Tarot Reader & Fortune Teller by Haikal

Alamat Jl. Tegal Dukuh IX (Utara), Padangsambian Kaja, Denpasar Barat, Bali
Telepon +62 811-5426-889
Situs web www.fortunetellerbali.com
Kategori Consultant
Peringkat 5 16 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Andana Creative SoHo — Jl. Padang Griya Nusa Padang Estate I No.29, Padangsambian, Denpasar Barat, Bali
Bali Digital Consultant — Jl. Badak Agung III No.7, Sumerta Kelod, East Denpasar, Bali
Hay Concept Consulting — Jl. Raya Kesambi No.8Z, Kerobokan, Kuta Utara, Bali
HIPNOTERAPI — Jl. Antasura No.3, Tonja, Denpasar Utara, Bali

Tarot Reader & Fortune Teller by Haikal ulasan

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24 Februari 2023 4:38

Haikal was a very kind person. He answered to my many questions by reading cards and my palms as long as time allows.

10 Februari 2023 1:27

Sangat membantu apabila sedang bingung dan membutuhkan persepsi lain ttg diri kita dan problemnya. Apa yg disampaikan sesuai dgn yg sdg dialami/dirasakan.
Jd bisa dpt gambaran apa & bgmna menyikapi problem yg dihadapi. Recommended.

08 Februari 2023 16:31

Kalau boleh jujur ini pertama kali nya ramal di peramal tpi sama mas haikal ga berasa takut, karna logis dan masuk akal di akunya, semua saranya ngena di aku jdi ke buka pikiran

harganya agak mahal tpi emang sepadan sih sesi satu jam rasanya kurang

17 Januari 2023 15:48

Good advice. Good person. Good time. Good prespective and prediction.thx haikal will book another ses

13 Januari 2023 7:17

If you would like to find someone who can read the tarot card, I recomend you guys.haikal also have the youtube channel to see the through the tarot, Some of the answers seems like touchable.
Actually i don’t have any photos and the mas haikal was so friendly and easy to understand.will comeback another time

12 Januari 2023 9:01

Thanks a lot for your service, Mas Haikal helped me a lot when in doubt and need to decide which way I have to take. A very kind guy and always try to gives the best service

02 Januari 2023 8:38

Saya melakukan konsultasi jarak jauh dengan Pak Haikal dan itu benar-benar pengalaman yang bagus. Ucapannya langsung ke inti dan prediksi yang dia berikan kepada saya benar. Setidaknya saya bisa membuat keputusan untuk maju dengan sesuatu yang positif. Terima kasih Pak Haikal

25 Desember 2022 19:26

Amazing experience with the cleansing aura. I love it. And feel the burden being lift it.you guys must try the cleansing with him
very realasing
thank you haikal

13 Desember 2022 17:22

I took a 1 year reading with haikal and i cant wait for the next one! Its been more than 3 months since the reading and what he told will happen in Dec came to pass! I waited for this to happen so that i can write a genuine review. It was my first time and the most accurate reading. There was so much clarity, and haikal was very gentle throughout the reading. I felt so much better and able to cope with my situation both in personal life and career vice. 5 star to haikal!

03 November 2019 1:10

I trust sometime we meet someone for one reason either good or bad. Thankfully I met with Mas Haikal, and he can help me to give some advise which is its really TRUE and help me to smooth my ways (Atas seijin Tuhan). Thanks alot, may your gift can help more people and motivate alot of people.the Good things return to you mas.

02 November 2019 8:01

Bener2 apa yg diramalkan gak ada boongnya selalu tepat
Saya ud berapa kli konsultasi am beliau dan semua benar.

11 Oktober 2019 9:40

Owner nya ramah banget, semuanya bisa dibuktikan kebenaran nya (kepercayaan masing2 sih) tapi sejauh ini bener semua dan untuk penjelasan detail. Ga irit ilmu. Sukses terus kak

15 September 2019 2:02

Ak beberapa kali konsultasi dengan mas haikal, saya cocok dengan jasanya. Terima kasih banyak mas haikal atas bantuan2anya. Recommended tarot reader & fortune teller.

14 September 2019 11:22

Sesuatu yg disampaikan dalam ramalan.tadinya merupakan tanda tanya besar? Dan sekarang terbukti secara jelas dan sangat tepat dari apa yg dibacakan pada kartu2 tarot itu. Trimakasi haical.perfect

30 Agustus 2019 14:52

He is the most experienced tarrot reader in town, I always come here if I feel doubt about my life choices. Thanks Haikal! Till we meet again!

24 Juli 2019 6:04

Memuaskan, ga perlu tunggu lama, hasil langsung terlihat! Dan yang saya suka ga basa basi, straight to the poin dan juga memberikan solusi yang semua masih menggunakan nalar.pokoke no kaleng kaleng

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