantai Balangan tahun 2016.

08 September 2023 8:16

Great view of Balangan beach. There is an observation deck on the top of the cliff, which is a little thrilling. To get here, you have to take a little dirt road. The view towards the airport is also beautiful.

04 September 2023 7:46

The view is very pretty. If you want to access this place with a motor vehicle you will have to pay, all to access a bumpy path still full of tourist rackets.

Moreover, behind the beautiful photos lies another reality, that of the dirt and pollution of this place. Nothing is maintained, it’s a dump.

17 Agustus 2023 14:13

Watching sunset, the one of best places to watch sunset. Everything is right in front of you. No block view.

29 Juli 2023 21:04

If you want amazing views of the beach and coastline in both directions, and you want some great photos, then this is a place to make a stop!
It’s best to drive to the overlook, as the road ends in a parking lot adjacent to it.
If you try to walk there from Balangan Beach, it will take at least 12 to 15 minutes or more walking along the narrow roads up to the parking area.
It is a really popular place to watch sunsets, so it gets a little more crowded around that time of day.

28 Juli 2023 13:22

Tempat santai, cocok buat bercengkrama: D
lebih baik bawa minuman dari rumah agak mahal penjual kelilingnya.harga tiket cuma 5k

28 Juli 2023 10:38

Pantai yg indah
Tebing yg memukau
Tempat prewedd
Pembuatan video klip artis2 ternama
Suasana nyaman

Sore hari lbh bagus
Pagi2 lebih sepi
Saat surut lbh keren
Fasilitas lengkap
Cafe, kmr mandi n toilet
Jalanan mulus, anak tangga cuma pendek

26 Juli 2023 4:38

This is a very beautiful place, multi-level lookouts. Different balconies offer completely different views. Entry 5k

08 Juli 2023 5:27

If the weather is sunny, the sunset here will be even more beautiful. Once to this place is not enough. For real

27 Maret 2023 20:24

First time visit and didnt like it. The view was oke nothing impressive. Also it looks more like a beach front parking lot then a nice spot. It worth a visit but dont have your hopes high.

27 Februari 2023 12:05

Salah satu tempat yg ramah campervan, masuknya hanya bayar parkir 10ribu. Ada parkir dan lampu di kios kios jualan, dan yg terutama based viewnya ajibee.salam yuhuuuu.

14 Januari 2023 4:16

A rought track to get there, lovely costal views and beach.
Mainly frequented by Oz surfers on budget holiday

23 September 2022 1:18

Disini tempat yg bagus buat melihat sunset. Laut biru terbentang luas dihadapan.
Pemandangan tebing disisi utara dan pemandangan pesawat yg antre untuk landing juga terlihat dari sini.
Disisi selatan ada hamparan pantai berpasir putih. Banyak yg berselancar disini dan melakukan sesi foto pre wedding.

08 Agustus 2022 9:23

Walaupun masih sepi pengunjung, tempat nya indah, spot foto diatas tebing dan pemandangan laut lepas
juga terdapat pantai kecil yang masih alami disebelah kiri dan sebelah kanan ada private beach Ayana Resort

25 Juli 2022 1:32

Bagus pemandangannya.
NB. Bagi para pengunjung dimohon jangan buang sampah sembarangan, merusak keindahan pantai (masih ada sampah terutama bagian tebing di depannya itu)

21 Juli 2022 21:53

Menemukan pantai yg baru dikunjungi, bisa dibilang tebing pantai balangan ini salah satu tempat terbaik buat sunset! Pemandangannya dapet banget! Tempatnya jg nyaman banget bwt liat sunset! Kata org Bali tempat ini banyak jadi objek foto prewedding

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