Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary

Alamat Jl. Monkey Forest, Ubud, Bali
Telepon +62 361 971304
Jam 09:00-17:00
Situs web www.monkeyforestubud.com
Kategori Nature Preserve, Tourist Attraction
Peringkat 4.5 69 ulasan
Perusahaan serupa di dekatnya
Taman Gili Dukuh — Blahkiuh, Kec. Abiansemal, Bali

Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary ulasan

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04 Februari 2019 17:22

Brilliantly organised and scenic. Not cruel to the animals and it is a great day out. Well worth it and well done to the management for keeping this place tidy and very enjoyable

03 Februari 2019 7:29

Nothing so special, greenery and overall park is good, but don't go for monkeys as thr is only 1 kind of monkey in whole park.

31 Januari 2019 8:14

Tempat wisata yg bagus dikunjungi dengan keluarga kalian, tp disarankan gak usah bawa plastik ama tas deh dijamin langsung diambil ama monyetnyaa

31 Januari 2019 8:02

A long time since I was here last and wow what an improvement. Very well setup, cheap to enter and well laid out. Just watch those monkey. They r very forward and can be aggressive. We were “attacked” a few times, one resulting in going to first aid for treatment. Great experience though!

30 Januari 2019 10:02

Very good, monkeys will take stuff from you so very careful if wearing earrings for example. My friend have his hand sanitiser stolen out if his bag by a monkey so if you do have food or anything be careful of them going into your bag. All in all, enjoyed the temple and would definitely recommend to a friend.

30 Januari 2019 3:06

Amazing setup. Monkey temperament ranges from chill to mischievous. Do not provoke or attempt to feed the monkeys. The environment is built to look green, mossy and jungle-like

30 Januari 2019 1:57

Monkey is friendly, suasana nya sangat bagus, harga tiket yang sepadan, sangat interaktif dengan kera disana, jaga barang bawaan anda, taati peraturan yang berlaku, jangan melihat langsung ke mata kera, usahakan jelajahi seluruh tempat di sana.

30 Januari 2019 0:14

Monyetnya banyak tapi boring di dalam. Cm jalan nyari monyet doank ga ada hiburan lain. Tiket masuk 50rb dewasa dan 40rb anak. Parkiran luasp

24 Januari 2019 22:31

Place full of nature. It will be very peaceful if it is less crowded but be careful with what you bring inside. You can use camera and handbag but anything plastic or eatables will be snatched away.worth visiting.

24 Januari 2019 14:53

Nice forest. Excitable monkeys. History written on the entrance. Warnings written in multiple languages all over the park. Overcrowded with tourists than monkeys. Monkeys took our yellow bottle away. Snapped at my yellow trousers. I think the bright colour attracts them. An enjoyable afternoon. A must visit.

23 Januari 2019 20:25

#Bagus, sejuk banyak pohon pohon, adem lah ngliat ijo ijo n banyak monyet. Berasa masuk hutan alami. Trus tiket masuknya 50rb satu orang.

22 Januari 2019 8:34

The closet encounter to monkeys you'd ever experience.
Don't look at them in the eyes though.

21 Januari 2019 18:54

Loved it. No more needs to be said. Don't take food and drink in and follow the rules.they will smell all food and drink

21 Januari 2019 16:23

Amazing place, a real forest in the middle of the city. The price paid is quite cheap (50000 IDR about 3€ as per today's change). The monkeys are free to run (and jump on you!), is a must to visit if you are in Ubud!

18 Januari 2019 0:09

Didn't get chances to take any pictures because I was affraid of the monkeys taking my camera but the place is nice and sweet. There're monkeys everywhere, literally, and they reacted to anything moves. The forest is also cool and calm. It's just at the corner of the town and things already this different. You won't see nothing like this anywhere.

17 Januari 2019 3:01

I really enjoyed our time at the monkey temple. The temple itself is off limits and you're walking around around the temple. Plenty of monkeys, and even friendly ones that'll jump on you if you lean your shoulder close enough. Do not panic, do not fight, they're friendly unless you act hostile.

06 Januari 2019 13:15

Really fun. Not too hot because most of the place is shaded, great views and obviously interactions with monkeys!

06 Januari 2019 0:48

Monkey Forest adalah tempat wisata di Bali yang akan membawa anda menyatu dengan alam. Terletak di Ubud, Bali, Monkey Forest adalah sebuah hutan yang dihuni oleh banyak kera liar. Kera-kera ini dianggap keramat oleh penduduk setempat sehingga tidak boleh diganggu dan dibiarkan hidup bebas di hutan.

Kera di Monkey Forest sangat menyukai makanan, mereka akan berusaha mendapatkan makanan yang anda bawa, walaupun makanan tersebut ada di dalam tas anda.

04 Januari 2019 17:03

Tempatnya kerennnn, lobby nya ademmm banget, toiletnya bersih poll. Tiket worth it lah ya. Terus ada brosur education dalam berbagai bahasa gitu buat pengunjung. Monyetnya lumayan ramah2.kalo dideketin suka teriak: (. Btw monyetnya mirip mantan.

02 Januari 2019 18:26

Tempat tiketnya baru dan bagus, parkiran luas dan akses point nya strategis. Lebih tertata dari sbelumnya, dan harga tiket ckup terjangkau bagi turis domestik.

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