St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church

Alamat Jl. Kartika Plaza No.107, Kuta, Bali
Telepon +62 361 751144
Jam 00:00-24:00
Situs web www.kutafx.com
Kategori Catholic Church, Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.9 41 ulasan
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St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church ulasan

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21 November 2023 8:04

Worship services are held at 6 a.m. And 6 p.m, and anyone can join.
It is open and available for viewing at other times.
The stained glass is beautiful, the ceiling is high, and the atmosphere is solemn. Weddings are also held here.

19 November 2023 15:40

Always the best place to visit, every sunday you can buy a food in front of the curch area, the price very cheap 10.000 up to 20.000 and the taste very good.

07 November 2023 20:33

Masuk rumah Tuhan selalu bikin hati tenang. And the atmosphere is amazing. Untuk kesini butuh kesabaran karena apabila arah Kuta macet otomatis jadi ikut macet

03 November 2023 4:54

Gereja ini menjadi tujuan utama setiap saya mengunjungi Kuta Bali. Paduan suaranya menjadi nilai tambah buat yg datang dari luar daerah.

27 Oktober 2023 21:46

Pengalaman pertama sy mengunjungi gereje FX Kuta, romo msh muda dan homilinya menarik, bersemangat.luar biasa bisa merayakan ekaristi disini.

18 Oktober 2023 18:51

So far this is the only Catholic church conducts english mass on Sunday 6pm.
Not so crowded as compared to the other masses.
Only downside is one has to be mentally prepare for massive traffic jam after mass ended.

17 Agustus 2023 0:59

Gereja yang sangat terbuka buat semua umat, membangun pertumbuhan rohani yang luar biasa, Tuhan Yesus Memberkati

16 Agustus 2023 1:39

Attend daily mass in this church. Although there were only a few people and it was still early in the morning, the AC had been turned on so it was quite cold. The sound system in this church is very good, almost every word from the Imam can be clearly caught.

20 September 2019 1:45

Gereja Katolik di Kuta, sehingga bagi turis beragama katolik tetap bisa berdoa dalam waktu liburan nya, lokasi strategis di lingkungan hotel dan cafe2.
Gereja sangat lengkap, ada Goa Maria, ruang Adorasi (24 jam).
Misa harian jam 06.00 dan 18.00
Hari harian khusus Jumat 06.00,15.00 dan 18.00
Misa hari minggu 07.00,09.30,15.00,18.00 (bhs Inggris)
Misa setiap tgl 13 dalam bulan: jam 18.00 di Gua Maria

27 Agustus 2019 9:43

Gereja yang penuh kenangan, dari cerita pinggir pagar hingga depan altar semua terekam dalam memori.
Love u FX Kuta.

27 Juli 2019 5:41

Bagus, nyaman, aman bersih, sakral.
Hari2 besar dipastikan Misa disini dan datang lebih awal supaya bisa dapat tempat didalam.

23 Juli 2019 12:50

This beautiful church.always full mass.colect so much money sure can make some budget to hire people to clean its toilets.we really hope our beautiful church can be better.

06 Juli 2019 13:02

Tempat rapih, bersih, gua marianya bagus banget cocok untuk mencari ketenangan
Tempat favorit untuk misa
Tidak boleh merokok di area gereja
Parkiran luas,
Jadwal misa mingguan
Sabtu jam 6 sore (bahasa indonesia)
Minggu jam 7,9.30 pagi, 3 sore (bahasa indonesia), jam 6 sore (bahasa inggris)

01 Juli 2019 7:09

Gereja yang indah, meskipun tidak terlalu besar. Misa hari minggu ada 2 kali di pagi hari dan 2 kali di sore/malam hari.

28 Juni 2019 18:08

Great Church, beautiful choir, and easy to follow English mass at 6: 00pm Sunday. Air-conditioned too!

15 Mei 2019 2:25

My Balinese wife and I have been going here since we got married in the Dalung church a beautiful open garden place 24 years ago. In Dalungt only mass in the local language, the masses in the local gatherings take quite long in both the houses of worship.
St Francis Xavier is now a newer place then the original and very spacious and quite comforting and peaceful.
You may notice the high ceilings with air conditioners and a beautiful alter with angels flying around the cross.
Looking at the angels you will see they are wearing flowing sarongs
with a great blue background.
Well worth a photo after the service ends
The choir sings enthusiastically the mass is vibrant and for tourists and expats the service at 6 pm in English is short and enjoyable.
A nice area for parking many vehicles is well supervised.

13 Mei 2019 23:51

Gereja yang dekat dengan bandara, 10 menit berkendara, gampang di jangkau, misanya harian pagi dan sore jam 6.00-1800 sabtu sore jam 18.00 minggu jam 7.9.30,15.00 (18.00 bahasa inggris) dekat dengan mall dan pantai, selalu ramai orang datang untuk ibadah di du Gereja Katolik ini.

23 April 2019 0:35

A wordships place for Catholic community at Kuta area. Limited parking. Better come early. Please wear proper cloth even the church close to the beach. English mass on Sunday 6 pm.

20 April 2019 22:26

When all of visitor come to Bali and Need Pray to God, U Can Choose this Place. Every Sunday i come to this Place, Pray and Believe to God, He can help us every day. Good and Bad Situation just Believe, God Always be With Us. #KeepPrayingandDoTheBestEveryDayEveryPlace

07 April 2019 17:13

Must visit church when you are in Bali! Super easy to reach as its located in Bali most crowded area (kuta)

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